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Anemone strode through the camp, her assault rifle slung over her shoulder. The distinct murmur of camp-life filtered in. Tables were overturned, plasma marks and battle damage decorating the walls and such. In the distance, dust still loomed over the skyline with the shadow of fallen Engel units lying flatly or against skyscrapers. Her boots crunched over the ground, her weight crushing pebbles underfoot into fine dust. Taking a breath, the olive-skinned android allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief as she sat against a fallen pillar. Around them, android members were busy cleaning up or attending to wounded comrades.

Right next to her, Jackass crossed her arms as she glanced down at Anemone.

"Casualty reports?" Anemone asked, looking up at Jackass. 

The raven-haired bomb enthusiast had lowered her hood, letting her face free for all to see. "Well, we're still tallying up the damage. Seaside area's been fucked harder than a angry boar going through your ceramics though, for obvious reasons." 

Her mind thought of the seaside area. "Our assets there?" 

Jackass's face scrunched in displeasure. "Missile batteries got crushed. The Engel's marched from the factory, tore up that place, before heading to city center, here." 

Anemone palmed her face. Beside her, Jackass sat down. High above, birdsong filtered in. Jackass closed her one good eye, letting the moments peace settle in. When she opened them again, a hundred years worth of fatigue showed on her face. "Well, at least we are alive," Jackass muttered, thankful about that fact. "And we can always, y'know, build shit back up again." 

"Yes..." Anemone nodded slowly. "Alive." 

The tide of battle had turned suddenly, with many machines suddenly diverting themselves in the middle of fighting. The relief it provided allowed YoRHa to deal with the rampaging Engels units then with their destruction, provide CAS relief on the other machines. That was perhaps the most harrowing battle Anemone could remember participating in. Definitely something for the history books. 

One thing made it clear though. If further battles were going to be like this, they needed better equipment. She glanced down at the rifle in her hand. Anemone was sure that the Colonel would be willing to let the designers of the AoH take a look at the schematics of their weapons and equipment for mass production. The armor that the Colonel briefly wore during the desert skirmish looked like a smaller version of their mainline battle suits, devastating enough as it is. 

Speaking of which...

"I need to speak with the Colonel and White," Anemone sighed, standing up. "I gotta check what's our next move at this time." 

Jackass nodded. "Right. I'll be checking on the kiddies and see how our kitchen is looking up." With that, Anemone walked off for her command center. Despite it's name, it was a humble corner of their camp that had a bunch of computers and a projector. A far-cry thing compared to what Commander White had in the Bunker upstairs or Smith's office. A few of her troops and staff were there, cleaning up. They saluted her as she entered. A salute she returned. With that taken care of, she walked towards her projector and pressed on it. 

The faces of White and Smith appeared quickly. With the restoration of communications, they could speak freely now. 

"Anemone. It's good to see you," Colonel Smith greeted her. He nodded at her appearance. "Jesus, you look like hammered shit." 

"It's the battlefield, Colonel. Not exactly a place for dressing up," Anemone replied candidly. a measure of humor on her voice. 

"What are the losses down there like? Status of our assets?" White asked, getting immediately to business. Ever the professional, Anemone mused. She crossed her arms, the minutiae of the camp filtering in her ears.

"We're still tallying up our losses and the like but the seaside has suffered loss, material and personnel-wise. It bore the brunt of the Engel's rampage when they suddenly marched our of the abandoned factory," Anemone reported. She sighed.

"If that is such an asset to the enemy, why wasn't it destroyed by an operation?" Smith asked. 

"Because it would be pointless, sir." Anemone said, glancing towards Smith. 

"Pointless?" Smith asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, YoRHa and the Resistance could mount an offensive to destroy that place and level it to the ground but the Machines would simply have another one up running in a matter of days. Their industrial capacity simple outweighs us by a thousand to one," Anemone reported grimly. 

"Jesus Christ," Smith swore, his voice disturbed. 

Anemone had no idea who Jesus was but recognized an expression when she saw one. And indeed, it was proper.

"Yeah...Jesus Christ indeed," Anemone nodded.

White took the moment to speak. "We still have our victories. Today is a victory and future battles to come. Those special units that the troops encountered for one. What is our plan for those?" 

"Special Units?" Anemone asked, cocking her head.

White continued. "Yes. Machine units that looked just like YoRHa androids. Units 2B and 9S engaged, and one of the Colonel's pilots engaged with them in the Theme Park. Down to the minute detail, the special units had copied everything." 

Anemone frowned. "Are we going to worry about infiltrators now, White?" 

"I already have androids looking into this. I assure you, operations may continue without disruption," Commander White promised, a glint in her eye. Anemone had a vague feeling on what those androids were. E-Type models weren't a secret. They had their orders to mostly destroy androids too damaged to move in the field as to prevent their data in falling to enemy hands. Anemone was savvy enough to understand that units such as that were capable of doing more that just preventing data from falling to enemy hands.

"I see," Anemone drawled, aware that White's reach went farther than hers. "Well then, at the moment, I have to announce that the Resistance will be unable to undertake major operations as we are still in the middle of recovering from the battle. At most, I can spare a few units not already occupied. Colonel Smith, I would like to request for Devola and Popola to return to help out with our wounded." 

The Twins had stayed in the Outpost, their knowledge necessary to keep watch over the other frozen humans. But with the thawing of Doctor Naoka and her team, their skills were no longer necessary in the human bunker. 

"I'll speak to them about it," Colonel Smith said simply. Anemone saw some hesitation in Smith's eyes. After all, Devola was pregnant with his child. Such a thing was revolutionary, Anemone admitted. The fact that androids like her had the capacity to bear children, human children, sent a chill up her spine that no other stimuli could. 

"I concur with Anemone on dialling back on major operations. I had pulled a majority of my forces and other fronts on the Indo-Pacific Region need their skills." White attested. She had no doubt there was going to be an outcry in the Army of Humanity about her frank pulling of her troops for what was essentially a one-sided beatup of machines dressed as clowns. However, she knew how to handle herself when it came to that. 

A human was hurt. Blood was spilt. 

That simply could not do. 

"You got my vote. My pilots need rest too." Colonel Smith spoke up. "My men did some theatrics today that need answering." 

"They did very well, sir. They...helped us out when they didn't need to," Anemone said, another shiver going though her body as Damian's battle cry echoed again in her head. 

"Yes...that's the problem. They did very well but also risked their necks out too much. Naoka is rather upset at that. Well, that'll be our problem to settle. If there's anything you need, Anemone, give me a holler," Smith said before closing off the channel. 

Anemone nodded before closing the connection they had as well. Sighing, she turned back around. In the distance, Jackass was yelling at a few androids who were sheepishly trying to move a box. They looked new, Anemone mused. 


A/N: This chapter will be a bit more light-hearted and slice-of-lifey, with 2B lewds coming up. They deserve it after the hectic last chapter.



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