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First thing's first: The 2022 Year-End rankings I changed you for last month are basically fully completed. I just have a few little finally polishes to make to complete them, but due to the opportunity cost of List Season, I've held off on doing that until after the 2023 videos are done. I'm very sorry to double charge you guys twice, but I promise you that the 2022 videos will be coming out immediately after 2023's list season videos are completed.

On that note, I really wanted to get 2023's list season videos out in a timely manner, but I unfortunately caught COVID right after Thanksgiving, which knocked me off my feet for several weeks and prevented me from working. I'm feeling better now, so I'm gonna get the videos out as soon as possible, hopefully both within the first two weeks of January. The Worst List has been recorded, and editing is well underway.

Thank you for your patience and understanding... if you have any questions, comments or concernts, please feel free to DM me.



Idk how to dm