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HEY GUYS WOW its creeping up on ONE WHOLE YEAR of these insane person animations.  The feedback has been overwhelming and I'm so happy you guys like my weird animations so much 🥺❤.

ANYWAY I had an idea on a cool way to celebrate the occasion:  SEQUEL

Vote for whichever animation you wanna see continue further or get a sequel!!!

It might continue exactly from where the previous one left off or it might be a spiritual successor, whatever I think would make for the most exciting aninmation!!

I know we're still a few months out from the ACTUAL one year anniversary of the account, but I want time to prepare for this one!!!!

This poll is special and will be open to all patrons :))



Im sad to see that Ratio isnt doing all that well, but jeanimation is still really good!


Nothing in the works right now, but I might have to get some more in the mix seeing how popular it is. Feel free to unsub in the meantime and come back when theres some more if the rest of my stuff isnt your thing haha


Love to see more cartoony popping


i really hope you do a Claire sequel even if it doesn't win, the concept is so good

John Doh

Inflation AND lore, noice!


What for a Claire did you mean? This there she TF into a bouncy Castel?


oooooo what's happened after that cow girls, I wonder

Declan Hanrahan

If it wasn’t SO behind I would 100% vote for Pearl Thief because I’d be DYING to know where things go from there


Kinda torn between 5 and 8


I'd love to see more booba + chub focused stuff b/c I'm basic, so #1 Maddie for me. Doesn't even have to be Maddie, could be a friend trying to save her, or maybe poor Maddie gets accidentally b i g g e r due to her friends' failed rescue attempt, poor thing... If I had a #2 preference it'd be the Claire story I feel like could be (no pun intended) expanded. Also the amount of times I keep coming back to that one >:3 From a "historic" point of view, interestingly I think ChugJug was was really activated my neurons to your and the team's work followed by Jean which sealed the "Oh, Fate can do story telling humour too... Nice". Story-wise, I think Pearl and Bouncy are really more actual stories that can be explored for fun. They're not my cup of tea, but I think they're more about the animation skill, sound design, and just general fun writing. Just wholesome antics ^_^


Quick question: Have you ever thought about putting a time limit on the polls hmm?


Definitely would love to see a Claire continuation since I’m more of a chub/expansion fan. If I’d have to have a top 3 it’d be Claire, Jeanimation, and ratio + you’re blue. I’d love to see you do more chub/expansion focused works but overall I love your general expansion themed works and I’ll continue to support ya


Maddie Gets the Job, is probably my favorite video you have done. Big fan of the slow growth, with clothes destruction, especially bras.

Lol Face323

love any and all ass expansion, would love to see an anim soley (or at least mainly) focused on it - or possibly gts growth. Honestly bigger is better is a solid rule, so I'd request the biggest sizes possible


can't decide between Ratio + You're Blue or Slime of Her Life they're too good


I'd like to see what a bottomless chug truck can /really/ do. Fingers crossed for democracy!


for me it was a three way tie between Claire, Bouncy Hunter, and Pearly Thief. really couldn't decide which I liked best, but I went with Bouncy Hunter since I love the character so much and it was fun seeing her get squashed down like that.