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because this is such a big project, I figured another progress update wouldn't hurt.


in order to make the workload more reasonable I opted to use 3D models of most background assets. I don't like having to use them so heavily but doing so saves me weeks of work. I am also not planning on using colored line art like I usually do for this, because that too would take too long, and I want to finish both this and the Christmas comic before next year. 


with Patreon's recent ban wave I had to redraw a bit of the last page. Because my content doesn't contain what they banned I think this account is safe for now, but I am looking into Subscribe Star as a backup incase anything happens. For now, I guess if I draw any of that kind of content it will be public on my Fur Affinity (I also plan to post the alt final page there).

I also want to make a BlueSky, but I need to find a code first, so I don't know if or when that will happen.

Even with all this, Patreon will remain my primary website for now and as long as you follow me somewhere, if anything happens, I will be sure to let you know where I move to.



Izzy Donk

So many cute costumes getting absolutely soiled! ❤️


This comic is just gonna be absolutely amazing once it's finished!! You did peak my curiosity with the final having an alt page. So I guess we'll wait and see! I'll be supporting you no matter where you head!

Izzy Donk

What did they ban? I haven't heard anything about it. Edit: nvm. I see now. Really lame of Patreon. Now I'm curious what it would have been! :P