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Perched atop a walkway, a lone white-haired android watched a fascinating scene below him.

"Brother...Brother," the little stubbie cried, its arms vainly shaking the fallen biped below it. No matter how much the it did it, the biped would not budge. From his perch, 9S watched the sight, curiosity and amusement in his eyes as the little biped stopped, talking to itself. 

"Brother...wait a minute," It said, trying to soothe the deactivated biped before it. It reared back, hopping off into the back. It emerged a second later, a bucket above its head filled with black ooze. Petrol, 9S quickly identified. The stubby then dumped its contents on the biped, staining it with oil. This function the stubby repeated, over and over again chittering and chattering how its brother would be okay. 

9S shook his head, leaning back on the walkway he sat. "It doesn't matter how much oil you give it, little guy. You can't make a machine your brother," said 9S. His voice reflected his appearance, boyish and youthful. He was average in height, with a thick tunic and shorts, and boots and gloves. All black, as all YoRHa uniforms were. And just like all YoRHa units, the blindfold covered his eyes. 

It was then his Pod began to rang. Blinking, 9S stood up from where he stood. An incoming call meant that he had to be presentable and his Operator was always the type to be sticky about it. Dusting himself off, he nodded at Pod 153 for the call to be accepted. There was a glow as 153 projected a screen before him. 210 appeared, her voice mature and professional as ever. "Operator 210 to 9S, do you read?" 

He thought about flashing his best smile but decided against it. 210 sounded serious. Even more serious than usual. Had something happened? "9S here, go ahead," said 9S. 

"Your reconnaissance in force mission is over. Prepare to receive new orders," 210 told him, her voice flat. 9S raised an eyebrow at that. 

"Understood," 9S drawled. 

"I can hear your tone, 9S. What is it?" 210 asked, her gaze levelling at him. Honestly, it was rather intimidating. 

"Well...I have been monitoring this factory for weeks now by myself....you know?" 9S pointed out, a tad frustrated that after being sent here to stare at the factory, he was just being taken somewhere else. He was a soldier who took pride in his work and to just be moved like that felt rather demeaning. 

"Your services have been taken note and will be used in a later date, 9S," 210 replied. "However, something far more important has coughed up. Get to your flyer and head for the Desert Region. You will be briefed on the way." 

Okay...? That was weird but orders were orders. And as a grunt, he didn't really have much room to argue. "Yes, yes." 9S said, his legs moving as he settled on a jog towards his flight unit perched nearby. He climbed into it with a hiss as the flight unit positioned deep into it. His systems connected with it and with a singular thought, he became the flight unit. It took little more than a second as the thrusters roared to life. The flight unit shifted and soon, he was blasting off into the direction of the desert. 

"Alright. I'm in. Ready for briefing," 9S reported. 

"Boost your electronic defenses and isolate the connection," 210 replied coolly. 

His curiosity increased ten-fold. His core fluttered with excitement. Was he going to get some sort of super ultra special secret mission? He did as 210 ordered him to do. "Flight unit is isolated. Ready to receive," 9S tried and failed to keep the excitement in his voice down. He blinked as he received a set of coordinates in his system.

"You are to head over these coordinates and assist in the reactivation of YoRHa units 2B and A2. Report to a Colonel Smith, the commander of that facility," 210 said, ever professional. 

9S blinked, a series of questions running through his mind. He was elated to see 2B again. He had worked numerous missions with her and...he valued their work relationship. Though why would 2B need reactivation there? And who was A2? Was it some new type of android YoRHa was going to be fielding? And Colonel Smith? He had no idea that the resistance operated a base in the desert considering how that region had little strategic value save for some oasis's and oil wells. 

"Understood. I will report as soon as I arrive there," 9S declared, his voice giddy. 

"Good. Do not delay any further. 210 out," his Operator reminded him before the call was cut. 9S rolled his eyes at her tone. Scanner models like him were naturally curious and what if he deviated from missions sometimes to check out something interesting? He was gathering data! That was quite literally his job! 

Yes...he might have a extensive list of flora and fauna in his databanks but it was well worth the gb he spent saving it, he swore it on his production line. 

And so, his flight unit blasted off into the desert. 9S already felt the transition from city ruins to desert region. The temperature on his sensors was going haywire. He thanked the fact that he was in a flight unit. If he were to be on the ground running around, he would be absolutely miserable. It was the desert after all. It was coarse, rough, and would get everywhere. 

He blinked when his sensors registered dots on his radar. So so so many dots. Then, beeping. He was being tracked. A bead of sweat ran through his forehead as images of anti-aircraft batteries or even surface to air missiles being pointed at him played in his mind. Wasn't he expected? 

Thankfully, Pod 153 began ringing. He quickly picked up the call and to his relief, a YoRHa unit met him. "This is 1D to YoRHa unit 9s. Do you copy?" 

"Y-yes, it's me. Man, you guys scared me!" 9S sighed with relief. "So, where are going?" 

"With me," 1D asserted, her voice brooking no argument. There was a boom as a pair of YoRHa fliers zoomed past him. 

9S felt bummed. Okay..? All he did was just ask a question...

Shaking his head, his thrusters roared to life as he joined in the impromptu squadron. They flew long and fast, the angels of God would be outclassed. Eventually, 9S noted that they were slowing down. "Pod, call 210." 9S said as their squadron began descending. 

Not a minute later, 210 appeared in his sight. 9s cleared his throat. "210 to 9S. Have you arrived at the coordinates?" 

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I've linked up with YoRHa unit 1D at the site!" 9S reported cheerfully. 

210 made an affirmative hum. "Good. Be on your best behaviour, do you understand?"

9S groaned. "I'm not a kid! I know how to be polite!" Shaking his head. "I promise I will be on my best behaviour. Happy?" 

"Good," 210 said with finality, and a twinkle of approval in her eyes. "Report to me once you are finished, 210 out." 

And with that, the call was over. 9s groaned openly. Despite the amount of times they worked together, 210 kept on treating him not as a soldier but like a little boy. Granted, his appearance was that of a kid but her was far from it! Grumbling, he positioned his flight unit after 1D's and the other android as they entered through an opening in the sand. Long rows of metal and granite met him as he descended into a great chasm kept alit by strong lights. He marvelled at the construction. 

"You see this, Pod? I never knew that we had a base here in the desert," 9S said with glee. What could he find out here? 

"Speculation: The Army of Humanity maintains numerous facilities both in orbit and in terestrial territory. Some are hidden purposefully, others YoRHa units haven't been to." Pod 153 explained, her voice electronic yet pleasant to the ears. 

"Well, looks like we are about to find out!" 9S said cheerily. The flight units then went from the chasm and onto a great hangar of sorts. He blinked as he saw how populated it was. Androids in resistance clothes were all around at their posts being led by men in uniforms he had never seen before. The mood was hectic, as many were running around pushing boxes or checking over great suits, arms sporting from their arms or shoulders. He noted the great banner that was held above by strong wire, that of a globe with a olive wreath in a sky-blue field. 

"Woah..." 9S whispered, unable to keep the awe out of his voice. 

His blinked as he glanced down and saw an android waving at him with two glowing sticks, indicating him where to go. He followed it, landing on a platform. His body shook slightly as his flight unit landed with a thud. The cockpit hisses as 9S stepped out, taking in the air of the outpost. 

He blinked as he was quickly met by 1D and a fellow YoRHa model. "Scanner, with me." 1D's voice brooked no argument. 

"Y-yes!" 9S affirmed, rushing to go after 1D. They walked through the hanger and of course, he made sure to take in every single thing that was there. From the hanger, they climbed great metal steps that led them into a deeper chamber. It reminded 9S of the Bunker considering how grey and spartan it was, lights on both the ceiling and floor offering light. 

"Um," 9S began, trying to start a conversation. "I had no idea we had a base here!" 

"Trust me, we didn't know before either," 1D spoke up. "This place was found on accident by the Resistance weeks ago." 

Weeks ago? 

"Huh. So, what did we find in here? Artifacts?" 9S asked, his curiosity leaking. 

"Humans," 1D's quiet companion spoke up, her voice reverent. 

9S continued in the walk, his mind empty. 



A surge of excitement coursed through him. Humans!? Humans were here? Boy, that sure explained how 210 was so tight-lipped about everything. Suddenly, 9S realized how important this became. He felt foolish that he was so worked up about his resentment at being redeployed. Let some other scanner stare at metal and industrial refuse. There were humans here! Humans!

His mouth became an excited chipper of endless talking. "Humans are here? Where are they? What are they like?Oh my god, oh my god! Have you seen them? Do they like us? Do they talk like us? Do the-"

Suddenly, they stopped. 9S blinked, finding himself before a great metal door and twin YoRHa units and numerous other resistance androids gathered outside. Then, there were two others clad in some sort of power armor, faces hidden by helmets. Those could surely be humans! But then he saw the symbols and letters next to it. "Infirmary," he read aloud. His excitement dwindled slightly, 210's words about 2B needing reactivation coming to his mind. The androids parted as the great doors opened and 9S was beheld to a room of white and beds, medical equipment strewn here and there. At the far end, a group stood before two beds that held two lying down androids. 

"2B!" 9S cried out, alarm in his tone. He ran towards her, fear in his core. The group parted to let him pass. He didn't even register the others. His mind was focused solely on 2B. 

"What happened?" He asked, his gaze never leaving her prone body. 

"EMP attack," one of the group said, her hair a fierce red. "We couldn't wake her up, no matter what we did. We needed a scanner for this." 

"R-right!" 9S said, taking a breath. He glanced down at 2B then stretched out his arms. "Hacking!"


A/N: Aw. That's cute.


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