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Striding across the battlefield, Damian's suit whirred and whined as it took tentative steps on the sand, scanning the ruined sands. Whatever OPFOR wanted to throw at them, it seemingly ran out of bots to send. While this was supposed to be a time for respite, Damian knew that it was only a matter of time before the enemy sent another horde to throw at them. His suit didn't really take much of a beating from the bots compared to fighting Legion combat forms. They were slower, dumber, and not quite as tanky compared to the shit he was used to fighting but still, he wasn't going to take his chances. 

Behind him, that YoRHa android unit who called herself 2B was following behind him. It appeared that the other YoRHa bots had seemingly followed behind the other suits, like ducklings who had imprinted themselves on the first thing they say after hatching. 

While Damian thought their uniform was both tacky in its ornateness and fetishistic in how revealing it was, he could respect their combat abilities. If only they had YoRHa androids during the Legion's hayday, it could have given humanity a better fighting chance. 

"Machine forces in this area have been eliminated, Sergeant," 2B reported, struggling to walk on the soft sand. Sometimes, she wished that YoRHa issued them boots when travelling the desert region for better stability. While her heels could often double as daggers in stepping on machines, it didn't really support her well in traversing the easily malleable sand. 

"Thanks to you and the other androids," Damian praised. Despite herself, 2B felt her heart swell at the praise. It felt...good. Still, she wouldn't let that show on her face. Emotions were prohibited after all. 

"It's our duty, Sergeant. No praise is required," 2B responded humbly. That earned a chuckle from Damian. 

"Hey now, chica. You did good. More than good," Damian said, his laugh sending a chill up 2B's spine. She both loved and loathed it. Loved it, as it was praise from a human. A real living human. And the hatred for...well, she didn't like how it made her feel. 

Only 9S had the right to make her feel special. 

Not that she was going to tell the infuriatingly adorable scanner that. 

Damian's suit whirred slightly as he turned to examine the field. "So, these machines are creations of the alien bastards?" It still felt wild to Damian that actual aliens had invaded the planet while they were sleeping. Even now, it was still a bit hard to grasp but he was finding it easy to accept considering the fact that the world was nearly ended by the Legion. It wasn't far fetched that aliens would exist too.

It was then Pod 042 chimed in. "Correct. In the year 5012, extra-terrestrial invaders arrived from outer space and began launching attacks on android settlements. In the following year, the Army of Humanity was established to defend the planet." 

Damian regarded the floating box with amusement. "Thanks, Wikipedia. So, aliens. Never seen one. Ya'll got pictures of what they look like?" 

042 beeped. "Correction: This Pod's designation is 042. If it pleases the Sergeant, this pod's new designation shall be Wikipedia." Damian nearly barked in laughter. 042 continued. "There have been no sightings of the alien invaders but there are images available should you desire it." 

Damian nodded. "Damn. This I will have to see, eh?" The sergeant stopped speaking when his suit's systems registered 2B struggling to walk next to him. His suit whirred as he turned to her. "Hey little lady. You struggling there? You moved pretty fast when we were fighting." 

2B used all her willpower for her cheeks to not redden in embarrassment. "Battle necessitated my full focus, Sergeant. Now that we are not engaged, it's..."

Damian shook his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. I get it. Tell you what, my suit can carry quite a lot of weight. Come on and hop on my shoulder." And just like that, he knelt slightly to allow 2B to climb on him. As for 2B, her eyes widened behind her blindfold. "N-no, that won't be necessary, Sergeant! I can walk!" Despite her control of herself, she felt true mortification when the human offered to carry her. She was supposed to be the android that served, not get served! 

Her mortification turned to confusion when Damian laughed again. "Ey, come on now. You're struggling. We still have quite a lot of ground to cover so we need to get to our objectives as fast as possible, right? Our mission is going to get hampered with you getting caught up by the sand." the Sergeant explained. It quickly occurred to Damian that 2B was the type to let sense drive her so, he framed it as them completing their mission as fast as possible. 2B listened closely and found the logic agreeable. They still had to go cover a lot of ground to secure the perimeter after all....

Taking a breath, she sighed. "Understood, Sergeant." And with that, she went and climbed up on Damian's shoulder. She positioned herself to be as light as possible but the suit simply whirred slightly as Damian stood up. 

"Eyyyy, alright!" Damian grinned. "Hold on tight, eh?" 

Despite herself, 2B smiled as she held on to what she could as the suit's thrusters opened and they went up. As that happened, the other YoRHa units turned to their own humans. 

A conspiratorial glint appeared behind their blindfolds. 

Back at the Resistance lines, cheers echoed high in the air as Colonel Smith strode out onto the desert, gone now was the clothes the Twins had given him. Every step he took was with a tremble as he was now clad head to toe in power armor. Following behind him was Command White and the Twins who glanced in awe at the power armoured humans either flying around in the air or darting around the sands to finish off some stragglers. 

Smith strode over to Anemone who quickly stood at attention and offered Smith a salute. There was a hiss as Smith took off his helmet and held it to his side. He took a breath, enjoying air that wasn't filtered by a machine for once, and sighed. "Finally. Air." 

"Sir," Anemone said, acknowledging the Colonel. Smith nodded at her, then to her fellow androids then at the battlefield beyond. 

"Maybe that was a bit overkill," Smith said, taking note of the dozens of Machine ruins in the sand, as well as the flaming oil pits from spilt fluid. The Yggdrasil was the name of the armored suits Damian and his fellow troopers were flying around. Made during the height of the Legion Wars, it was intended as a medium support assault platform that was light enough to dart around but strong enough to pack a punch. A squad of Yggdrasil's were more than enough most of the time to deal with what the Legion threw but sometimes, something heavier was needed. 

Pity his outpost didn't field Titans.

But the Ararat bunker did. 

Smith looked deep in thought. From the side, Anemone watched the weathered Colonel closely. The way his jaw looked so strong, how his eyes were so focused and concentrated....

"What's the casualty report?" He asked, immediately getting into business. Anemone shook her head. Clearing her throat, she answered. "We are still getting reports but it seems we haven't suffered any grievous casualties." 

"Good," Smith nodded. "If we can manage that we will have no casualties at all, then we're blessed. Clean up the field, Anemone." 

At that, Smith made a move to leave but Anemone took a step forward. "Colonel!" 

Smith paused and turned to her. "Yes?" 

"Why....why did you wake up those soldiers?" Anemone asked, curious. "You...you didn't have to. My troops..." She turned to Commander White. "YoRHa...we were ready to give everything to protect this place. Why?" 

At that, the androids took a step forward, curious as well. Aware that he had a audience now, Smith spoke. “Imagine my surprise when I awoke in my pod to see androids looking over me as if I was a treasure. Imagine then my surprise when I am told that the Earth has been overtaken by aliens and their robots."

He took a step forward, looking down at Anemone. "You, all of android kind, have fought for so long. You all have new traditions, new beliefs, new bonds of fellowship forged after centuries of fighting." He not only made sure to look into her eyes but into the eyes of every single android who were all listening intently. Smith continued, his voice low and soft but continuously rising in volume and power.

"By now, seeing me and my men, your very programming is telling you, ordering you to sit and worship us at where we stand. We, humanity, did not come through time and horror here for that. We are not here to let you all debase yourselves before us after fighting for so long. Instead, we are here to fight with you, to learn with you, to be worthy of your respect and devotion rather than have it handed to us simply because it is your programming."

Smith took a breath, placing a hand on Anemone's shoulder. "If you find us worthy, then we shall help lead you all. If not, we will happily stand aside and free you all of your allegiance to us. You, all of you, are heroes. Fighters, warriors, artists, poets and all. Not slaves to mankind. And you will never will be.” Smith paused, taking a step aside. He clicked his heels, standing at attention, and saluted. 

“On behalf of all humanity…thank you for your service,” Smith said firmly. 

A silence descended on the battlefield. None dared interrupt or make noise save the desert wind and the distant thrusting of jet engines. 

The silence was then broken as the sound of truck came close. Heads turned as a beat-up flatbed truck pulled up. The truck paused as the driver rolled down the window. A raven-haired android peeked out. 

"What did I miss?" Jackass asked, blinking.


A/N: Jackass? More like Dumbass lmao.


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