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I'm Sakura, an Interpol agent, and this is my report on the activities of a sect that's beginning to spread. 

They call themselves the Venusians, and worship the one they call "the goddess", who, they believe, wants nothing more than to spread love and passion.

Whether it's good feeling or pure carnality. 

At first glance, its adherents are amiable and respectful, and do not seek to extend their influence through propaganda.

I'd have nothing to say about them... If they hadn't been guilty of strange and unexplained phenomena. 

Everything seems to be linked to their guru, the one they call : High Priestess Graziella. 

A woman with an exceptional physique, unparalleled attractiveness and a power I can't explain. 

She only leaves her unknown headquarters on Valentine's Day, which has become a special day for the sect. 

Members choose a young woman, sometimes months in advance, for an event they call "The Ascension". 

I feared it was a sacrificial ritual, but it's quite the opposite...

On this day, the high priestess appears in the town where their target is located, she is kidnapped and taken to a disused building.

The High Priestess makes the poor innocent drink a strange liquid whose consistency is known only by her.

Then, they leave the building, leaving the victim alone, until she emerges transformed into a giant woman, supposedly the avatar of their goddess.

Fortunately for the victim, this only lasts a day, and she returns to her normal size once the lovers' day is over.

I can't explain where this priestess's powers come from, or even if she's human.

You may think I'm crazy, but I've seen the high priestess up close myself, and suffered the effects of her potion...




Lovely work and idea