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Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you as I had intended to have the official discord set up a few days ago, as it seems like a thing people want. It SEEMED like it was straight forward, and I have a discord set up with some added lore bits and information buuuuut... 

I keep trying to add the patreon bot to the discord server which is suppose to allow patrons onto the server securely and it's not working. Should be straight forward, reads that way and maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I just wanted to give full clarification of why its not up yet. Its not that socializing fills me with existential anxiety and dread! I mean it does, but thats not what is holding back the discord server. Hope to get it figured out and I have two moderators lined up to manage. I'm not actually sure how many I would need.



The Discord Server is now up and running. If you already have your discord linked to your patreon, you should have been forcefully joined to the server. If anyone has any issues, please feel free to reply for help. You will want to link discord/patreon to make everything run smoothly!