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Chloé is 16 years old, in secondary school, and has found a seasonal job for the Christmas holidays in a shopping centre, where she plays one of Santa's elves who greets children on her lap.
It was a job that earned her the mockery of her classmates, who decided to nickname her "the elf" because of her work costume and her small size.
Chloé was already the subject of ridicule at her school, being 1.50m tall, and seeing these same mocking classmates come to her place of work made her uncomfortable.
And she went straight into hiding when the boy of her dreams came, with his little sister, for Father Christmas.

One day, her colleague, dressed as Father Christmas and about whom she knew nothing, asked her what was wrong.
Chloé confided in him in complete confidence and told him her story. She also added that she had been invited to a student party on Christmas Eve.
Knowing that it was going to be at a posh house run by one of those horrible girls who made fun of her, she didn't want to risk going.
But her mother insisted that she go with her friends, to have some fun.
The man asked her what she would like for Christmas.
Chloé told him straight out that she'd like to be taller, and he explained that that wouldn't solve her problem, but she pretended it would.
He smiled at her and waved his finger at her before going back to work.

The evening of the party arrived, and Chloé had to work late, so she didn't have time to change before going to the party.
Added to her fears about the party was the ridiculousness of coming in elf costume.
It didn't fail, and the young teenager lived through one of the worst moments of her life; however, in every misfortune, there was a certain amount of luck.
The boy she liked had come to take her aside to talk to her and get to know her better.
In the end, Chloé was glad she had come to the party, until midnight struck.
On the first stroke of the clock, Chloé doubled in size in front of the astonished boy.
The second stroke added another 1.50m, then the third, and all the others that followed.
Chloé quickly became gigantic, the room could no longer support her, and neither could the walls.
All her classmates ran away from Chloé's sudden and unexpected growth, and left the house before they gave in to Chloé's size.

She wanted to grow taller, but now she was 18 metres tall.
Her classmates ran away and shouted, except for the boy who didn't understand what was happening.
It was as embarrassing as it was frightening for poor Chloé, but the magic of Christmas only lasts for a day, and maybe she'll be back to her normal size once Christmas Day is over... Or not.



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