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As I have not played NITW and don't know much about the character I have spent some time researching trying to get the right feel. from what I can tell so far is that she kind just does what she wants in the moment more so if she thinks it's cool. As the character has no visual tail, I chose a short one. as for the phone I figured she could use an internet messaging app/online chatroom, due to lack of signal. I will probably change the phones model after researching more on what is available around her time period. 

As for the soiling aspect of this the hyper one is still a very rough outline of the mess, I will make it "messier" when I get to it. 

Overall, I think this is a good rendition of her bedroom and character model and hope you look forward to the finished piece! 




I think you're the second artist I've seen give Mae a short tail, and I love it! And I would say you got her personailty, she does what wants haha. Excited to see how this turns out!