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The silly short game is here!

We tried our best to test the game but if you encounter any bugs please contact me, through dms here on patreon, I may not answer but I will look at them and I shall make the updates next week for the game.

But for now enjoy this version of my game!




And of course, I will ask not to share outside of patreon since this is not the full release of the game yet.

In any case, thank you so much for your support, it is only because of you that I am able to create this small little thing <3




YAAAAY!!! IT OUT!!! Congrats on the release :)

Ace Decker

I'll have to check this out after work! Excited to try it!

Caesar Zealad


Caesar Zealad

Aight so a couple playthroughs done, and I still only got ending A (if there are multiple endings I'll keep trying to get em :P) a couple things I wanted to say This has the RPG maker vibes down pat. It's very well done. The H scenes don't take up too much time but are really well done and the gameplay has the grassroots RPG maker vibes I cherish. There's some rough bits but they're mostly a result of it being a short proof of concept. My only recommendations would be to not fall into the same traps that other RPG maker games do of having terribly spaced save points and sections that go on for too long. Nobody likes losing a lot of progress due to a single mistake. Overall you did a wonderful job oro! Hats off to you.

rampaginglumine 17

Ive never been more excited to go home after work :3

Roy Artorius

Absolutely love it so far and really looking forward to more content and possible expansions beyond what seems to be the only current ending. As a bug note, I was able to pull up the pause menu by pressing numpad 0.


Glad ya like it! Don't worry, the ending A is the important one heeh the only one with an ending CG of sorts, but glad you like this short silly I did :3


Definitely want to keep doing more, this was more for me to learn the engine to then start making a bigger project, in any case, I am glad you like it! And I shall adjust this bug in the next version then!

doubted texas

not a bad game. i enjoyed it.

Kaytea Kat

I really enjoyed it! The main character is sooo cute




it feels like im supposed to switch between images in the end but it just repeats the carressing, is that intentional or did i do something wrong, either way hella cool had a good time


Switch between images? The end of the game ddoes loop you into the beggining if that is the question,but I am unsure if that is what you want to know heeh


No, i mean the scene with the shadow where they caress ya, it seems to do a slight white out to indicate something changed but it shows the same image of the main characters chest being touched under their shirt,( i thought the looping of going back to beginning was cool tho)


Oh okay okay, there is only one image on that scene ye, so it should be right


Anyway I can play on mobile or no?


Sadly my knowledge for conversion of the game is very limited, so for this one no.


There is a couple more, but Ending one is the only one with that has CG