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I'm so mad. I'm soooooo mad. 

I usually test audio before I start recording and I didn't that time cuz I wanted to finish what I missed before my whole family woke up and started making noise and nowwwwww... there's no audio. One tiny setting and the whole footage is worthless. I'm so mad.

I guess I'll watch it again at some point? But it isn't the same as the full on anxiety and real stress of watching for the first time. Ugh. 

I really liked that episode, too! It was so fun watching the performances. 

I'm so mad. 



Gina ODierno

Ohhhhh nooooo!! That sucks. Well, at least Ep 4 is full of fun performances that you might pick up extra details on during the second watch. I would suggest watching the "Love Me Right" G team performance from the end of EP 3 right before re-watching/re-recording Ep 4. I found it interesting that only the "Love Me Right" teams had their performances split apart by a week and a full hour, which made it harder for viewers to really compare and maybe react to some of the vote count tallies between K and G teams, but still both performances were soo good.

Meral Kasem

Don't worry! It happens to the best hahaha. So don't stress yourself about it, you can only learn from it for the future :) I don't think you really have to rewatch the whole episode, unless you wanto of course. I certainly wouldn't mind! But you could also just watch the performances on youtube if you want to refilm your reactions :) And if you haven't watched ep 5 yet, maybe you could give us a little recap of your thoughts on ep 4 beforehand? Like, what were your fav peformances of this round? Who stood out to you (positively or negatively)? What did you think of the audience's votes? Do you agree with them or not? Such things maybe! Or you could also tell us those thoughts throughout ep 5, when the groups are up for the announcement of survivors! Because I just remembered that they call out the two groups competing and then announce the trainees moving forward to the next round within those groups, one after the other.

Khadija RiVerse

Yeah, it was weird to see K Group's Love Me Right at the end cuz I had to remind myself what G Group did. I think I said (in my original recording, which nobody can hear) that I understand why they built the drama that way but it is totally unfair to do it that way so viewers can't properly compare... I was planning to react to some of the full performances anyway. I'm SO glad I decided to wait cuz I would have lost the audio on those, too! I'll watch them soon and try to fix Episode 4. *sigh*

Khadija RiVerse

Yeah, it's only about 90 mins of the episode that I lost the audio for. I don't think I'll re-watch it, though. The GENUINE emotions I was having on the first watch can't be re-created! haha. I'll think of something to try to salvage it! I did give some of my thoughts/feedback on which performances I liked and which contestants were standing out to me while I was recording the episode. I can probably do a little re-cap before I start each new episode too - I ALSO need to reminder before we start into the new stuff!