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Nate finally managed to push Shaun away as he tried to catch his breath. For a moment he thought he would pass out, the world around him had grown dark as his heart pounded in his chest. It took a great deal of focus just to keep his eyes open. ‘Not surprising with all this mascara on my face.’ He thought, ‘Ugh and these lashes!’ he blinked several times trying to pry them loose.  ‘Fuck the makeup!’ His mind screamed, ‘I just made out with my stepson!’ He stared up at the big idiot before blushing and turning away. ‘How can I ever look him in the eye again?!’

Shaun smirked even as Natalie pushed him away and broke their kiss. The way she smiled and fluttered her eyes at him he knew she wanted him. Emma was right. Just a little flattery and this girl was putty in his hands. Biting her lip she looked for a waiter. “You’re right, we should get outta here.” He snapped his fingers until their waitress arrived. 

‘Thank god!’ Nate thought as Shaun handed their waitress a card, ‘I’m in the home stretch of this nightmare in hell!’. 

“Come on.” Shaun said as he took Nate’s hand and led the feminized man out of the restaurant.

As Shaun drove home, Nate felt his glitterized phone buzzing in his hand and a horrifying message.

Em: Hey girl! I know your having a fab time on your date and it’s such a beautiful night I wont be upset if you wanna take a little extra time with your new boo!

Em: Remember you still have a lot of pics to earn back.

Nate frowned. It was bad enough that she was making him do this, but she kept twisting the knife with every message and suggestion. “We’re not going h-back to your house yet, are we?”

“We’ll be there soon.” He smirked, ‘Damn she’s eager.’

“Actually…I was having a ni-nice time. I was hoping we could do something…more….romantic, first.” Thinking back to his own dating experiences, Nate took a deep breath as he laid his head on Shaun’s shoulder before looking up at him with a soft pout, “Please?”

‘She’s certainly milking this evening for all it’s worth.’ Shaun thought as he stared down at the small amount of cleavage his date was doing her best to display, ‘Fine.’ he thought with a smirk, ‘In an hour she’ll be milking me for all I’m worth.’ “I think I know a place.” He smiled sweetly, taking Nate’s hand in his and gently rubbing his thumb along her hand, enjoying watching her shiver at his touch again.

The Navy pier was more of a small amusement park crammed into a carnival, hosting dozens of games, tea cup rides, carousels, fun houses, and of course the iconic centennial wheel, all along a boardwalk overlooking the beautiful lake Michigan. Walking along the boardwalk the pair walked hand in hand as a cool breeze blew across the harbor, with his thin frame and shoulders bared to the night air Nate couldn’t help but shiver against the cold. “You cold?”

“A-a little. I feel dumb for not bringing a jacket. But I-” before he could finish Shaun had wrapped his large leather jacket over the feminine man’s shoulders. 

“You shouldn’t feel dumb.” Shaun said, trying to sound comforting, “You just know what you like and let nothing stop you.” He chuckled, “Even the elements.” ‘Or common sense.’ he added to himself.

He wanted to shout at him, curse him out, and throw his stupid jacket back in his face at being cared for like some stupid and vapid girl who cared more about fashion than being safe from the elements! But…after Shaun had worn it all night the jacket was exceptionally warm. Especially against the below freezing temperature. “Thank you.” Instead of taking his frustration out on Shaun, he swallowed more of his male pride and thanked his fake date. “I swear I usually dress smarter than this.” He giggled nervously.

“I think you look beautiful.” Shaun said thinking the girls' use of smarter was probably doing a lot of heavy lifting. Nate’s face flushed from embarrassment but somehow he managed to keep his plastered on smile. “Where too first?” Shaun asked, wrapping his arm around Nate’s waist again.

Nate thought for a second before cheering, “We should play some games before we hit the ferris wheel!” He needed to take more selfies without drawing too much suspicion and that was the perfect venu. 

For the first fifteen minutes Shaun and Nate, or Natalie, went from one game stall to the other, each time Nate took a selfie beforehand, including Shaun in a couple. Nate was lost in his task when the fins of a dart suddenly poked him in the forehead. “Can I help you?” Nate glared at first at the small dart Shaun was tapping against his forehead, and then Shaun himself. If he didn’t know better he would say Shaun was pouting.

“I just wanted to make sure you were still awake.” Shaun chuckled, “You’ve spent more time on your phone than playing.”

“I’m just…making memories of our fun time.” He giggled nervously.

“Pfft.” Shaun glared at his date, “No, I know exactly what’s up.” Nate’s eyes widened, ‘Oh shit!’ his mind screamed, ‘He knows?! He’s gonna kill me and leave my body in the harbor!’ “Yeah.” Shaun sat up straighter and fixed Nate with a smirk, “You’re chicken.”

“It wa-wait what?!”

“Yeah, you know I’m gonna beat you so you know better than even try.”

“I am not!” Nate glared at Shaun who simply rolled his eyes and nodded sarcastically, “You think you’re so great?”

“I know I am.”

“Please, I just didn’t wanna hurt your little man ego.” Nate smiled devilishly, he didn’t know what it meant but he had heard Emma use the phrase enough to know it annoyed the hell out of Shaun every time,  “If I played for real, you wouldn’t stand a chance against me.”

“I don’t know, I’d hate for you to break a nail.” Shaun grabbed her hand in his and stared at her sexy red nails.

Nate snatched his hand free, “Please this game is easy! I could do it blindfolded.” Nate gave the flirtatious boy a cocky smile as he took the dart out of his hand. ‘I owned a bar for years, kid!’ He thought, ‘Darts is my jam.’

“I’d love to see you blindfolded.” Shaun whispered in Nate’s ear, his warm breath causing Nate’s body to tingle, “But I’m still going to win.”

“Not a chance!” Nate shook his head, cursing the cold as he could now feel how painfully erect his nipples were.

Shaun placed another three dollars on the stall’s counter, receiving five darts, two of which he gave to Nate. “You ready?”

“First to three?” 

Shaun chuckled, “If you can get one. I’ll concede.”

“Pfft no way!” Nate rolled his eyes. “I don’t need the kiddy bumpers.”

Shaun nodded with a cocksure grin, “Ladies first.”

‘I’ll make you eat those words.’ Nate gripped the first dart between his fingers and flicked the dart towards his target as he’d done thousands of times before. Unfortunately, where normally he would get a bullseye and the adulation of his bar patrons, his sexy glued on nail caught the fin, sending the dart into a wild spin and dropping far to the right of the actual target. “I…” Nate cleared his throat, “It’s been a while.” If two weeks was classified as a while.

“How about highest score wins?”

“I don’t need your pity.” Nate huffed, taking the second dart in his fingers carefully.

Shaun chuckled, “If you say so. But there’s no way you’re getting three now.”

“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”

“Promise?” Shaun winked.

‘Is he ever not perverted?’ Nate could feel his stomach twisting itself into knots with revulsion as he lobbed the next dart at the board. This one actually hit the board this time, but coming nowhere near a balloon. With a huff Nate looked to Shaun who did his best to hide the Cheshire smile behind his hand. 

“Come on.” He halfheartedly cheered, “You can do it.” His gleeful grin softened, “Just get this one.” Nate’s face burned with rage and embarrassment. He didn’t need this idiot’s pity. It wasn’t even his fault he was doing so miserably. ‘It’s these damn nails!’ Nate rolled the dart between his fingers as he took aim, forcing himself to slow his breathing, he flicked the dart straight at an unpopped balloon in the center of the large board. The dart bounced upwards and flopped to the ground. Nate was in such shock he didn’t notice Shaun putting his arm around him. “It’s okay.” He said softly, “We all have off nights.”  ‘No need to cry over a few darts.’ He thought to himself, fighting to keep the annoyance off of his face.

Nate bit the inside of his cheek, knowing it would be a terrible idea to stomp Shaun’s foot with the strappy block heels he was forced into and leave him crying on the boardwalk. Instead he put on his best smile and looked up at his step-son and said, “The game’s not over. You still have to get three.”

Shaun looked down at the beautiful girl on his arm, “You didn’t even get one.”

“Cause it’s rigged.” he growled angrily. 

Shaun smiled, fighting the urge to toss the darts aside and kiss the tiny coed as he felt a familiar swelling in his crotch. The way her nose crinkled, her brow furrowed, and the fiery glint in her eye that was just so…sexy. “Has anyone ever told you you’re sexy as hell when you’re angry?”

Nate’s eyes widened in horror, “What?!” his face burned red hot, “Shut up and throw your stupid darts.” 

Shaun leered hungrily at Natalie, noticing for the first time how beautiful her mascara was and just how much it made her baby blue eyes stand out. There was something almost…familiar about them. He liked this version of Natalie much better than the one at dinner. He had considered just bedding her the once tonight and maybe a few more times as a booty call, ‘But hell when she’s not babbling on about inane crap…she’s kinda fun.’  “You’re also cute when you’re embarrassed.”

“Shut up!” Nate buried his face in the too long sleeves of Shaun’s jacket as his voice squeaked. ‘Kill me now!’ he was being hit on and flirted with by another guy! And yet he could feel heat radiating off of his ears even now. He had been called cute before, mostly by call girls and his wife, when he would get flustered but no one had called him sexy before.

“Alright.” Shaun chuckled as he pulled her hands from her face, “I wouldn’t want you to think I was cheating.” he explained as he unwrapped himself from her and took the first dart in hand, “Now watch a master at work.” With a gentle motion he lobbed the first dart high only for it to drop at the last moment and pierce the center balloon.

Nate’s eyes widened again in disbelief, “No way!” he hissed, “Beginner’s luck.” he pouted.

“Maybe you’re right,” he said calmly, lobbing another dart into a balloon in the top right corner with a satisfying pop, “Or maybe my dad took me here every year since I was ten.” he shrugged.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Nate buried his face in his hands again.

“So safe to say I win.”

“No way.” Nate lifted his face out of his hands, his anger fueled by his desire to at least not lose, “We said to win you have to get all three.”

Shaun’s eyes narrowed, “Seriously? I clearly beat you.”

“A deal’s a deal. First to three wins.”

“Even though I beat you.”

Nate’s brow furrowed, “I wouldn’t say that.”

“But…I did.”

“I still wouldn’t say it.” 

“Alright.” Shaun sighed, lined up his shot, and just as he was about to throw Nate grabbed Shaun’s butt in a vain attempt to cause him to miss. Despite the desperate act the dart struck a balloon. Unlike the previous two the dart did not connect with the board but simply fell to the ground as the balloon popped anyway.

‘Damn it!’ Nate swore.

“If you wanted to grab my ass all you had to do was ask.”

“I did no such thing.” He lied.

Shaun smirked, shaking his head, as the game attendant handed Shaun his prize. Noticing the defeated pout on Nat’s face as she stared glumly at the ground he took her hands and placed the small prize in her hands. Natalie smiled at the small and fuzzy, pastel blue and pink bear. The soft white belly smelled sweetly of cotton candy. 

Nate stared bitterly at the ground. He never considered himself overly competitive but grabbing Shaun’s butt like he did, maybe he was a bit too competitive. ‘Worst of all it didn’t even work and now he’s gonna strut around like he’s cock of the walk!’ he thought when he felt Shaun take hold of his hands and place the small prize in his hands. The sugary sweet smell of cotton candy filling his nose. When he was a small child he had apparently watched the care bears movies religiously. So one Christmas his mother bought him his favorite bear. Wish bear. Thinking about it even now he couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you.”

Shaun smiled, wrapping his arm around the beautiful Natalie, “Come on, the night’s still young. Think you can do any better at ring toss?”

“When you lose you’re buying me cotton candy.” He smirked as he allowed himself to be led away.

Nate lost track of time as the two played one game after the other. Whether it was ring toss, hoops, who could drink a pint the fastest, or the haunted escape room each tried to best the other in everything. Despite his situation he found he was enjoying himself just a little, likely due to the multiple stalls they stopped at along the way which served alcohol until the pair found themselves in a large pavilion. Still, when he caught sight of himself in the reflection of a storefront window he couldn’t help but stare. His exposed legs were freezing but the woman in the window looked damn sexy in her short skirt. Her chest looked real enough to fool him even though he already knew it was all a padded bra.

Shaun frowned as Natalie was suddenly no longer by his side, instead she had stopped and stared in a storefront window. Worse as he approached is he realized the store she was staring into was a jewelry store and staring at a series of engagement rings, or god willing, the necklaces on the busts atop the glass countertops. ‘Either way, outta my price range.’ He thought as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her somewhere less expensive.

Orange colored lights wrapped around the large wooden slab beams like vines. Their steel supports were wrapped in faux corn stalks as scarecrows stood beneath them on a pile of hay. Along the wall of one building was an oversized connect 4 game that stood at around three feet tall and four feet wide, with a net full of discs the size of flattened out softballs securely nailed to the same wall on either side of the game. In another area further off to the side was a raised platform, barely six inches higher than the rest of the ground, painted in checkerboard pattern red and black with matching checkers the size of dinner plates. In the center of the Pavilion lay a large chess board. The tallest of the pieces, the queen, stood at three feet tall. In a far corner, under an array of lights and jasmine vines, Nathan and Shaun sat on the swinging bench that hung from the beam above.

Nathan thought how twisted it was that, with how close they were in age in any other situation the two might have been drinking buddies but because he had married his mom they could never be friends. In the past hour Nate had enjoyed hanging out with Shaun more than he had ever before. The pair hardly spoke in passing, if at all, and for the most part Nate did understand why. If some hot young stud came in and married his mother he wouldn’t go out of his way to befriend him either. He almost wished for more time like this, not having many friends left over the years, until an ill wind blew ice up his legs and he shivered into Shaun’s arms, reminding him that the only reason he was here was blackmail, and the heavy price he had already paid with his lips at dinner.

Seeing the familiar look in Shaun’s eye as he stared at Nate’s pouty lips, Nate quickly turned his head pointing at the scarecrow in pilgrim garb with his well manicured and painted finger, “Can you believe, they’re already putting up new decorations for thanksgiving?”

“You don’t like thanksgiving?” 

“I do. Just…Halloween was just a couple of days ago. It’s like…can we catch our breath before you bombard us with the next holiday?”

Shaun chuckled, “Well that’s good.”

“What is?”

“You not hating thanksgiving.” Shaun explained, “My mom makes the best pie.”

Nate almost agreed, she was not a whiz in the kitchen but the one thing she knew how to make was an amazing cobbler, until he remembered who he was supposed to be, “That’s great.”

“If you’re still around you’ll have to try some.”

Nate could feel his heart jump into his throat at the thought of Shaun’s mom, his wife, seeing him dressed like this. “I doubt I’ll be around to bother you guys that long.” He tried to laugh it off nonchalantly, but whatever ghastly demon had its hand around his throat at that moment decided to squeeze. And it came out more as a giggle than anything.

For a moment the pair sat in silence, Shaun considering how he wanted to play this. She was hot, and somewhat fun once she loosened up, but he didn’t want to seem too eager or sound like he wanted to date this girl. Yeah she wanted him, that much was obvious from the way she kept twirling her hair and snuggling into him despite wearing his jacket, but girls have rejected him in the past for being too eager or “desperate” as they called him. On the other hand he never had a girl give him a footjob under the table at a restaurant either.

Nate was simply too afraid to speak lest his voice decide to crack again. ‘God, it’s like jr.high all over again.’ He shivered on the cold bench seat and pulled himself closer to the warm body next to him.

“What did you do for halloween?” Shaun asked suddenly, deciding to change the subject for now.

“Huh? Oh me and a couple of gu-irlfriends did a pub crawl.”

“Really.” Shaun smiled, “Me too. What were you a sexy cat? Sexy witch? Sexy Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Maybe we already hooked up and didn’t even know it.”

 “Uh. No. I was…” Nate thought quickly, “I was Rapunzle.” 

Shaun nodded, and took out his phone and quickly searched the internet until he turned the phone towards Nate, “Like this?”

The picture was of a sexy blonde in a purple boned sweetheart crop top and organza sleeves, a purple garter belt and matching shimmer sheer skirt. The so called skirt barely covered the white panties underneath, and what it did cover was plainly seen through the material. The white thigh highs ended at four inch purple stilettos.

“Basically.” Nate sighed mentally, he had thought he had chosen a costume that would be impossible for Shaun to make sexual, and yet somehow he managed.

“Damn, sorry I missed that.”

“Better luck next time.” Nate forced himself to smile. Shivering as the already cold night air turned even colder somehow. 

Shaun thankfully uttered the five beautiful words he had been longing to hear, “You wanna get outta here?”

“God yes!” Nate cheered, standing up and immediately regretting it as the freezing air became caught inside his stolen jacket. With no other choice he clung desperately to Shaun once again.

As they neared the car, passing by the smiling couples on their own dates Shaun looked at the beautiful blonde on his arm and smiled. He could not remember the last time he had so much fun on a date. More than one of his dates ended when, like Natalie, she was obsessed with her phone. Only when he had called them out on it, they stormed off in a huff or threw a fit out in public. Natalie not only had laughed it off, she didn’t back down from his challenge or accept the “kiddy bumpers” most girls would insist on. Even when she lost she didn’t back down. She seemed to like a challenge, her competitiveness made her a challenge, something he loved.

Shaun fought against the cold shiver that ran through him, a gust of air feeling like it cut through his body. “Are you cold?” She asked as they walked through the street.

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t be dumb, take your jacket.” He heard her say sweetly in her sexy husky voice as she let go of his arm.

“Nah. It’s better on you.” Before she could take the jacket off Shaun wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her from taking off the jacket and keeping her close to him. Right where he wanted her.

Not long after, they stood beside the passenger side door where Shaun finally released Natalie. He gave the girl a gentle smile, “I had a lot of fun tonight.”

Shaun enjoyed seeing the smile that spread across her rosy cheeks almost as much as he liked hearing her voice as she spoke. “I did too. Despite everything.”

It felt odd to say that and have it be the truth. Plenty of things were downright horrible about the evening, but this was also the first real time he got to spend time with Shaun. The younger man seemed like he was a kindred spirit, someone that could have been a friend.

Unable to help himself Shaun smirked, missing the true meaning of her words, “Maybe next time we’ll find something you’re good at. How are you at tic tac toe?”

Shaun didn’t bother to move out of the way as Natalie reached out, putting her hand on his chest and shoving him. As took a half a step back from the push his smirk deepened as she scrunched up her nose and let out a low growl as she spoke.

“Don’t be a dick.” said wrinkling his nose, able to feel how red his cheeks were from the cold wind. The two stared at each other in silence for a heartbeat before they each started laughing. Each having different thoughts than the other. ‘She is both adorable and sexy.’ the younger man thought while Nate’s thoughts were more focused on thinking about how he would take him up on that challenge or any challenge, any time.

As their laughter died down Shaun closed the distance between them, taking hold of her by her hips and giving her a chaste kiss to her ruby red lips, ending it with resting his forehead against hers.

The gentleness of the kiss surprised Nate. It wasn’t the lusty forceful kiss he regretted letting happen earlier at dinner. This one was much sweeter…something tender. If it had been anyone else, any woman, it might have knocked his socks off. Instead he backed up immediately, half a step later he felt his back against the cold exterior of the car. With the heels their height difference was almost negligible, but still enough that Nate had to look up at Shaun as he nervously touched both his top and bottom lip with his tongue wishing he could wipe away the memory of their lips ever touching, but ended up just a girl licking her lips, ready for what was to come.

A hunger inside of Shaun let it self known as he watched Natalie lean against the car, her chest heaving as she wet her lips. Shaun's smile became more wolfish, taking the cue to kiss her again he did so. This time the kiss started out just as tenderly as before, Shaun wrapped his arm around her till his palm was on the small of her back, the other arm slid underneath his jacket and gently cupped one of her small breasts. Pressing into her his cock slowly stiffening in his pants. Feeling her lips part Shaun slipped his tongue inside, turning the sweet and gentle kiss into something more passionate. He heard Natalie moan into his mouth as she stroked his arm and played with his ear. Surprisingly to himself Shaun giggled as the blonde pushed a button he didn’t know he had before. His tongue still in her mouth he felt her chest shake as Natalie giggled back in response. On reflex Shaun stroked her side, causing her to erupt in a fit of giggles, her mouth breaking free of his as she tossed her head back. Seeing how ticklish she was he decided to have to let a small playful side of himself consider payback and tickling her ribs, his arousal was definitely winning out with every wiggle of her body against his and every playful laugh that escaped her sexy lips, but before he could resume their kiss Natalie had placed her hand on his chest.

Nate pushed Shaun away, a task he hadn’t succeeded at a second ago when he felt the tongue in his mouth. His palm had literally slid when he missed his mark, hitting his arm instead of his chest and going up to the side of the man’s head. Gaining the space he needed Nate panted, licking his lips nervously. “Shaun…” he said between breaths, “Take me home."

Seeing her chest heaving, he looked into her light blue eyes that reminded him of a cloudless spring day, he saw only hunger there. Seeing only what he wanted to see and hearing what he believed she was implying, not just “Take me home.” But “Take me home and take me!”

Nate was shocked once more when Shaun suddenly kissed him again, with nowhere to run his first instinct was to kick Shaun in the crotch, he had just made space between them and now it was gone once more. Nate groaned in horror and disgust like he had when his stepson was trying to taste his tonsils but through sheer force of will thankfully he stopped himself from doing exactly as his instincts told him to do, remembering that he was still being blackmailed to be a good date. Instead he pushed against Shaun, for a brief moment he was able to separate his face from the man’s lips. With Shaun’s arms still wrapped around him he couldn’t get very far. 

“Sh–” his words were cut off by Shaun’s tongue sliding into his mouth once again. Nate closed his eyes, tightening all his muscles, he could feel them shaking in impotent rage as he tried to break free of Shaun’s grasp by pushing the arm hooked around his back away. When that failed he tried to find the only other weak point he could remember what happened when his hand slipped before and touched man’s ear. Reaching up and doing it once more, this time on purpose Nate ran his index and middle finger from his stepson’s earlobe up the ear around the cartilage. Doing so blind was much harder than the internet made it seem. Nothing he did seemed to stop him. But surprisingly Shaun’s fingers suddenly and playfully tickled his side causing Nate to lurch out of the way and burst into a fit of giggles.

Seeing his opportunity to end this he pressed his hand against Shaun’s chest, forming a small brace between the two as he tried to catch his breath. “Shaun. Take me home. Now.” He growled.

“Yes ma’am!” Shaun said moving to his side of the car without opening the door for his date in his rush. ‘Take you home then take you! I can do that! God I love a girl who takes charge!’



You are a fantastic writer.