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Tsukiri and Nurue arrived at the local shopping center not long after dark. The dull smell of pee still clinging to Nurue's fur. The town was too small and houses where to spread apart for traditional trick or treating. So, they hold a party at the shopping center so everyone can still enjoy Halloween. The festivities had already died down now that it was late, and all the kids had left for home. 

a table was set up by the fountain with a sign reading "Please take one" on it was an assortment of pumpkin baskets filled with candy. The smell of sweets drew Tsukiri directly to the table: "These must be the leftovers form earlier. Hey!" she flagged down a nearby shopkeeper 

"Is it cool if I take a few?" 


the shop keep answered

 "I don't think many more people will be coming by anyway."


Tsukiri grabbed a few baskets and took off back to Nurue.

"Look what I got~" she approached using a sing song voice. 

"Candy? isn't that for the kids?" Nurue was surprised at how much the rabbit had taken.

"The nice shop keep said it was fine, now I'm rich!" Tsukiri let out a smug laugh.

I know you love sweets... but are you sure that's a good idea? you know what it does to you." Nurue, forward thinking as she is knowing this would not end well for her.

"don't be a buzz kill" Tsukiri had already began gorging herself with various candys.

Nurue caught a glimpse of a particularly troublesome candy Sugar free gummy Baers. She decided to keep quite knowing Tsukiri was far too focused on her candy the listen.


About half-a-hour later the two were sitting around having a meaningless conversation about Halloween when Tsukiri visually tensed up. Over the course of their conversation Nurue had noticed Tsukiri slowly crossing her legs and rocking back and forth. She had just finished her fifth bottle of punch; all that candy had made her thirsty. 

Tsukiri interrupted the flow of the conversation "I-I need to go, I'm goanna step away for a bit, it's getting difficult"

Nurue knew just what she was implying "Thats cool, I'm still okay for a while..."

Tsukiri was weak spirited and if given the chance might try to do something to reduce how messy she would get. 

"Remember No Cheating, even if it's really bad." Nurue reminded her.

"I know..." Tsukiri's voice trailed off as a long grumble escaped her stomach.


it only took a couple of steps and Tsukiri began to stumble. Now that she was moving waves of desperation washed over her. A warm and dampness coted her nether regions, more so with each step. She just needed to hide somewher-

"Are you ok?" a voice broke her concentration. "Your shaking..." How nice... This lady was concerned about her health. one thought enters Tsukiri's head: "MOVE!" but remembering her manners she quickly snapped: "YES! I'M FINE!" 

"Really? are you sure?" 

"Who was this lady? why does she care! I'm about to piss on her!" she thought.

"I just really need to GO, please move I'm about to lose it!" she managed to finally say out loud.

Tsukiri waddled, squirting a bit with each step, Luckly her pants had absorbed enough not to leave a trail on the ground, until she got behind a wall that is. 


The distance to the actual restroom was far too much for Tsukiri to make it. The second she had broken line of sight and her body relaxed the tiniest bit she found herself paralyzed as she began losing all control. If only the rabbit lady had not stopped her Tsukiri might have made it into the restroom at least. The overwhelming sensation of relief and the warmth of her own fluids had caused her to get aroused adding another dampness to her pants. 

the puddle at her feet had almost grown large enough to be called a pond when the flow finally ceased.  Her rear was tingling and a weight in her gut replaced the squirming of her bladder. She quickly made her way into the restroom.


The pressure kept growing, her stomach getting louder, and the tingling of her lower exit stronger. It was too much to hold in, 


Gas shot out filling the room with a ghastly smell, she could also feel that there was a little "Extra" in the backside of her shorts. The pressure in her gut had only gotten worse.

She debated with herself "should I go into the stall? I gotta go so bad! I promised Nurue though. I-" A massive wave hit her. it overpowered her hold.



Slop began to escape without Tsukiri even pushing.


It was diarrhea, caused by all the sugar she had ate earlier. this was nothing new, she always had the runs after eating a lot of sweets, but this was on another level. it was forcing itself out, if she didn't have to pee earlier, she would have shit herself not knowing it even happed. 

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice broke the squelching of her backside. 

"I saw the puddle, and-" The smell hit as Bii rounded the corner. 

Tsukiri screamed in desperation to try and stop her from entering.





there was no hope.

Tsukiri locked eyes with Bii and a rush of muck flooded her shorts and made wet slapping sounds as it hit the floor. her costume was beyond saving. 


Nurue gave her a piggyback ride home, she was covered in her own filth and what was still in her shorts was squishing all along her nether regions. Nurue didn't mind that she was dirty, because she had also experienced her own disaster, a little more piss or shit wouldn't make her outfit any dirtier. 

Nurue could hear Tsukiri crying in the shower and came in to check in on her.

"At least it was in the restroom..." Nurue tried to look on the bright side. 

"I can't show my face there again!" Tsukiri had been mortified by the experience. 

Bii and the janitor where the only ones that saw her in her mess, they would Rember her face, True, but it's not like she was banned or anything.

"You saw the state I was in" Nurue tried to change the focus of the conversation.

when she found Tsukiri to leave she was had already reached her limit. slipping on one of the puddles Tsukiri had left was the final straw. Nurue had landed in what mess Tsukiri had left on the floor an added her own. Her thighs and butt looked like they had expanded three times over due to the shit stuck in her pantyhose. 

Nurue made one last push to help Tsukiri feel better. 

"How about I join you in the shower and we snuggle tonight" Tsukiri finally looked back at her


Tsukiri loved snuggles.


Happy Halloween!




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