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Hey guys, I just wanted to make a post regarding the future of Grab Bag Reviews.

As I've said before, I basically had to put all video production on hold throughout the second half of 2022 in order to take care of my family, and that unfortunately included producgion on Grab Bag Reviews. I know that this was particularly disappointing for many of you, especially my top supporters, since GBR is one of the primary reasons that many of you signed up to my Patreon in the first place. I wanted to make this post to apologize for such a long break in the series, and to give you guys some updates on what will be happening moving forward.

First of all: Yes, a new Grab Bag Reviews is in the works and should be coming out soon. I'm working on it as we speak, and while I'm not going to make a promise for any specific date, just know that the scripting is well underway, and that these videos are pretty easy to edit.

While I'm unfortunately not able to accept any new $20 Patron Requests at the moment, I am going to be honoring all Top Patron Requests that have been submitted since last summer, even if you're not a Top Supporter anymore. I figure that is the absolute least I can do considering how long this episode has taken to produce. The support of my Patrons has been imperitive to my mental and financial wellbeing during this personal crisis of mine, and I truly can't thank you all enough for bearing with me and continuing to support me through these hard times.

Last but not least, I am going to be reformatting Grab Bag Reviews in a way that should hopefully make it easier to produce more frequently. You don't need to worry about the specifics of that now, the important thing is that I'm able to handle more requests and present them in a more digestable format without compromising the quality or quantity of the reviews.

I know that I've gone kind of radio silent about GBR over the past year, but please know that that's only because of my personal situation, a situation which has now become much more managable. GBR is still one of my top-priority series, and I can't wait to share the next episode with you all as soon as possible. If you have any questions about any of this, my DMs are always open.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,



Muse of Salzburg

No one worth their weight in salt is going to have a problem with you prioritising personal issues over providing strangers with entertainment. Glad you’ve reached a point where things are non critical enough that you can shift focus. I had to step down my tier because of job stuff, so I wasn’t expecting my Grab Bag choice to get reviewed, so this is welcome news :). Once things have settled on my end, stepping back up to top tier is one of the first rings I’ll do :)


You are the best, Sean.