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Yumi Ishiyama is perhaps one of the characters from a French series that you know best.
The anime series Code Lyoko has had some success outside France.
A young Japanese girl of 17, settled in France with her family, studying at the Lycée Kadik in Paris and fighting with her friends against the henchmen of the terrible AI: X.A.N.A.

Yumi had just finished a mission in the virtual world.
But before she could dematerialize, X.A.N.A's Medusa attacked her.
She didn't have time to do anything, Aelita threw a force field at Yumi to dematerialize her, while she was in the monster's tentacles.
This incomplete action caused a malfunction during Yumi's return to earth.
However, even though the error was present on Jeremy's computer, Yumi had returned to earth in one piece and in good health.
So there was nothing to worry about, and Yumi headed off for her outdoor gym class.
However, according to the computer, the error was still there.
And it was only during her class that Yumi realized something was wrong.
She had noticed that she had grown taller than her classmates and was almost the same height as Jim.
Before anyone could notice, Yumi left the outdoor field and hid in the gym next door.
But the situation only got worse, with Yumi suddenly growing taller and taller, until she reached the ceiling of the gym...
