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A few hours later there was another small knock at Chloe’s door. When he didn’t respond Mark tried the door and was surprised to find it unlocked. The room was sparsely lit by the moon outside which was a relief to him as it meant he did not have to turn on the lights to see. “Chloe.” He said softly. Half hoping the younger man didn’t respond. Quietly he entered the room and raised his arm, half wanting to call out to him again to wake him up, half wanting to avoid explaining what it was he was doing in his room in the middle of the night. The conflict resulted in him freezing like a statue and him watching Chloe as he slept for a brief moment.  Chloe fast asleep, the thick covers pulled protectively over himself as much as he could muster, leaving only his soft and pouting face exposed and the stuffed monkey that he still clutched to his chest. Mark sighed and shook his head before turning and leaving the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later he slowly opened the door again, “Chloe?” He asked in a half whisper. Sighing, he stepped into the room once again, carrying a small plastic jar, and pushed the door too and locked it behind him. Mark carefully sat on the side of the bed behind Chloe and gently shook the slumbering form beside him. ‘I guess it’s better if he isn’t awake for this.’ He thought.

Mark carefully pulled back the covers so as not to wake Chloe before sliding down the feminine man’s pink satin pajamas and exposing his reddened backside. Mark winced apologetically. Unscrewing the lid of the small jar he grimaced at the smell. Chloe groaned and buried her face deeper into the blanket but thankfully didn’t wake. Mark swallowed and scooped out a dollop of cream on two fingers. Taking a deep breath he slowly pressed the cream onto the reddest part of Chloe’s butt that he could see in the dim moon light. “This won’t fix everything but it’ll help with most of the pain.” he whispered as he gently rubbed the cream into Chloe’s reddened skin in a circular motion.

“This is so not how I pictured my life turning out.” He whispered as he continued rubbing in the cream. “I figured I’d have my own house, be a manager, on my way to a general manager position, maybe married with a kid on the way.” He sighed as he scooped some more cream out onto his fingers and rubbed the other cheek, “At least married by now.”

It did not take Mark long to complete his task and in a couple of minutes he left Chloe’s room to wash his hands. As helpful as the cream was, it had a smell that he maintained could peel paint off a wall at twenty paces. Mark was closing the door when he noticed in his haste to wash off the cream he had left Chloe as he was, pants down and butt bared to the world. Mark walked around the bed once again and carefully pulled the pink satin pajamas back into place before replacing the cover to its original position. Immediately Chloe pulled his face free of the cover but still did not stir. Mark chuckled silently to himself. ‘She’s got to be exhausted after all that.’ He thought to himself. It took a second for Mark to realize he had referred to Chloe with the feminine pronoun. He began to remind himself that Chloe wasn’t a real girl, or his daughter, but a criminal he had unfortunately gotten entangled with. Despite that, as Mark looked down at the sleeping person beneath him he was finding it impossible to separate the hardened criminal he imagined of Sam and the young girl he had caused to cry just a few hours ago. Mark shook his head and reminded himself who Chloe really was as he walked out of her room.

The next morning, Chloe woke up at the sound of Sheffield’s all too familiar knock. “It is time to get up, young miss.” He called from the opened doorway.

“Go away.” Chloe groaned and turned over. The monkey still clutched to his chest.

Sheffield walked around to the opposite side of the bed and stood over her, “Chloe,” Sheffield said stiffly, “if you are late for breakfast you will be punished again.”

Chloe opened his eyes at the memory of the humiliating spanking sprang to his mind and clutched the monkey tighter underneath the covers. The bright sunlight stung his eyes as he watched Sheffield for a moment as he held out a glass of water in one hand and a small cap with two aspirin in the other. Between the hangover he expected and worse, after his sudden tearfilled outburst last night that he hadn’t expected he now had a splitting headache. “Fine.” He groaned and sat up in bed, leaving the monkey under the covers, and took the offered medicine.

Chloe took the pills and washed them down with the tall glass of water. Sitting up in bed the surprising lack of residual pain he felt gave the feminized young man pause. After the humiliating spanking last night he had expected it would have taken days, if not a week, before he could sit without pain. Without thinking, Chloe reached behind himself and grabbed his butt with his free hand and gave it a cautious squeeze. Even in the soft bed his ass still hurt, but…not as much as he had expected.

Sheffield cleared his throat, interrupting Chloe’s musings. “Unless there is anything else you require, I will go draw your bath.”

Blushing slightly Chloe downed the rest of the water and handed it back to Sheffield. “No, I’m fine.”

“Then I shall go draw you a bath.”

Chloe washed his chest with a purple luffa in the pink bubbly bath water as much more pleasant memories of last night slowly drifted into the forefront of his consciousness. He never understood why rich people drank wine before, but after last night’s dinner he finally figured it out. He moved on to his stomach, unaware of his stiffening nipples, as he continued to relive the better moments of last night. Wine didn’t quite burn near as much as whiskey or scotch and the fruitful flavor masked the alcohol to the point that if you weren’t careful you could be three sheets to the wind before you knew what hit you. He didn’t know if what William had told him was true about wine pairing but if last night was any indicator then he couldn’t wait to explore it further.

“Oh man, They really don’t know how lucky they are. Eating like that all the time.” Chloe thought out loud as he washed his legs. His stomach growled as if it could still recall that miserable feeling of his fourth night going to sleep without food in his young belly. The next day he stole fruit from a produce stand outside of a corner grocer. He had tried to grab a couple of apples but the owner caught him and he panicked and grabbed whatever he could get his tiny hands on. Bananas. How he hated bananas. But he ate the whole bunch for the next week.

Things had gotten better when he met…‘What was his name back then?’ he wondered as he washed his other leg. ‘Christian? No…Christopher. He had that lame mustache too.’ Chloe chuckled. After he met Christopher he didn’t have to worry about going hungry anymore, but they had never eaten like he had last night.

Chloe closed his eyes and licked his lips at the memory of the cake, hoping to taste it once more as he washed his penis, when his thoughts shifted to William as he kissed him on the doorstep. Chloe’s heart jumped and his eyes shot open as he sat up in the tub. In the midst of all that had happened last night he had forgotten that he had kissed, no, that William had kissed him! ‘That’s the only way it woulda happened!’ Chloe thought as he tried to force the memory out of his mind. But he could still smell William’s cologne, taste his lips even now as they fought their way into a smile, and feel the warmth of his body against his own as his heart pounded in his chest.

“I’m not gay.” Chloe shivered in spite of the warm water as he felt his dick twitch in the water. ‘I just…haven’t been laid…or gotten off in months.’

Chloe glanced at the bathroom door before closing his eyes and forced his thoughts and memories to the last woman he had been with, a blonde girl he met at a beach side bar in California. He stroked his cock to the memory of her and how the red bikini she wore could barely contain her tits. He skipped through the memory of her exclaiming how beautiful his eyes were, and the drinks, and the twenty minutes of conversation it took before she finally dragged Sam into the bathroom where she practically slammed Sam into the wall as they continued to make out before she herself dropped to her knees and took his cock into her mouth.

He continued to stroke to the memory of her warm, wet, mouth. How her lipstick stained the base of his dick every time she would pull back. How she played with his balls while running her tongue around the head of his penis. How she moaned around his cock as he gripped her hair in his fingers. He continued to stroke himself under the water as he imagined and he edged closer. His member growing firmer and his hand starting to grow slick with precum, the memory... the fantasy from his past continuing in his mind . The blonde removing her mouth and slid the cock under her bikini top and between Chloe’s breasts.

“Young miss?” Sheffield called from behind the door causing Chloe to jolt upright, splashing water out of the tub, “Remember you still have to be dressed properly for breakfast and you still have a busy day ahead of you.”

“I’m just getting of–out! I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Very well. I’ve already taken the liberty of preparing you an outfit for today.”

Chloe forced the corners of his lips into a frown as he got out of the warm and bubbly bath and entered the shower beside the bathtub. In an instant he was drenched with ice cold water. “I’m not gay.” Chloe shivered again and glanced at the bathroom door through the glass walls of the shower. ‘Just a little…what do they call it? Touch starved.’ Chloe thought unhappily. ‘And It’s no wonder.’ He scowled under the icy water and soaped up a rough scrub brush, ‘The most action I’ve gotten since then is kissing William, that…handsome bastard.’ Chloe shook his head, ‘No, stupid bastard.’ he corrected and scrubbed his hands with the scrub brush. ‘Where does he even get off kissing me,’ he huffed and panted, scrubbing his legs, ‘he probably did get off too!’ He groaned as the memory of William’s lips upon his came back to him, ‘The ass.’ He dunked his head under the falling stream again before shaking the water and the memory loose, ‘I can't even have enough private time in the bath.’ An image of William standing in a similar shower flashed to Chloe’s mind, 'Nope, not going to think about that!' He frowned before blasting his body with another jet of ice cold water and rinsing his body as he tried to force his mind into a calmer state before hurrying to his room to get dressed for the day.

When he returned to his room to dress, along with the clothes laid out on his bed, Chloe found a small piece of paper under a jar of cream. Casting a discerning eye into the hall as he shut the door, Chloe picked up the note.

‘SChloe ,I’m sorry about the other night. If you still have any soreness then rub this cream on the area twice a day as needed and it should take care of the pain in a day or two. Ma Dad.’ Chloe’s cheeks flushed and he could feel his butt clench unconsciously as he read the short note. A few of the letters were darker than others as if the ink had leaked out of his pen from hesitating on what to write next. Since he was stuck here, Chloe had hoped to simply pretend that last night had never happened and move on but Mark obviously felt guilty. He’d have to find a way to get him back for the spanking later.

Chloe placed the note in the drawer in his nightstand and opened the small jar of cream and gagged. “Bleh!” He quickly closed the lid and shoved it in the drawer with the letter. ‘My ass isn’t hurting that much!’ he thought with a groan and hurried to get dressed, not wanting to miss another breakfast.

Chloe silently raced down stairs on the balls of his feet, the hem of his dress fluttering behind him like a humiliating pastel white and pink floral cape. Only pausing once he reached a small table in the hallway that held a crystal vase to slip the white heels onto his feet. Chloe fixed the spaghetti strap on the lace up A-line dress, and quickly examined his hair in the mirror above the table before calmly striding into the dining room and taking his seat. The pain from last night’s spanking may not have been as bad as he expected this morning, but when he touched his butt to tuck his dress underneath himself as he sat he flinched involuntarily and couldn’t help but shoot a glance at Mark seated almost opposite of him beside Beatrice.

Beatrice quietly folded the paper she was reading and thanked Sheffield as he placed her breakfast in front of her and Mark. When Sheffield placed a bowl of blueberry oatmeal and cuts of banana in front of him Chloe blushed at the awkward memory of last night. Nearly missing the small plastic cup of pills placed on a small saucer sat beside his orange juice.

“They are supplements for iron, potassium, and anything else a growing young woman needs to be healthy that you may have missed out on growing up the way you had.” Beatrice answered, interpreting the confused look on Chloe's face. “Dr. Kimball informed your father and I that you were lacking in certain nutrients which could account for stunted growth in certain areas.”

“...Did he say anything else?” he asked slowly, examining the cup of red, orange, yellow, pink, and gray pills.

“Only to recommend that you take daily vitamins to aid in your health and development. As well as, confirm he would be by later this week for your appointment. Why? Was there something concerning you?”

“No.” Chloe shook his head and threw back the pills without hesitation, swallowing the lot with his orange juice. The mix of tastes were chalky and disgusting, but the idea that a pile of pills might make him taller was worth the disgusting after taste.

Beatrice nodded and passed the newspaper to Sheffield, “I suspect you have not read the society pages this morning?”

“The what?” Chloe’s eyes went wide as Sheffield placed the paper beside Chloe’s bowl. There at the top of the page were two pictures, one of Mark and Zoe sitting at a baseball game beside a picture of William holding Chloe close as they danced, their lips locked in a kiss. The title of the article asked ‘Great Houses Come Together?’ “What the hell?!”

“Language!” Beatrice barked.

Chloe flinched but said nothing as he skimmed the article. The article detailed his dinner with William and overheard conversations and a brief speculation as to the status of their relationship before diverting into a similar rundown of Mark and Zoe’s date.

“Who…why?!” Chloe demanded before he threw the paper across the table and buried his face in his hands. His face burned with humiliation. It was bad enough he had to dress like this for the job and stupidly let another man kiss him but now it was in the paper?! “I can’t believe this.”

“It’s okay, Chloe.” Mark said sympathetically.

“Did you read the article?” Chloe glared at Mark between his fingers.

“I did.”

“Then why aren’t you mad?”

Mark shrugged. “I guess I’m used to it.”

“Your father and I both have been the subject of many gossiping articles such as this. This is one of the less harmful ones I have seen however.” Beatrice added, cutting her eyes at Mark before looking back at Chloe. “When we conduct ourselves properly in public we generate less gossip for the curious rabble.”

“Basically the more you behave like a good girl the less people will talk.” Mark smirked.

“Something your father should learn as well.” Mark’s smirk vanished as he looked at Beatrice. “I cannot believe you took Zoe to a baseball game.” She practically spat at the word baseball.

“Zoe had a great time.”

“Betterthanme.” Chloe mumbled under his breath.

Beatrice snapped back to Chloe, “A baseball game is hardly a place for a proper lady.” Her granddaughter pouted as she ate the oatmeal. “That being said, we must address your punishments.”

“Punishments?!” Chloe gasped, “For what now?”

“Your potty mouth this morning for one.” Chloe’s throat ran dry at the memory of the soap the old woman had shoved in his mouth the last time he swore. “While we were waiting for you to join us; your father and I had time to discuss the lackluster way you had been raised before you came to live with him, and seeing how he has been discipling you now that you are here, or failing to do so in that regard, it became evident last night that something more extreme was needed.”

“You’re not gonna spank me again are you?!” Chloe’s eyes danced between Mark, Beatrice, and Sheffield who stood by the doorway to the kitchen, his arms behind him at rest.

“No.” Mark said firmly. Chloe caught a strange look coming from Mark directed at his mother.

“No.” Beatrice began, “However that depends on how well you commit to our instructions. And if alternative punishment methods are effective reminders.”

“What alternative punishments?” Chloe asked, gripping his spoon tight.

“For starters, because of your vulgar language this morning you will have to write an apology explaining why it is wrong to use foul words.” she said matter of factly.

“Oh…okay. That doesn’t seem so bad.” ‘I can fake an apology.’ Chloe thought.

“Good. You will be given a reference sheet later.”

‘Even better she’ll tell me what to say.’ He hid the smirk from his face as he nodded.

“Secondly, you will also be given an earlier bedtime.”


“You clearly have trouble waking up on time as you have demonstrated this morning and several days before.”

“I’m just getting in the swing of things.” Chloe said, pulling at t

“An earlier bedtime will help in that regard, and once you are properly rested you will likely find your lessons are easier than you previously thought and improve your overall mood.” She said gently. Sipping her tea her voice shifted to a matter of fact tone once more, “After your evening lessons you will retire to bed and you are not to step foot outside of your room until the next morning.”

“What if I have to pee?”

“I suggest you take care of those needs before bedtime then.” Beatrice arched an eyebrow at her impudent granddaughter and sipped at her tea before answering. “But if you are worried you cannot hold it during the night then I can send Sheffield for some pull-ups. I am sure he can find something in your size.”

Mark spat out his tea as he laughed, the unexpected image of the pain in his ass being dressed up like a toddler was too much for him not to laugh at.

Beatrice gave her son a hard look, “Perhaps Sheffield should get you a bib while he is at it if you cannot hold your liquid as well?”

“Oh, no. I’m good.” Mark chuckled as he wiped down the table with the cloth napkin.

“Good.” She said and turned back to face Chloe, “Now, do we have an understanding?

“...Yes, grandmother.” He said and dipped his spoon into the blueberry oatmeal. ‘Not like this’d be the first foster home I’ve ever had to bust out of.’



Love this story, every part...