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Nate pulled the BMW outside of the terminal gate, slowly putting the car in park before turning to his bride in the passenger seat. Sarah gave him a soft smile before speaking, "I'm gonna miss you guys." She turned a little further, smiling at her two kids in the backseat. They both hated she thought of them as kids but they always would be just that to her. It was hard for her to imagine her youngest was already a junior in college.

"We'll miss you too, baby." Nate kissed Sarah on the lips, slipping his tongue into his sexy wife's mouth.

Shaun and Emma rolled their eyes in disgust. Why their mother had to marry this asshole who was barely older than Shaun they would never understand. "Nate, come on."  Emma groaned, Shaun had immediately turned his attention back to his phone and ignored the two like he had for the last year. He had been sure this wouldn’t last and had made it a point to rarely even be in the same room as the smaller man.

"Hey," Nate chuckled, pulling away from Sarah, "I can't help it, your mother is just so beautiful." He said, giving her a smirk and a wink. Causing Sarah to giggle as she felt a small blush come to her cheeks before playfully slapped at his arm.

"You'll see me again soon enough." She smiled.

"A month is a lifetime." Nate said, already having a few ideas of how to pass the time.

"I know. But just remember what you'll get when you get back."

"Ma!" Emma yelled, disgusted at the implication of her mother having sex, let alone with a man she was sure was just a gold digger.

"Sorry, dear." Sarah flashed her daughter a smile, though she was not really sorry at all. The best thing about their relationship was how young he made her feel. Sarah was closer to fifty than she was forty now and being married to a man fifteen years her younger somehow made her feel in her twenties again. "I'll miss you guys too." She reached into the back and gave Emma a hug.

“I’ll miss you too, ma.” she said gently, giving her mother a squeeze, “Promise you’ll be back in time for my birthday?” Emma hated sounding like a child, but her favorite part of her birthday was being with her mother and father. And especially since her father passed she wanted to spend more time with her mother before she… Emma forced herself to stop such a horrible thought and simply enjoy the hug with her mother.

“Nothing on heaven or earth will stop me.” Sarah said, already mentally juggling things around on this month's schedule to increase the odds of her being able to keep that promise. Her children were adults and understood that sometimes plans didn’t work out no matter how hard you tried, but she always worked her hardest to keep her promises to her children.

“My baby boy.” Sarah leaned further out of her seat, reaching back and hugging Shaun. Happy he had come to see her off with how busy he had been.

“Ma, I’m twenty-five!”

“You’ll always be my baby boy, even if you were eighty.”  She kissed his cheek, knowing it would make him blush.

“Ma!” he groaned, wiping his cheek with his hand.

“I love you.” Sarah patted the cheek he just wiped with his sleeve.

“You too.” he whined, still wiping the imaginary stain away from his face as he got out of the car and took his mother’s bag out of the back. Sarah made sure her lipstick would never stain, of course. If it couldn’t hold up kissing her son’s cheek it certainly couldn’t hold up at a lunch or dinner meeting where food and drinks would be served.

Sitting back in her seat she caught Nate staring at her butt and gave him a knowing smile. “Love you too.” She kissed his cheek one final time before she stepped out of the car and gave Shaun a final hug and took her bag before he took her seat.

“You too, babe.” He smiled as he watched her walking away, her hips swaying seductively just for him.

“Nate!” Emma yelled from the backseat.

“Right, off we go.” He put the car in drive and drove off.

As Shaun got into the front seat Emma pushed on the back of it with her foot, causing him to look back at her. “Why didn’t you take my bags out of the trunk when you dropped me off for spring break?”

“Simple, I will always be Ma’s baby boy, and you will always be my bratty little sister.”

Nathan ignored the two the best he could. Emma looked so much like a younger version of his wife, she would be prettier if she smiled more often. Something he only said out loud once when he had more alcohol than food in his system when Sarah was out of town for another one of her trips. He hadn’t formed much of an opinion about Shaun. He was Sarah’s oldest, about four inches taller than him and five years his junior. He knew he was out of work, but had his CPA cert, but this trip up to the airport might have been one of the longest times they had been in this close proximity.

Pulling away from the airport, Nathan thought back to that first day he had met Sarah. It was hard for him to believe that a year ago he had been free and single. Sarah had acted insulted, but she was like any other woman, and played hard to get at first. But she ultimately said she would love to go on a date with him. A simple steak dinner turned into wine and drinks, which turned into a roll in the hay after he brought her back to his apartment. Nate smiled at the memory with pride, the next morning she had declared he had given her the best orgasm of her entire life. He made a joke the next morning as she was putting her clothes back on that she still didn’t fulfill her part of the deal. “I believe the deal was for dinner.” She glared at him in a way that only turned him on more.

“I did ask you to marry me as well.”

She continued to glare at the young man as she thought about it, she had married her husband after a long courtship, having been friends for many years before they started dating in jr.high. He was always trying to get her to step outside of her comfort zone “Life is for living, taste all the spices of life, let things happen and just enjoy the ride!” he was fond of telling her. She had always been diligent in her studies and at work, she had many girlfriends who had told her of wild weekends and fun stories that she simply had few of, and the ones she did were a result of following her love on one of his crazy adventures.

“Why not!” She smiled, throwing her pants somewhere in the loft and dove on the hunky man. Nathan was unaware of any of this, or that she believed her late husband would actually be proud of her for following an impulse.

He only knew the woman’s sharp look in her eyes before she pounced on him, made him as hard as steel. He loved the fact that despite her age she still had great perky breasts.

They had sex and borboun for breakfast. For lunch Nate and Sarah boarded a private jet, Sarah straddling his lap, as they made out like teenagers and she joined the mile high club for the first time. They ate dinner in Las Vegas to celebrate their sudden nuptials. Nate later convinced Sarah to play blackjack. Despite it being her first time at the game she was incredibly smart and had a mind for numbers and walked away from the table with three thousand dollars in chips. Upon cashing in the chips and hearing it was their honeymoon the casino comped the newlyweds a suite for the evening.

Come Monday morning he was eating breakfast with his new bride, normally he would be freaking out and trying to find a way out of it but, as he watched her stretching in the soft pink terry cloth robe that exposed her large breasts, teasing him she closed her robe and quickly flashed him with a hint of nipple before bursting into a schoolgirl giggle, he decided maybe it wouldn’t be so bad being married. She was a lot hotter than most women in their forties, she seemed an insatiable wildcat in bed, and she had her own job, granted she was just a secretary so it wasn’t a lot of money but he could figure something out to protect what was his, in case things went sour.

As it happened Sarah was on board when he brought it up on the plane ride back to Chicago Tuesday evening, having spent most of Monday consummating their marriage. Apparently she had told Kenneth all about their whirlwind marriage and he drafted something for each of them to sign that was fair and reasonable. “And you’re okay with that?” He asked curiously.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Most women would think it takes the romance out of marriage.”

Sarah smirked, ‘Good thing he’s cute.’ “Marriage is a contract between two people. It only makes sense that we protect ourselves. I wear a seatbelt whenever I get into a car, it doesn’t stop me from enjoying a road trip.” She offered for comparison, though the last time she went on a road trip was with her late husband to Lake Michigan when Shaun had graduated high school.

“Me too.” He smiled back.

Wednesday morning Nate woke up as his new bride was dressing. He watched with a silent smile as she pulled the black skirt over her garterbelt and white silk panties. “God you’re beautiful.”

“I know.” She laughed, feeling much more confident with her younger husband.

“Oh yea? Do you know what you do to me?”

Sarah turned around and with a smile crawled across the bed until she was sat on top of him. “I know.” She kissed him once more, immediately feeling his cock pulse underneath her skirt.

“Then you should stay.”  he moaned as he slipped his hand underneath her white buttoned top.

She rocked on his crotch while he massaged her breast. Feeling the wetness growing beneath her. If she didn’t stop she might just take him up on his offer. “I can’t.” She moaned, biting her lip as she tried to focus her mind. “I have to work.”

“I’m sure they have any number of secretaries in the steno pool or whatever.”

That did it, her bitter anger was able to wrestle control from her arousal, “I told you. I’m not a secretary.” She pulled his hand out of her top before rolling off of him.


“I’m sorry…assistant then. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“It is…because I’m no one’s assistant.”

“Then what are you?”

“A forensic accountant. And I’m late.” She stood, stuffing her top back into her skirt before leaving. She wasn’t close to being late, not yet, she would never allow that. But she was through with the conversation.

“What’s a forensic accountant?” Nate yelled after his new bride as she stormed out of their bedroom. The only reply he received was the front door slamming. “I should probably figure that out.” He laid back on the soft mattress, cuddling the free pillow, “Later.” He said drifting back to sleep.

Some time in the afternoon Nate woke up with a deep hunger pang in the pit of his stomach and, clad only in his boxers, he went into the kitchen to forage for food. If he had been more awake he would have noticed the dishes were no longer in the sink where they were the night before, nor were the Chinese takeout cartons no longer on the countertop. But he was slightly hungover and had one thought on his mind.

After a few minutes of searching every cupboard he took a pan out of the cupboard and set it on the stove, turned back to the refrigerator and searched in vain for eggs. Walking out of the kitchen he found a small pantry with a freezer. "Ah!" He cheered as he pulled out a package of sausage links and found a bottle of bourbon. “Score.” He uncorked the bottle and took a quick drink from it. Returning to the kitchen he found all the cupboards closed and his pan gone. “What the hell?”

He looked around confused for a moment before placing the package down and finding the pan yet again. Turning around he saw a gorgeous brown haired girl bending over a table, wiping it down with a hand towel. Her back was to him, giving him the perfect view of her ass in her black skirt and the tattoo on the small of her back briefly exposed by her pastel pink peasant top. Nate smirked, as he approached his woman. “Damn, you got a nice ass.” He slapped her perfect ass, making sure to grab as much of it as he could.

The girl spun around quickly, “Who the hell are you?!” She screamed, spraying the strange half naked man in the face with pine cleaner.

" Shit! Ow, ow You're not Sarah?! Fuck… I’m Sarah’s husband, Nate! I’m Sarah’s husband, Nate!” He screamed in pain, covering his eyes, coughing and crumbling to the floor.

“Oh shit!” Emma swore, grabbing Nate by the shoulder and leading him to the kitchen sink. Nate swore and shouted as the strange woman pulled him along, pouring water into his eyes. Sarah had texted her daughter on her way to work, knowing she would be coming by and wanted to avoid giving her daughter a fright.

A few minutes later, when she was sure he wasn’t blind, Emma brought Nate a bottle of water. “I am so, so, sorry.” She said quickly, “She warned me she had…someone over, but I figured you left.” Nate took the water and before he could ask what the hell she was doing there she answered, “I was doing laundry and cleaning up a little for Mom . I thought I was losing my mind. I could’ve sworn I closed the cupboards but then they were open again, and I was like, ‘Whaaaat?’ But I guess that was you?” She laughed, her leg bouncing rapidly under the table.

“Talk about getting off on the wrong foot, huh? She said, doing her best to let go of the fact he slapped her ass, thinking it was her mom or not, it was upsetting.

Nate waved her off swallowing the water, “Who are you?” He coughed.

“Oh, I’m Emma.” She smiled, offering him her hand.

Nate chuckled, and shook her hand gently “Emma, do you think you could help me uh..finish my breakfast?” He waved his hand in front of his eyes, “I’m still, kinda, having some trouble.”

“Huh, oh sure!” She nodded, standing up and walking into the kitchen to start the sausages. Nate watched intently the girl shaking her ass as she put the links in a pan and walked around the kitchen to make a complete breakfast. 'She looks so much like her mother.' He thought as he did his best to watch her, but not seem obvious.  When she finished and sat his plate in front of him her top hung open giving him an excellent view of her chest and the pink bra she wore. ‘Well, those are better.’ He thought with a sly smile. ‘Not that Sarah’s are anything to sneeze at.’ He took the offered fork and stabbed at his breakfast imagining Sarah’s full breasts bouncing as she rode his cock. Emma started talking again but he didn’t pay too much attention, rather imagined how much he would like to fuck her as well. She left soon enough to finish her laundry or cleaning whatever it was she said, leaving Nate to eat in peace.

A few hours later, Sarah returned from work, setting her briefcase down by the door and hanging her purse on the hook above; she excitedly hurried into the living room and hugged her daughter. “Hey my baby.” She cheered, giving her daughter a big hug from behind as she had for over a decade now.

“Ma!” Emma whined even though she would never ask her to stop, “I’m twenty-two! I’m hardly a baby.”

“You’ll always be my baby.” Sarah kissed her daughter’s cheek.

“Yeah…I met Nate.”

Sarah released her daughter, spinning her around to face her with a large animated gasp, “Did you?! What do you think? He’s such a hunk, right?”

“Ma! Gross.” Sarah laughed, letting her go.

“But seriously, what do you think?” She unbuttoned her coat, happy to be out of her more restrictive clothing as she looked towards the kitchen at Nate who busied himself with a beer while grilling steaks on the small flat top on the island in the kitchen and talking to her son Shaun. Her husband had been really excited about the island grill when they first saw the place. What was it about men and grills?

“He’s….okay.” She lied. She didn’t trust him entirely. Her mom suddenly gets a new husband right after getting a promotion and a huge pay raise? Plus, she was sure he had been checking her out all afternoon. But…she wouldn’t have liked him anyway. She was an adult, as she often reminded her mother, but he would always be another man trying to replace her father in her eyes. She wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, for her mom at least. “I don’t really know him yet.”

“That’s fair.” Sarah tucked a strand of hair out of her daughter’s face. “You know I’ll always love you two, right?”

“I know, ma.” She whispered, giving her mother a hug.

In the kitchen Nate cracked open his second beer, flicking the top against the wall before falling into the small trash can in the corner. Shaun did the same, flicking it off of his finger, against his elbow and landing in the can without touching the wall. Nate smirked, “Impressive.” He drank from his bottle, “So…you’re Sarah’s son?”

“Yup.” He nodded, sipping at his beer still staring at the corn on the cob in tinfoil and the the sides of beef on the grill.

“Cool…how old are you?”


“Ah…Sarah mentioned she had kids…I was expecting…toddlers I guess.”

“Nope. I’m all grown up. Just finished college and everything.”

Nate nodded silently. The silence fell between them as they continued staring at the food before Nate flipped both steaks over. “...How’s that going?”

Shaun sighed, “It’s goin’.”

“Sorry to hear that. Say, have you ever thought about being a bartender?” Nathan said, thinking of a way to help Sarah’s kid.


“Yeah.” Nate smiled. “I know a few places that could use an extra set of hands.”

“I don’t think I w-”

“The mixes aren’t that hard and it’s a good way to make money. You know these honeys, they like to be taken out, showered with fancy jewels and all kinds of pretty stuff.” Nathan figured getting him a job and setting him up to be around some girls could earn him some points.

“Honeys.” Shaun didn’t even hide the fact he rolled his eyes, he couldn’t believe Nate just referred to chicks as ‘honeys’.

“They’re expensive, man.”

“Yeah. I’ll think about it.” Shaun said as he walked to the sliding glass door.

“Sure, man. If you ever need some help let me know.” Nate said as Shaun walked out of the kitchen.  Looking back to the grill Nathan tested the meat for tenderness, happy with himself and how he handled meeting Sarah’s kids.

The rest of the dinner continued with Nate blissfully unaware of the inner thoughts of Sarah’s children. Sarah for the most part controlled the conversation, talking about her day as he didn’t have much to talk about outside of the brief comment on her adult children. Nathan found he rather enjoyed having a “family dinner”, even if it only fell into his lap. He was relieved that, since Sarah’s children were adults, she wouldn’t be bothering him for babies. Her son wasn’t much of a man, by his own standards. No job. And, as he found out over dinner, he had failed his certification for…something, he wasn’t paying that much attention. Hopefully he didn’t think he could mooch off Nate and Sarah forever. Taking a hand up was different from taking a handout. Emma was hot and from what he gathered she didn’t mention their awkward first encounter. She was in college for fashion design or something. Not that it mattered. He wouldn’t have to see them but a few times a year if he even decided to stick around with the beautiful cougar he managed to bag.


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