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Update: Story added

I Love Loona as a character and really tried my best with this set. Having very little content to work with as an official reference made me a bit uncertain in the designs of certain things, but as far as I can tell nothing is standing out as “Wrong” except maybe her phone, I used the one from the piolet and not the official one. Drawing art of other people’s characters is fun, especially when I can blend the design with my own style.

Watching the show made me think about how I can better show Nurue and Tsukiri’s individual personalities as they still seem (to me anyways) very basic and have lacked the opportunity to shine. But puddle two should fix that along with some other changes when the time comes.

This was incredible to work on thanks so much for suggesting her!


I will be starting the valentine suggestion soon.

I’m back to working on Ch5! The first 8 pages will be done soon (Hopefully!)


Upon arriving to the office Loona was invested in a game in her phone to notice that something was off in the office. She after getting bored with her phone she fell asleep in her chair without a care in the world.

*Tap Tap*

The sudden noise disturbed her from her nap, hoping it would stop she feigned to still be asleep.

*Tap Tap Tap*

The sound was now louder and did not seem to be going away soon. Opening up one eye to see just what the commission was, Loona saw an unfamiliar face. A small demon was responsible for the sound, tapping on her desk trying to get her attention.

Loona sat up “What do you want?”

The Little demon responded “I want someone kil…”

Without waiting for the demon to finish Loona called out “BLITZ someone’s here for you!”

The door next to her flew open “Right this way!” Blitz waved the demon into his office.

Loona pulled out her phone and began catching up on whatever she had missed during her nap, but Nothing caught her interest. She felt a strange twinge of pain in her stomach, she had missed her chance to relive herself at home and now the need was starting to make itself known. Blitz always reminds her to go before they leave but she decided to spend that precious time sleeping in. She was about to head for the restroom when Blitz and the client left his office.

“We got a big job today guys! M&M you’re with me, Loony open the portal would ya dear.”

Loona Let out a sigh and opened the grimoire, the portal to earth manifested on the floor Infront of her. Moxxie and Millie jumped in first, Blitz walked to the edge “Oh and Loony were going to be a while so don’t get in to trouble k? k.” Blitz jumped into to portal and Loona closed it behind him.

Loona noticed she was feeling crankier than usual and thought that she must have not been getting enough sleep. Having forgotten why she had got up in the first place she settled back down in her chair and drifted into another nap.


Loona Shot up clutching her stomach in a cold sweat, her own fart had shocked her awake and it felt like her gut was flipping as a dull pain emanated from her lower midsection. She clenched her rear as she stood up and waddled over to the restroom, “The fuck is this…” She looked on in disbelief, the Door was covered in caution tape and a big out of order sign. Bathroom’s Broke cause Moxxie is a FUCKING IDIOT.


Another low fart escaped her rear as she fumbled for her phone. “Come on, come on come on, PICK UP!” As much as she wanted to pace around angerly the difficulty containing her excrement just wouldn’t allow it.


“BLITZ! WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THE RESTROOM WAS FUCKED!” Loona’s breath was heavy and staggered waiting for a reply.

“Oh yeah… Hey Loony, the bathrooms broken!”


“Sorry Loony! But were kinda busy here…” Loona grew anxious as Blitz’s voice trailed off.


“HA HA GOT YA BITCH! Anyway, tell you what, wait like a good girl and I will walk you when we get back.”

That wasn’t the response Loona was hoping for, a shiver shot through her as weight in her shifted once again “DAMMIT BLITZ, HURRY I GOTTA SHIT! NOW!”

“Hold it sweety. - On you left Mills! See ya soon! -Leave some for me Mox!”


Loona’s heart sank realizing her predicament wouldn’t be solved anytime soon.

“The FUCK am I gonna do now?” All she could do was wait and hope for a solution to arise.

She waddled back to her seat the head of her load partially worked its way out against her efforts. Loona managed to sit down with enough force to shove it back in buying her some extra time, but she knew any more walking would be the end of her dignity. Her stomach rumbled in protest, her whole body was stiff and was now shaking like a small dog.

“Come on, I’m at my limit here!” her mind was racing for a way out, but quickly slammed into a wall.


A shock derailed her train of thought, her body stiffened into a posture much more proper than usual.

“FUCKING SHIT!!!” Loona’s rear was pulsating as her grip weakened against the force moving inside her. “Hold it in, hold it in, Hold it in!” The room felt as though it was getting colder the longer she strained, every muscle in her body was flexed and her lack of physical stamina was starting to make itself known. After what felt like an eternity the mass worked itself back up into her bowels. As the wave passed Loona began panting, having been unable to breathe during the trial.

“Dammit Loona, you can’t embarrass yourself here.”  A bead of sweat ran down her forehead as a foul odor made its self-known. Holding a solid was one thing but the gas in her had started to slowly leak out. Sensing the opportunity to relax a bit she began to unclench a bit.


She was startled by the sudden outburst, thinking that she should have had more control. Trying to let it out in moderation was no longer possible.


“God these reek!” the area around her was starting to smell like an open septic tank. For once she resented her sensitive nose. Unfortunately, there was no way to air out the room, they didn’t own any fans and there were no windows to speak of. The thought of being stuck with the stink for the rest of the day wasn’t a pleasant one.


“…and there getting warmer too…” Still feeling chills from her body straining to contain itself made the heat spreading in the seat of her shorts very noticeable.

“…UGH-“ Loona gaged, the ripeness of her own brand was starting to overpower her. The reflex made her involuntarily release the worst of the gas.


Her bottom was acting on its own now, she couldn’t clench to stop herself even if she wanted to. Her chair had many stains but the one she just planted might have been the killing blow for it being used in the office.

A tingling heat radiated in her tailhole. “I’m gonna need a new chair after this.”


The last of her gas escaped with a wet jettison of waste. She could feel the warm damp substance dripping down her crack and onto her nether regions. Wanting to assess the damage Loona lightly touched her underwear, a brownish slimy residue coated her hand. “It’s here…” the mass that had retreated into her earlier was back, with friends.

Another spray soaked through her favorite bottoms.  “These shorts are done for.”


Loona doubled over as the pain in her stomach was growing unbearable, just what could she do at this point? Even if the restroom wasn’t out of order, she wouldn’t be able to make it to the toilet before exploding.



“You know what? FUCK IT!” she was over this, the stomach pain, the smell, the embarrassment, and even trying to salvage her shorts and chair. “I should just fully shit myself at this point!” Who care about the consequences she was going to lose it either way, so, she just relaxed.

“Grrrrrr….” Loona gritted her teeth bracing for the onslaught of filth. Immediately the back of her shorts tented outwards a deep brown seeping in. The mass was forced to conform to the tight shape of her shorts, filling the space of her crack and slithering under and up the front.


“This feels so gross.” The warm mess thoroughly coated her inner thighs and tickled her neither’s as it passed through. She wiggled slightly in her seat at this, creating a small opening in her shorts that quickly filled with filth. She shifted her weight back.


Having filled the easy to reach areas the flow stopped. The pain in her stomach had not faded in the slightest, and not being able to close her rear due to the mass still in the way wasn’t a nice feeling. So, Loona decided it was time to start actively pushing. “GRRRRrrrrr” quickly the seat of her shorts began to expand once more, the strain had an unexpectedly devastating effect on Loona. As the back billowed out the front pulled tight smushing the mess causing moisture to leak out the front of her shorts. With nowhere else for it to go the filth also found its way into here personal areas entering holes meant for other purposes.


Any air trapped within the muck was bubbling out.


The stitching of her shorts was failing under the pressure, not that it mattered, they were already a lost cause. Loona paused to catch her breath and began coughing, forget smelling like a septic tank, it smelled like a pile of rotting meat in a clogged sewer. She pushed once more.


“God, there is so much.” The mass in her shorts was taking up as much space on the chair as she was, a brown tint outlined where it sat.


The dam holding her load back had finally broken.


“Ah…UMMmmmgh” an involuntary moan escaped her lips as all at once the mass launched out of her and covered the chair, jetting out through the leg holes, and leaking onto the floor.  “This….this is gonna be a bitch to clean up….” Finally feeling some relief Loona started to understand just what she did. It was Moxxie’s fault for breaking the bathroom. “Eh, I’ll just have Moxxie do it.” and just like that it wasn’t her problem anymore.

The bulk of her load was now resting on her chair and the rest was freely flowing creating a magnificent mold of her ass as she settled into her mess. “That felt kinda nice…” the rush Loona felt was intoxicating. “I should do this more often.” The unexpected arousal from relief and having her sensitive areas stimulated was an easy gateway to addiction, especially for a denizen of hell. She would need an excuse to do this again and struck gold.

“Maybe this Traumatic experience un-housebroke me.” She was just a hound after all, it’s not her fault if she can't make it to the toilet. Reveling in her filth Loona tail began to wag as she awkwardly laughed. Blitz could take his time, Loona wanted to enjoy every moment she had on her thrown of shit, after all, for her, it was a good day in hell.

Upon returning the imps were met with a disturbing sight. Their receptionist was sitting in a massive pile of shit, napping without a care. Moxxie was made to clean up His accident, after all he was the reason it happened in the first place.

Following this incident Loona repeatedly had “Accidents” blaming them on the trauma Moxxie caused her. Getting tired of the office smelling like shit Blitz is searching for a solution to re-house break Loona, and to get her to take more baths to get the stench out.




I'd say you really got her personailty down in this set! Great piece and love how much detail you put into the background and everything to match the show!


That turned out really nice!