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Character line up! 

From left to right we have Dimitri Malphas (Julian's father), Thaddeus (Deus) Trinsin, and Ives. Dimitri and Ives are both demons, while Deus is a deity or godlike of sorts. 

These three go way back, practically brothers! and have fought together for a long time at Statera Corp an organization now run by Dimitri (Ceo). His sister Nysa is like a manager of sorts that is present at the org. The point of the business is to ensure that there is balance in the universe where humans and non-humans alike can coexist, so they undertake jobs to ensure balance/normalcy is maintained. 

 Deus is the only one out of the three that left because he in essence wanted to spend more time with family upon realizing how precious life and time really are. The three-eyed man currently runs his partner's flower shop. But the three still remain in contact. Ives and Dimitri are more so worked related whereas Ives and Deus are more so on the casual side. But they all occasionally meet up, especially if shit is going down. 

PSD file is available too. 




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