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Hello everyone! This is a VERY BIG IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Do not click on anything I send you from discord. My account has been hacked, I am in the process of recovering it. I was able to change my passwords and enable two factor authentication for everything else.

To prove it, I will add random lore tidbits like a nerd. Furby has been my moderator forever, I am a big nerd who like shiny latex, VAC was the big antagonist of several of my commission series, and CAT/Suit had a crapload of hidden lore involving every game update having me show up as an avatar with some silly music and a bunch of cool extra scenes.

ALSO ALSO. The Unreal build is coming along. I was actually frantically working on it to get a level in the 5th Crown Prison (the first game setting) done before tonight.

BUT. DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING ON DISCORD from me, from my account Doc Hollar or from LIGHTDARK75 (They were the one who hacked me)

I am so freaking sorry everyone.



Hey I've also been a moderator. But FYI, you sent me messages THROUGH patreon, with the bad link, when I asked for proof. So make sure to change all your Patreon stuff too.


Everything on patreon has been changed and updated. I shall continue to monitor it into tomorrow. I'm cleaning my computer out and looking at local services that might be able to fully scrub my computer.