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Hey I'm aware of the issues with viewing posts, the patreon site update has broken everything and I'm tearing my hair out trying to fix it 💔💔💔☠️. We'll see how these support tickets go.

In the meantime, try viewing the videos on desktop if possible, the issue seems to be 99% affecting people on mobile who have updated their patreon app to the newest version so avoid that if you can. ☠️

Sorry about all the issues, I'm trying my best to find at least a temporary fix on some vids.



Maybe a better fix would be to upload videos directly to each post as an attachment?

Akeno Himejima

I haven't even tried yet. Cool to know that now I have to fight both patreon and vimeo to watch your content now..


Any updates on this? Is vimeo the only platform you're comfortable having your patreon videos on?