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Bowsette ('Nontendo')

Ann Takamaki (Persona series)

Bowsette won by a landslide which is pretty incredible. didn't realize she was so popular still.
Thank you to Everyone who voted! 

For those who are unaware, I will be taking December as a 'rest Month', So I Won't be working on these till January. I do still have some stuff planned for December which I'll post about tomorrow probably. So expect something!


Changed This For Privacy

Is this the beginning of a Persona 5 trend? I, for one, support the idea!


Yes ! I'm so happy that my suggestion won the animation pool! I guess the theme will be vore, then ;) I don't want to limit your creative process, Fudgeman, (you're the artist, so you'll always have the final say), but I do have a little scenario in mind that I'd like to suggest: The action of the animation could take place during the Christmas season, when Peach and Mario exchange gifts. Bowsette, observing the scene, would of course be jealous (I know you're good at drawing Tsundere girls ^^ ) and inhale Peach (it would be a little homage to "The Vacuum Block" from the game "Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story": https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/f/fb/MLBiS_-_Vacuum_Block_Effect_Screenshot.png). Then, Bowsette could hug Mario and give him her own gift in a wholesome, heartwarming ending ^^. Of course, this is just a suggestion: you can change or do whatever you want, Fudgeman (Bowsette could also inhale both Mario and Peach for example). If you could just avoid, please, the "mass vore" trope, where there are lots of characters are swallowed by the predator, it would be great. Because to me, it feels too impersonal, not really intimate, if you know what I mean? Anyway, I'm sure you'll do something fantastic, Fudgeman ;) Until then, have a good rest ;)


You made a great suggestion, nice job. I’ll try again with my pick in the next poll, or maybe I’ll change it to a new character like Furina? I have several others in mind, but I’ll try Yuri again because man I want to win. You’ve been here longer than me, so what’s your tip on character suggestion and winning the polls?


Thanks for the compliment! My advices : 1) Don't be frustrated if some of the characters you suggested aren't chosen: for example, I suggested Gardevoir several times but she was never chosen. That's okay. I'll suggest her another time (because she managed to get quite a few votes), maybe during the release of another Pokemon game. 2) Share reference images: some people have no idea who the character you're talking about is, so take the 3 best pictures you have of that character and share them when you propose your choice. 3) Some characters have special holiday outfits (like Mercy from Overwatch during Halloween). This can be a good combo when proposing a character. I hope you find these tips useful!


That definitely seems like a good way to help persuade people into choosing your character. I did share some of Yuri’s sprites in my description, but some of the other advice you said really would help sway the votes. She didn’t get last either, in fact, as you saw she was above a couple of other characters, so there’s hope. Also, is that Glass Joe from Punchout on your pfp? Nice.🙂


Yes, it's indeed Glass Joe ! You know why ? Because I really love underrated/underdog characters 😊 So, I wish you good luck in your quest to suggest the characters you love, Blitz 😉


Thank you and yeah, underrated characters like Glass Joe are cool, because he doesn’t give up despite not being the strongest guy, just like I won’t give up in these polls.