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Nothing visually to show just yet, just updating you all with what I've been working on. This month's update to Cat/suit isn't as expansive as the last two were, I mean to go back through and clean up all the leftover bugs and glitches and graphical issues caused by my rapid and tight development. Things like the battle sprites not switching at the wrong time and such. The next update will have the first merchants, more of Breeg to explore and the first true call to adventure that will see Stray set out on a world and life changing journey!

Also though, I've begun working on the previously in the month mentioned platformer, and am finding it's soul currently. I had five different ideas for which story I wanted to tell in a platformer and couldn't decide at the start, but no more! I know what story I want to tell now, so its just a matter of beginning it. It's my sincere hope to have a demo of that playable by mid December.

Anyway, that's just the update for now! OH! I will be creating a discord as the interest is high enough, but I will be needing moderators for it! 



I would love to do whatever to help you make a discord channel or just being it it really. Either way i look forward to it.


What sort of things are you looking for in a moderator?


Someone who will keep a 0 tolerance policy with anything kink-shaming, racism, ageism, any of the -isms or hate-mongering in general for one thing. Much as I want to be inclusive as I possibly can negativity isn't a thing I want to promote. Someone who can tell a person if their post needs to be moved to an appropriate channel or deleted. Someone who won't let a bit of power go to their head.