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In the sultanate of Eimlaqir, along the Karum, lived a princess of exceptional beauty.
Her name was Azimah, and her charms were matched only by her wit.
However, on her 18th birthday, Azimah was struck by a strange curse, as sudden as it was unexplained.
With each passing day, the princess grew taller, so much so that only a week after her 18th birthday, she was almost 2.30m tall and didn't seemed to stop.

This became a problem for her outfits, and fearing that his daughter would be left without any clothes to fit her, the sultan asked that the best tailor in the country should be found, so that he could maintain, mend and create the princess's clothes.
And so it came to pass that the princess met the man who was to become her best friend in her time of need: the young tailor Naqqash.

Naqqash worked fast and well, he was the best in his domain, and could maintain Azimah's outfit in no time.
The two young people became extremely intimate over time, although Naqqash's work became more complicated as his friend grew taller.
She's now 8m tall and can still count on Naqqash's support, but who knows how much taller she'll get?



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