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Morning kitties! :3 how did ya sleep?

Alright, I need your help with the script about the voice over version of peach and bowsette pic!

Think about it and comment below this post with your idea (or! go to the suggestion channel on discord!

check it out!


Your Fifty


Iacopo Marco Ronchi

A me piace questa idea. Peach é nella sua stanza guando viene aggreditta dagli sgerri di Bowser per poi venire legata, imbavagliata e portata via come qui https://www.deviantart.com/iavepo/art/Selena-Gomez-956184935

Alexander Lasker

Bowser: "Let's just wait and see if those plumbers Mario and Luigi come to save you princess..." Peach: "hmmmm lmmt mm gmm!" usual gag noises. ;3