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Flesh torn apart by teeth, the sinew of victim ripped from them forcefully by sheer cannibalistic rage. The eyes of the predators primal and hungry, focused only in brutality. Jackie screamed as the infected horde drowned her out in a orgy of bites and violence, their screeches and snarls mixing with her her terrified screams.

Then she woke up, shaken violently by a pair of hands. And voices, concerned and terrified. "Jackie! Jackie! Jesus Christ! Jackie!" Joan shook the woman awake, tears and fear in her eyes. Jackie's eyes glanced around wildly and found that the whole tent had been looking at her with concern. Her breaths were quick and fast, as if she had just ran a marathon. She shared one look with Joan before finally, she just broke.

Tears left her as she wept and wept, terror gripping her spine. Joan cried as well, sympathy in her eyes as she quickly leaned in and held the redhead in her arms, gently tapping her back and sharing in her pain. Jackelyn cried quickly and quietly, letting the fear in her veins leave her with each dropped tear and with Joan whispering words of encouragement into her ears.

"It's going to be okay," cooed Joan. "We're safe now. We have high walls, and guys with big scary guns manning them. We are going to be safe here. I promise."

The onlookers watched the display quietly before they finally decided to disperse, the scene a bit too much for them. Jackie took a breath, her inner core feeling a little bit slightly better.

"Better?" Joan asked gently.

Jackie nodded, answering quietly. "Y-yeah. Just...a...I had a nightmare. Those things...they were eating me," she choked.

"That is not going to happen," Joan said firmly, determination in her tear-stricken eyes. "We are safe here, and those things will never get us here. Okay?"

Jackie wiped away the tear from her eyes, sighing. "S-sorry. I just...I didn't mean to cry."

Joan giggled, shaking her head. "Silly. Crying isn't a bad thing. It's not an evil thing nor does it make you weak. Better to let what you feel out in a healthy way rather than keeping it in, you know?"

That was true, Jackie supposed. If she just went all stoic with it, the emotions in her would bubble up and erupt at the worst time. She sighed once more, tightening her embrace of Joan. "Thank you," she whispered quietly. Joan laughed, tapping her back.

"Not so tight," she giggled. "You're hugging two people, you know?"

Jackie leaned back, blinking. Two people? She watched as Joan's free hand reached to her womb, while the other reached up to her mouth, shushing Jackie as a devious look crept to her face. "That's a secret between you and me, for now." she whispered conspiratorially.

The redhead quickly grasped what Joan was saying. With wide eyes, she  "Oh my god. You're...?"

"Yup," Joan said with an audible pop.

"Oh my god!" Jackie cheered up. "How long?"

"A couple weeks. I haven't told Samson, yet." Joan revealed. "But I will be, soon."

A new life, growing amidst all this chaos. If there was any other reason why the government ought to do their damn best to restore order, it was this. "Jesus, okay. You really need to see the doctor about this. You need your nutrients, your milk, um, everything that you need," Jackie prattled, listing off the items she felt a pregnant woman would need. Not that she would know, she hadn't had kids yet nor did she plan to have them in the meantime. She wasn't going to be a sourpuss to women who were however and the fact that Joan was pregnant was something to be taken care of carefully.

"The doctor already knew. She examined all of us after all," Joan said, leaning back on the bed they were on. "She's given me a card that allows me extra food at the mess."

"Thank god," Jackie sighed in relief. She glanced up at the tent ceiling. The Buyer's compound was not just massive, it was well-prepared. They slept underneath a military style tent, their beds military styled ones as well. It wasn't particularly comfortable but it beat sleeping on the ground and they were afforded pillows and blankets at least. And now, the smell of food being cooked filtered into their noses.

"I suppose it's time for breakfast!" Joan said with some cheer. "I am starving. I hope there's pancakes at least."

Pancakes didn't sound half bad right now. "That does sound good," Jackie nodded, her stomach growling. She hadn't eaten last night, opting to fall asleep instead. Now, she had the perfect opportunity to fix that problem.

"Then let's get to it! Breakfast bestie!" Joan giggled, standing up.

The women left together, their given clothes huddling them together. The first thing that greeted them was the Kentucky sun risen up high. On the walls, men stood by with slung rifles, looking over into the distance. Jackie glanced away, interested in filling up her starving stomach rather than taking in their defences. Their corner of the compound was kept separate by a long wire. The other side of the wall stood normal looking houses while theirs was a veritable refugee camp. That description was apt, Jackie supposed, considering their predicament.

The walked quietly, their feet guided by the inviting smells of food being cooked. They found the tent where the smell oozed, a large open tent with mess, manned by a gas-masked staff. A few of their fellow refugees were already there eating and drinking. The two quickly walked up to the line and were given a metal tray with utensils. Their fare was generous, all things considered. Golden hash browns with butter and cheese, scrambled eggs with onions and greens, sausages and bacon, and a mug of coffee.

Joan dug in eagerly, tearing through the offered food as if she hadn't eaten before. Jackie was hungry yes but she took her time, munching on her food slowly. It wasn't particularly outstanding to note of, just tasteful enough for her to bite into it and enjoy herself. As she swallowed and reached for her mug of coffee, Joan sighed. "Thank god we found this place. Who knows what would have happened to us if...if..."

"I'd rather not think on that," Jackie said, setting her mug aside. "It's a stroke of luck the Buyer is here and Elis worked for him."

"The Buyer, eh?" Joan mused, rubbing her chin. "Mysterious."

"From all the things I have seen, the tents, the food we are eating, the walls and guards...it looks as if he knew what was coming and prepared for it," Jackie observed. "No one builds walls and purchases all of this equipment if they didn't want to outlast it."

Joan glanced outside. "You do have a point, even if that is rather strange."

"But the question is, why?" Jackie queried.

"Is it important for us to know though?" Joan asked, looking back to Jackie. Jackie thought about it. Did she really want to know? She thought about it and shook her head. All she felt now was gratitude for the shelter. She wasn't about to abuse that by putting forward crazy conspiracy theories. A shadow quickly loomed over them. She turned and found Samson followed by Elis and Roy, all awake and yawning.

"Morning fellas," Jackie greeted them. "Breakfast?"

"Woah, is that hash browns?" Elis blinked, glancing at her plate.

"Yes, they are hash browns." Jackie nodded, to Elis's joy.

As the group began to settle, approval in each of their eyes as they feasted, Jackie stole a glance towards Roy who ate silently. She leaned in, concern in her eyes. "Roy," she called out to him. "Is there something wrong?"

Roy looked up, turning towards Jackie. "It's just, some worry I have. Last night, Elis and I were told that we're going to get an orientation from the big man himself. He's going to be meeting us after we all ate."

So the Buyer was going to reveal himself, finally. "Should...should we be worried?" Jackie asked conspiratorially.

"My gut says that he's trustworthy enough," Roy said, clearing his throat as he drank from a mug. He set it aside, glancing at the guards on the walls. "But a part of me still feels wary. We are totally and utterly at his mercy, y'know."

Their conversation was interrupted as Elis burped, loudly. "If anyone's going to give any two cents about this," Elis said, wiping away at his mouth with a napkin. "I say that Mr Buyer's trustworthy. Listen, he paid Keith and I well. We had all the safety gear and equipment we needed. He's a good fella, I can count on that."

Jackie glanced at Elis, noting the utter belief in his eyes. It was sincere enough that Jackie could count on that. She decided she'd trust Elis in this. After all, they were let in, tested, and fed. "As you say, Elis."

"Mm!" Elis nodded, returning to finishing his food with gusto. Joan watched with amusement as the country boy ate.

"Slow down, Elis. No one's gonna take that from you," Joan chuckled. At her side, Samson said nothing, eating in silence.

"But it tastes so good!" Elis sighed. "My momma always had butter and cheese in her browns. Eat that and you'd be strong enough to work till the evenin!"

"Home, huh." Jackie mouthed. Her thoughts wandered, as she glanced up towards Louisville's direction. She wondered briefly, of her family. But as far as she heard, Louisville was safe. And hopefully, they wouldn't never fall to whatever hell had engulfed society. Her attention was quickly taken away as loud and bombastic music tore through the quiet. Glancing away, Jackie found that someone had turned on the television. On it, the logo of Triple-N News Network came ahead. It shifted, revealing a newswoman behind her desk,

The Kentuckians shifted their attention, their eyes straight at the tv. "This is Triple-N," the newscaster began. "We're going straight to Kentucky for this developing story. Kirsty Cormick, are you there?"

The screen shifted as a new reporter appeared. A helmet adorned her face, a heavy dark bulletproof vest covering her suit. Right behind her, Jackie gasped at the long and extensive convoy being blocked, the outline of Louisville ahead of them all. Soldiers stood by, heavily armed and olive-clad in their gas masks. The reporter Kristy spoke up. "I am Joan. It's 48 hours since this all began. A community laid low with an unknown illness. A military perimeter set up almost overnight. Then the rumors of civilian confusion and bizarre activity within the zone."

The camera shifted and more screens opened up. A long convoy, snake-like reaching all the way to the south of Louisville. Helicopters civilian and military flew hither and there. Kirsty's voice spoke over the camera work. "There are helicopters overhead, scientists in hazmat suits. The county has been split in two and people are scared, Joan."

"No shit people are scared! There are zombies out there!" Elis hooted.

The channel changed, as more news networks gave their opinions.

[spoiler=Zomboid News: (Highly recommended)]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWmkbpFnQCc&t=34s[/spoiler]

"...Troops marching in column. Tanks rolling through avenues.

"....The Knox event is contained,

"...Why weren't we told?

"...Violence and looting in Louisville,"

A flurry of information and emotions scrolled through the news broadcasts. 

Jackie swallowed. 

"Jesus fucking Christ," Roy swore. 

"Christ had nothing to do with this," a new voice joined. "Man did. And now, we are paying the price for it." 

The group turned. At the tent's entrance, a man stood. He was tall, with a long olive jacket down to his knees. His boots were dark and heavy. His face couldn't be seen thanks to the gasmask he wore. Right next to him, the cowboy which had welcomed them as well as scores of men and women, all armed. The speaker took a step forward, looking at each and everyone in the tent. 

He spoke again, his voice calm, authoritative. "You all must have questions," he said simply. "I am the Buyer, as you folk have called me. I may have the answers to your questions. All you need to...is ask." He ended curtly, blue-eyes shining underneath his mask. 


A/N: And an update. Apologies for the lateness. I have been terribly sick since last week. It's only now that I feel way better. I hope you all enjoy.


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