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I made and posted this picture a while ago for $10+ patrons, now a this smaller version is available for all patrons, there are still more sketches and drawings in the $10 tier if you want to check them.

Now I'm posting this one on some sites for promotional purposes.  Here's Crania's current profile.

-Crania's Profile-

Crania serves as the current Goddess of Death, her work consists of  guiding souls through the underworld helping them avoid the many  hazards on the way to their final destination. Her four breasts help her at her job, as she gives one last piece of nourishment to the souls in  the form of her milk to give them energy for the long trip, given the  amount of souls she attends her four tits are barely enough.

She needs to be good at combat to protect the souls from the  vicious multidimensional creatures that lurk in the planes of existence  of the underworld. She fights with demons and naughty creatures on a  regular basis, so she is known as a very powerful fighter and many offer  rewards to end her life. Despite having four arms demons fear her  powerful legs and feet the most, as they are powerful enough to shatter  the hardest of demon skulls. Also the amount of skulls cracked by her  thighs is extremely high. When she feels like having fun she can engage  in wild intercourse with the attacking creature or entity, being capable  of breaking their minds by pleasure alone, or taking them out of action  by depleting their stamina.

She is mostly an immortal being as she can't die of old age, and  because of that she manages to have free time even with such a difficult  task assigned to her. In her free time she trains her combat skills and  copulates with many of the underworld creatures either friends or the  ones whose minds couldn't resist the pleasure. Which can be partially  watched in the game "The UPN"

Despite being over a 2000 years old she still has the interests of  most young women and cares for having fun, it is not unusual for her to  use her free time in the world of the humans having a ladies night with  mortal friends. She is naive to a lot of things as her work still takes  most of her time. She dreams to find the perfect girl to overtake her as  Goddess of Death which could be one of her daughters or maybe one of  her friends.



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