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Only a few days after being scolded by her manager for making a mess in the hallway, Kimo was still confused as to just what had gotten into her. Her memory's from just after being given that strange flower are still hazy. She came to her senses when another maid found her and was shaking her, the awful smell made her recoil before realizing she was the source. She was sent home early to clean herself up. 

She was called in early the next morning to talk about the "incident" and to her surprise there where three other maids waiting who had suffered the same fate as her. They were each questioned and none of them could answer just why they had soiled themselves, and so aggressively at that. the one common connection was the flower being handed to them to watch over just before hand. The conclusion was obvious, it had something to do with the flower, but because it was related to the master's work, nothing could be done directly. The head maid said she would handle it and dismissed the group.

The rest of the month was peaceful and only one of the previous maids had an accident, though the flower wasn't around this time. 


It was early December when the master approached her with a wood box.

"A gift and a task for you, my dutiful maid."

"Oh, how kind of you." Kimo, happy at receiving her master favor gracefully took the box and looked inside.

"What might this be?" It wasn't uncommon to be given a gift around Christmas, but this was still quite early. What looked like a collar sat on a silk cushion in the box, the etchings along it giving off a faint glow. A locket with an insignia dangled from the center.

"A prototype of my newest invention! I call it the Ego Diffusion Collar! and I want you to test it."

Kimo had no reason to refuse the gift, and in fact enjoyed being given such tasks. 

"Alright what do I need to do?" 

"All I ask is for you to where this for a week strait and while you are wearing it you have the time off! When you come back check in with my assistant to report if anything happened."

"Oh, okay when should I start sir?"

"If you head out now you can make it home before the snowstorm hits. so, right now is fine"

Kimo gave a quick bow

"Thank you for your kindness"

and headed off to the locker room.


Kimo had just finished changing back into her winter clothes when she finally took a closer look at the collar. It had a familiar feeling, but she couldn't figure out where from. She placed the collar around her neck and with a loud click, it was securely attached. It felt as if nothing where there at all, thoughts about the collar quickly drifted out of her mind and she left for home.

It was early but the cloudy sky made it look like dusk, and a blizzard would soon be here, but Kimo made no rush for home because she rather enjoyed the cold and snow. She was in a good mood, better than usual and she felt like a weight had been lifted of her shoulders, she felt free from something. The walk was uneventful until as she crossed a bridge something caught her eye; it was just some cattails. The wind was blowing them and there bobing was mesmerizeing to Kimo, so she stood and watched.

The snow had started falling quite hard when she realized she had been standing there for quite a long time. She took one step to continue home and realized what she had done, she had unknowingly pissed herself, soaking her pants and tights. Her whole body grew warm with embarrassment having done something unspeakable so brazenly like that, and worse, not even knowing she was peeing! She hurried home to warm up and take a bath. Just what had gotten into her she wondered, 

"I must have been super out of it. I really did need a break."




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