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Hey guys, I just want to let you know that, after thinking about it for a long time, I've decided that I'm gonna start charging my Patrons for each new episode of Grab Bag Reviews, thus turning GBR into a "main-series" video, as it were.

The reason for this is pretty straightforward. When I started Grab Bag Reviews, it was meant as a side series where I talked about only 10 songs in each episode, and I was happy to do research and script-writing on those ten songs as a sort of reward for my Patrons that I wouldn't charge for. However, now that I have so many Top Patron requests for each episode, I'm finding myself talking about more than 60 songs per episode, which requires just as much if not more work than my countdowns and rankings. Each episode of GBR now takes several weeks to complete, and frankly, it's simply no longer feasible to put all of that time and effort into a "bonus" video. 

I don't want to stop Grab Bag Reviews, nor do I want to reduce it in scope at all. I love seeing the community come together every three months to see which songs you guys have voted in, and the Top Patron picks always bring forward an incredible variety of music that I love showcasing and discussing. GBR seems to be a fan-favorite series on my channel and pulls in nearly as many views as the rest of my "main-series" content, so I want it to stay the way it is now with no compromises. I think that continuing with the series as-is going forward while counting it as a paid main-series video is the best way to go about it.

Thank you all for understanding. The next episode of Grab Bag Reviews is being edited now, and should be out before long... see you then!




Completely support this decision,


I’m new but I already assumed I was going to be charged for GBR. Definitely seems main series to me! Looking forward to it