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Ethan's in the midst of making a video of the Top 20 Worst Almost-Hits of the 2010s, and the other day he messaged me and was like "hey Sean, wanna put Part 1 of this up on your Patreon as an Early Access bonus?" and I was like "yes, I would actually like to do that." So yeah. Here you go. An hour-and-a-half-long Double Agent video exclusively for you guys.

Typically Early Access videos will be reserved for the $10 Tier, but I figure I'd make a special exception and give this one to everyone in every tier, and of course, since this is not a video made by me, I will not be charging for it. Think of this as just a nice little bonus to thank you all for your patience and loyalty... I hope you enjoy it!

As always, please let us know of any mistakes you catch.


Worst Almost-Hits of the 2010's test render (20-11)




Matt Monitto

Awesome! One error I heard: the narration audio gets very quiet suddenly at 1:28:22, then builds back up to normal. One bit of trivia I had to share after Ethan mentioned 2 Chainz's "Dope Peddler": that song samples "The Old Dope Peddler," a 1953 song by satirist Tom Lehrer. When 2 Chainz asked for permission to use the sample, Lehrer responded: "As sole copyright owner of 'The Old Dope Peddler', I grant you motherfuckers permission to do this. Please give my regards to Mr. Chainz, or may I call him 2?"


Great list. One song that's listworthy imo is Zombie by Bad Wolves, one of the worst covers of a classic song I've ever heard. And it charted for a while in 2018.


I fixed ajr for you! https://youtube.com/shorts/vLzgoTFs_UU?feature=shared


this video has made me go through the bangladesh production back catalogue to see if he really is as bad as he seems seems he made my least favourite jls song https://youtu.be/0z0rcrG9fBQ?feature=shared this is a musical cluster headache

big red radish

i cannot believe i got the guess on 18 right based purely on "what's the worst possible guess i could make"


I’m gonna be honest. I like some AJR songs.