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Hello everyone, first of all I contacted the patreons for the rewards.

Second I am going to open 5 slots for commissions, not that many this time since I am regathering my shenanigans from traveling.

Here are the prices and details for commissions:

I will, most likely. check the emails on tuesday, while I am working on the rewards. So please send the email by then!

Important: Send it via E-mail the prompt for the comm ( the one  in the form)  and don't forget to give a way that I can contact you! Also your Patreon ID.

Also, as an announcement, Patreons from the $5 Tier, or "O-oh, hey there.", will have access to the patreon/antecipated commission slots from now on.
There is still the possility of me opening publicly, and for all the patreons that are not choosen within the patreon slots and in the case of me opening more publicly, you can send the idea again or another if preferred.

Hope you are having a great day! And thank you for your support!



This is perhaps going to be my first time commissioning an artist, so I'm not sure if I'll completely understand how this works.