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Y'all, it's been... quite a time. You know sometimes you have periods of life that you're just like, "Ok, I'm gonna look back on this one day and be proud of how far I've come." That's what this period of life feels like for me. 

I realized I didn't do a gratitude post this week and that makes me sad. Cuz I'm grateful for each and every one of you!!!!! I also don't have a lot of new patrons this week (*sigh* probably cuz I haven't posted much this week), so on Sunday I'll do a double-Thank You! 

I had a long day with RiVerse today and, I swear to you, as soon as I finally got home, the first thing I wanted to do was check Patreon, see who's commented or messaged, and start editing more videos for y'all! This is my happy place right now! So thanks for being here, everyone!!!

That being said, I'm working on all those 3rd gen videos we watched a couple weeks ago. Those will be uploaded soon!!!! 

That's all! I adore all of you! 💚



big love to you(: please get your rest!! y’all did great today

Khadija RiVerse

Thanks Vick! It was so nice to have you there! It's been so long since all of RiVerse got to connect with iV League (and new iV League) in that way!