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I am not home yet, but friday I want to start working on rewards so like last month, I will be working with prompts for the rewards!

It is simple, If you are a $9 or 20$ patreon send me an idea for your rewards to this email:

The reward will be a single piece, with one or two characters.

The email needs:

- A reference for the character/characters (Not necessarily a ref sheet)

- The idea, preferably with a ref image if you can find it, if you can't find it, that is okay. (You can send more than one idea, so I can pick one that I like more)

- Your patreon ID, and tier.

-And a way i can contact you, via telegram, twitter or discord(Preferably) so I can send you updates.

I will check the emails on the 21st of july, so send it prior this date if possible.
I will pick 3-4 peeps to give the reward.

Thank you for you attention! And hope you are having a great day <3


Marshal Twilight

So this is sort of like a 4 slots commissions?


Rewards are drawing I make each month to three/four patreons, they have no extra cost, but they work similarly to commissions


A bit of a dumb question, but what do you mean by a Patreon ID? I'm a bit inexperienced with the site and don't know where it is.


Your name in this site, in that case yours is Zackfox0 Just so I can recognize the patreons