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analyzing which one was better....




Maybe 3, but it's difficult to tell

Dr. Bennet

I’m having trouble telling the difference, apart from the speed at which each occur. If this is what is being compared, then I say I like the first one the most out the three speeds.


in fact, there's a change in the character's balance. The first one is "harder" and the third one is "softer"

Dr. Bennet

Ah, I understand now, and can see the difference. In light of this, I think the first one is the best. But of course, the final decision is yours.


Second one is a nice blend between the two


Yeah any of these could work, but if i had to pick, i'd say the first or second ones since i like the slower speed and the shift in balance is a little more noticable there, but 3 would be interesting if you wanted to make it a little less noticable. final choice is yours but i think i'd cast my vote on one of the first two myself


Second one looks good