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As each day passed Kimo was becoming increasingly baffled by her recent series of accidents, the frequency of which was only increasing over time. The master had asked her to record any strange incidents that occurred to her during her time off, but she didn’t expect to need multiple journals to log them all. She could barely remember the last time she had actually used the bathroom properly and not to just clean herself up. In just under two weeks, she had more than one hundred strange occurrences, about 70% were related to her incontinence. The others were mostly related to her more intimate desires, and an ongoing occurrence of increased hunger and cravings for new foods. Kimo felt a bit bad for the poor manager that would have to catalog an archive of her accidents.

All the messing and wetting was becoming excessive, before her break Kimo only had to use the rest room three times a week for peeing and once for solids. Now she was releasing several times a day, and much more material than with her previous schedule. She was running out of unstained clothes and having to carry multiple pairs of underwear made her purse look more like a closet drawer.

Kimo looked into using diapers, but unfortunately a whole host of new problems made themselves known. First the majority of her pants were tight fitting meaning she would have to buy a new wardrobe. Having been paid in dragon fruit for the past few years and living in company housing, she lacked the funds to do so. Her new hunger also hit her budget pretty hard too. Second, the one time she tried a diaper under a dress, she became a biohazard bomb within a few hours. Feeling secure she hadn’t checked herself at all during an outing resulting a very overfilled diaper, when she sat down to take a short break its contents burst free through every opening and her strong and distinct scent cleared out the immediate area, only realizing what had happened when one of her friends braved the no man’s land to inform her. So, for now she simply endured in her normal attire with their battle scars visible even when she was clean.

Luckily Kimo had many friends and acquaintances in the shopping district who were sympathetic to her situation. They did their best to inform her of her accidents ASAP and occasionally helped clean up her mess. Every time this happened it was like a shock pierced her very being and a massive wave of embarrassment and clarity of her situation overwhelmed her, only to fade away once she changed into fresh clothes. Only to soon be in the same position again.

Kimo grew anxious as she was due to return to work in a couple days, increasing the severity of her accidents. Hopefully the other maids don’t mind if she needs additional support in preforming her duties. After all, they too had experienced similar difficulties recently, and the manager is supposed to have been trying to solve why. Kimo prays that there had been a breakthrough during her absence.




An interesting series of events for Kimo. I would say she's pretty lucky to have such good friends willing to help her with her unaware accidents. Love all the details in this one, especially in the background! Always fun to zoom in and see all the background details

Izzy Donk

Looove this! I would love to see Kimo's disastrous experience with diapers too... that sounds like fun!