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Future Long animation Poll

  • Dig Dug Themed animation 21
  • Bigger Ayla-nimation 130
  • Helltaker pancake eating contest 73
  • 2023-12-07
  • —2023-12-17
  • 224 votes
{'title': 'Future Long animation Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Dig Dug Themed animation', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Bigger Ayla-nimation ', 'votes': 130}, {'text': 'Helltaker pancake eating contest', 'votes': 73}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 17, 0, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 7, 16, 17, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 224}


With me getting closer and closer to finishing that Zelda themed animation, (I have like one other motion to animate on it) I have been thinking about what big personal project I could work on next. Its never to early to plan things and I thought I would get some input!

I will try to do a brief explanation of what each Idea is:

- Dig Dug animated - I made a 'Dig Dug like' Villain for that Mt Lady animation I made a while ago and I can't stop thinking of making an animation around him. Having him digging for treasure or something while fending off sexy humanoid versions of the monsters in the original game and Inflating them all, It just sounds fun to me. Or maybe him battling and expanding more MHA Ladies would be a fun one too!

- Long Ayla animation -  So Ayla (pink haired OC) is a character I've had bigger ideas for. I don't know how you lot feel about having a more 'sexually active' styled animation. Where she maybe brings someone home with her, they have a bit of rough and tumble in bed and once shes satisfied, Eats them up! I'm just curious to see how it would go down since I don't really animate full on sex or nudity or anything like that. Let me know what you lot think on that sorta stuff.

- Helltaker contest - Probably a pancake eating contest. because I feel like that should have happened but it didn't. I could make this one poll based too so you decide who wins, gets big and who loses and gets... less big... maybe eaten too. This one needs figuring out more cos it sounds fun too and I needed a third option.

Vote on the one you like the sound of!
and maybe I'll do it next, or just choose the one I want to do. I don't know, Only you can decide maybe.

Also, if you read all this, Your the best! :)



i'm going with dig dig one as be fun to see him escape mt lady bloated belly only for him to get vored and inflate more or even do it outside


Stuffing with vore is awesome! As long there is no "fatal vore" (aka with digestion), I'm cool with the "Black Widow" trope. And I'm intrigued by your "sexually active styled animation" 😉


I agree! At the moment, the idea would involve some sort of 'fatal vore' but it might be more she eats the other person and then the digestion would happen off screen and she'd show up in another scene maybe a bit chubbier.


If i'm honest, this is the one I want to work on the most and have the most vivid ideas for. Am glad to know you and others would want to see it.


Don't worry. I understand some people like the "fatal vore" content. You are the artist, so, do what you enjoy 😉 Just avoid the suffering of the prey, please


yep a lot of potentail and be fun to see what happened to mt lady after she became a blimp as well


I'm definitely voting for the Ayla animation. I love this OC and I'd be extremely excited to see more vore of her, and the scenario you came up with sounds absolutely incredible.