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It's finally here! due to posts having file limitations I am making a separate post for the art only version.

This whole project ended up being a lot more draining than I expected. Especially with how hard I am on myself when I don't post here frequently. It wasn't until I did the math that I felt better about how long this took. As a single person doing 21 fully colored comic pages in a little over a month and a half on top of other projects is a bit too taxing both mentally and physically.

so, as a little heads up, I plan to take my time on the Christmas comic, and it will be my last colored comic for a while. (I plan to do more manga instead) there will be more on this in the new year's post discussing my plans for the coming months.

I will try to have something wholesome for Christmas day relating to the comic, but do to it being Christmas, I can't promise it.

overall, I learned a lot making this comic and hope yall enjoy it!


LINK To PDF Version:





This turned out absolutely amazing, well worth the wait!! Love how even in the desperate situation Asin was in, she was still doing her best to be supportive for Stella. Was also nice to see Stella interacting with others, she's so cute with how shy she was. Glad to hear you're taking your time with the christmas comic. This one must have been real draining, so make sure to get some well earned rest! Excited to see it nonetheless!