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Y'all, the way I just put on half a face of makeup and was about to add lashes... then just immediately wiped it all off. 🥴

I was going to do an EXO MEGA Reaction, cuz there are so many videos I want to see and haven't had a chance to yet. I plan on watching 'Hear Me Out,' the full Killing Voice, 'Cream Soda' MV, their reaction to 'Cream Soda,' and the 'Cream Soda' Dance Practice. 

And then I heard my niece come in the house and just immediately started taking the makeup off. It isn't happening today. Two seconds later, a little voice talking to me at my bedroom door (and hasn't stopped since - she's sitting on the bed behind me, prattling away about who knows what lol). And as soon as the makeup was all off, my father started using a blender in the kitchen. That's been going on about 10 mins now as he keeps adjusting, adding new ingredients, blending some more. 🙉

I'm trying to find the perfect times to film and it's just impossible. As soon as I wake up in the morning, my parents are talking, they're making phone calls to family members (why do people of a certain generation all have to be on speaker phone and why are they all yelling at each other? Hold the phone to your ear and talk at a normal volume), my mom is re-organizing everything in the whole house and wanting my opinion on everything (Ma'am, I literally do not care; put the bookshelf wherever you want it). Then there's a tiny window of time where it gets quiet... unless the kids are home. Then they're noisy, visitors start coming over, every device in the house is playing different videos/music at the same time. 😫 It's just so loud, all the time.

I dunno mannnnnn. For my channel, I don't know what to do. For my own sanity (I'm neurodivergent and introverted! This is torture to my nervous system), I don't know what to do.

Those of you who were here from the beginning of my channel, you heard that this was supposed to be temporary and I'd be moving in June. That turned into a whole dramatic situation with the subletter refusing to leave my home... which is no longer my home cuz I've been evicted cuz of it (...I loved my little apartment 😥) and it's turned into a legal battle. I am beyond grateful to my parents who convinced a neighbour to rent his place to me, but I can't move there 'til September. This place is significantly more expensive than my apartment was, though, so I literally can't afford to just STOP making content until September - I need to save as much as I can. 

I dunno what the solution is, y'all. *sigh* Doing these reactions actually has made me so happy and been the perfect distraction from the chaos that is everything else in my life right now. Doing livestreams was so much fun, hanging out with all of you and chatting and laughing and hearing great music (the connection issues last time were partly due to a house full of people also using the internet, so I don't think I'll be doing any more of those for a while). And the small, small amount of money I've been making here on Patreon is actually saving me right now. So I just don't really know.

Not sure why I'm posting this, other than to kind of explain why there are gonna be less videos here and on YouTube this summer. And... to scream into the void a little bit, I guess... 

Anyway, that's my mood today. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll film these EXO reactions in that little glorious Window of Quiet in this house and that will make me feel better!!

I love you all. Thanks for being here. Thanks for being part of this happy space for me. I hope these videos also make you feel happy when you watch them. There will be more soon, I promise. This is temporary... and when it's all over, we'll be laughingggggg! 


Heather Judge

You're living situations isn't ideal for what you want to do and you should try to keep your life as stress free as possible so take your time. I'm sure everyone on your patreon, if not your youtube channel, can wait for when you feel comfortable doing the reactions.

Khadija RiVerse

Thank you for this, Heather. Honestly, the biggest issue is that *I* want to be filming reactions. I am so glad the Patreon community and even YouTube has been so kind and supportive so far, I know y'all aren't pressuring me. I'm mostly pressuring myself, cuz I WANT to be doing more. Just gotta be patient and trust that things will work out, I guess...

Meral Kasem

Take your time and don't stress yourself out too much. Your life and well-being comes first, anything kpop can wait. And we'll still be here, even if things are going slowly with yt and patreon. So don't worry too much :)

Khadija RiVerse

Thanks, Meral! The biggest stress is mostly that I WANT to be filming more k-pop content! I want to hear everything, I want to talk to you all about how much I love the music, I wanna see all the new comebacks. And, also, creating new content for Patreon is what is bringing in the most income right now... which I need in order to afford a new place. So it's kind of a catch-22 hahaha. It will all work out, though. I'll be okay!