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Hello guys.

I am sorry for the silence this week. Too much happened IRL. As I said in QQ, I will crosspost here. 

[QUOTE="Slynch, post: 7521054, member: 120870"]A note to author, do post on AO3 and SB. You neglected those over there.[/QUOTE]


I will have to when I come back. Currently taking a vacation with my family to unwind and relax a bit. Shit happened in IRL that's fucked me over. To reiterate, my dad nearly got into an accident, my uncle is now admitted to hospital for lung cancer (Do not fucking smoke kids especially when your family has a history of cancer) and my great-aunt's health is falling (from old age) 

So yeah, it's been a massive downer. I am sorry for the silence. Regular scheduled programming will come back in my next week, 30th of October PST."

I will return with a vengeance, I promise you that. But right now, I simply just can't write. My well-being is simply not good at the moment. If you would like to withdraw your support in my Patreon until I return, please do.

But yes, thank you for your patience and I hope for your understanding. Love you all, my friends.


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