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Please add a comment with a Character, Scenario, location, Soiling type, and optionally Pose. If a character has multiple known outfits, please say which one they are wearing.

Character: This can be a character from a game, movie, etc... Or one of my own OCs other than Ari.

This is not a commission, and I will not be doing other people's OCs

Scenario: This should describe what the character is doing

EX: wetting themselves in public.

Location: describe where the character is.

EX: At the movies.

EX2: In bed.

Pose: A position you wish to see the character in for a full-page panel.

EX: crouching, siting, etc.

Soiling type: Wetting, Messing, farting, etc.  Other NSFW content can also be suggested here. Masturbation, BDSM, tentacles, etc. 

The amount of mess will be normal by default. if you want more, add these terms to your soiling section:

"Super": 1/2 the characters body mass. 

"Hyper": would mean 1-2 times the characters body mass. 

"Mega": as much as I can draw, basically the whole location the character is in is covered by their mess.

I am open to drawing a variety of different things but if your suggestion is something I won't do, I will let you know.


Please only make one comment!

I will not draw Underage characters or sentient objects (cars/plains)

In one week, I will pick one comment at random to make a full art of.

Thank you for your participation,




Character: Lucario Girl, wearing running clothes Scenario: A morning Jog through some woods riles up an already bloated stomach, and a misjudged fart leads to them desperately going to an isolated bush to relieve themselves, only to be shocked by how much they really had to go. Location: Woods area Pose: squatting Soiling Type: Hyper Messing

Izzy Donk

Bea Santello has to stay late at her family's store duringa festival, and the bathroom is out of order. Mae visits to keep her company and sits on the counter while they talk. Bea realizes she needs the bathroom and her stomach isn't happy. She could go out back, but she would have to lock up first and it's a hassle. Mae teases her and says she should totally just let it out where she's standing, reminding her how she herself did so in bed after burritos that one time... and probably more. Bea's so annoyed about missing the festival and working so late that she agrees to just let go in her leggings. why not, right? Mae clearly wouldn't judge, and Nobody's coming to the store anyway, so... whatever. Who cares... At first she just relaxes while leaning against the counter and pees herself, but it starts filling her boots, and as she says so to Mae, the relief leads her upset bowels to release suddenly and she gives in and fills her leggings and underwear with a surprisingly big mess. Mae cheers her on! Characters: Bea Santello and Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods) Location: Bea's family's shop Poses: view from behind the counter where Bea is standing leaning with her elbows on the counter and her legs slightly crossed with Mae is sitting on the counter nearby. Outfits: Mae's normal outfit, and Bea's normal goth outfit but perhaps a bit shorter shirt/skirt and grey jeans/leggings with boots.