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Y'all, my whole life is in boxes and bags but I'm FINALLY in my own apartment again. I'm exhausted. I have a huge migraine. I also got multiple pieces of bad news while we were packing yesterday.

But at the same time, I'm so happy I could cry.

This computer is not even plugged in right now, but once I get everything organized and set up again I'm gonna do a fucking livestream cuz I MISS Y'ALL!!! 

Thank you for sticking through this challenging time with me and for showing so much love and support and for keeping my spirits up with lots of great music and videos! I literally wouldn't be able to be in this space if it weren't for y'all and I promise I'm gonna do even MORE for you now that I have the space and time to!

I love you, friends! 💚




Congratulations! I’m so excited for you entering this new phase of your life!

Khadija RiVerse

Thank youuuuuuu! I hope that this new energy helps me keep bringing more joy and fun to your lives as well! 💚

Gina ODierno

Congratulations!!! Migraine and exhaustion is completely understandable given the impact of "moving" is considered a major life event. So excited for you and what's next, but please do rest and get settled to then be able to do all that you do for others fully replenished.