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first off, I want to thank you all for supporting me as I learn and develop my art this past year. I have tried many things and discovered what I love and what I don't quite enjoy doing.  for your patience with my inconsistent uploads, I can't thank you enough for sticking with me. 

On Life:

I am close to graduating from college and am expected to do so around the middle of this year. I have no idea what life will hold past that or what my schedule will look like. my anxiety on this is quite high as I know I would love to survive on my art and want to make a push to do so if possible.  but life is unpredictable and when that time comes, I will try my best to continue as I have been. 

On Comics:

having made several short comics this year I don't think I can reasonably take on that workload and avoid sever burnout. So, I don't plan to do colored comics as a suggestion post any more. for those who really really wanted me to do one I will still offer it as a commission option but it's at a high price. 

do not lose all hope though, I think I can still get by doing special holiday comics and to preprep for this I think a poll choosing what 2 or three holidays will get one early this year might do okay. this is kind of a try it and find out. 

On Suggestion Posts:

with working on so many comics my drawing speed has greatly improved, but the color and shading of comics takes me far too long and that stresses me out. I am returning to the full art style of suggestion posts; I enjoy doing one polished image and making it the best I can. I can confidently complete them within the month and have extra time for other art. 

with this extra time, I hope to upload more varied art, be it messy, concept, or Ari related. 

On Raffles:

I am wanting to do more raffles because I enjoy working with you all and it just makes me happy. so, I plan to do a raffle every other month starting next month. I want to thank you all and draw those cute creatures for you!

On Manga:

after trying with Omo Adventures and practicing with the comics', making manga is what I have decided I truly wish to do. with this a am planning a major project this year "The Many Tails of a Carnal Kitsune" This is a supernatural slice of life focused on exploring Nurue's world and her relationships. I have been working on her world for quite a while now and think it's time to show you the many strange and lewd things Nurue, Tsukiri, and Kimo deal with every day. 

While the wetting and messing content in this will be less frequent in favor of story, the accidents will also have more weight for the characters. I will release by chapter here until the volume is done. I don't have a set schedule for this, but I will be working on it in the background as I do smaller art projects.


For the images in this post, I have the Cover for volume one of "The Many Tails of a Carnal Kitsune" and three new OC's that have been briefly talked about or shown.

Nioukumo, the janitor skunk. she is outgoing and very gassy.

Inuka, the Cu' Sith singer. A brat with a sever masochist streak.

And Roku, the Sixth Tail Kitsune. His charms can be deceiving, he wants to dominate both your body and mind.


Once again thank you, and please let me know your thoughts in the comments section, I wish to do the best I can by you while maintaining my own enjoyment.




Izzy Donk

Ooooh, I look forward to seeing more of Roku~ He's handsome. <3 I love his glowy feets! So cute.


Just giving us these three amazing characters, is such a delicious treat! Nioukumo and Inuka are my favorites! Will always love me a gassy and outgoing skunk. And I'm a sucker for bratty characters, and making her bottom heavy is just the extra bow on top! But I am more than interested to see a male character as well! He's definitely an interesting sounding character! I'm always excited to see what you create, so no matter what happens, I'm here supporting ya! Excited to see The Many Tails Of A Carnal Kitsune! Seeing more of your world and character interactions is so exciting!