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"Is there anything that you need, sir?" 

Smith had found his daily schedule, every waking moment, bereft of anytime for himself when every single android in the bunker immediately tried to make themselves present and useful to him. 

The news that he had been thawed out had spread like wildfire among the androids protecting his outpost. And nearly every single one of them either somehow found that path he was going to take and offered their services or 'accidentally' stumbled onto him. It was cute, in a way. Smith had asked to be filled in with the ongoing situation and as made aware of their entire situation. It was mindboggling, eleven thousand years of not seeing a human. These boys and girls had fought for so long, so hard, and sacrificed so much and the Council of Humanity didn't even make itself known to them except for cold unemotional broadcasts.

While Smith knew that it was rather dangerous for an average human to be on Earth considering what they were fighting, there was matter of morale. Hell, even showing up in a event once a blue moon would be sufficient for these androids to be reminded what they were fighting for. He had a list of questions he wanted to ask these Councillors and he was going to get them when he would talk to them. Technically speaking, he and the ones in the bunker could qualify to be their great-great grandparents up the line and by God, he was going to give the whippersnappers a lashing. 

He offered Devola a smile. "I would very much like to eat the soup that you and your sister made, Devola," 

The redhead smirked. "One potage soup coming right up!" 

It was after their conversation in the Overseer's office that Smith expressed that he was hungry and needed food. After all, staying as a popsicle for eleven or so thousand years gave one a hell of a appetite. Immediately, the androids in the room stumbled on themselves trying to get him something to eat. Devola and Popola had disappeared somewhere while Anemone fumbled around her clothes trying to find if she had something edible packed somewhere. 1D, the poor girl nearly had a panic attack when she realized she could offer him nothing. A part of him had to laugh at the display. It was like watching a bunch of children trying their hardest to please their parent. 

Smith sat down on one of the tables of the Mess Hall. It was rather extensive and equipped with the facilities one could expect. Again, he was dumbfounded and astonished how everything looked so good. Immediately, the smell of something pleasant filled the air. Smith turned onto the doors that would have lead into the kitchen and found it slightly ajar. He figured that Devola had done this as a way to show off her cooking skills. 

Actually, both of the Twins were excellent cooks, their synthetic brains having been equipped the skills necessary for maintenance and administration. He had no idea that cooking was a necessary skill for them to have but he wasn't complaining. The soup they had brought him in the Overseer's office was made out of some freeze dried potatoes, carrots, and peas yet it was the most delicious thing he had eaten in his entire life. It was so good he had asked for seconds, thirds, and fourths. All this, he had done while the Twins grinned from ear to ear, to the jealousy of both Anemone and 1D. While Anemone was apparently mature enough to take it in stride, of sorts, 1D swore she would learn cooking and make the best damn meal humanity had ever eaten. 

Not a few minutes later, Smith found himself looking at a silver pot being placed on the table. Devola smirked at him, a apron around her, and a bowl in her hand. "Chickpeas, potatoes, lentils, with salted boar for protein," she proclaimed as she took a ladle and deposited the soup onto the bowl and offered it to Smith. He nodded, muttering thanks, and took a spoon. It was fragrant, the smell taking him back to a wintery day and entering the house of his grandmother who fed him and his brother a soup similar to what he was eating right now. A soup made with utter love and whose warmth seeped into their cold bones. 

He took the spoon from Devola and ate. 

Oh yeah. Just like how grandma made it, back then.

"Delicious," Smith praised, to the bashful giggling of Devola. 

She and her sister was much more happier now, when he had absolved them of their apparent sins. Being free from a cross certainly made one less depressed. Right now, Devola had the honor of being his personal android buddy as Popola had to stay behind in the Overseer's office to monitor the vitals of the other frozen humans, much to her chagrin.

"Thank you!" Devola giggled. She sat across him, leaning on the table. "The Resistance brought extensive supplies in expectations of feeding the rest of the people here when they would wake up." 

Smith nodded in approval. "That's good. God knows how hungry I was when I woke up." 

As Smith went and took another bite, he craned his head. "So these food supplies, androids eat? I thought that since you and your people were synthetic, you wouldn't really need it." 

Devola nodded. "It's true that we don't really need to eat. Every android has a fusion core that powers us. The thing is, we are made to be as close to humanity as possible. We can eat though the matter we consume gets converted into energy by our cores. We can 'breathe', touch, feel." 

Smith hummed, taking in another bite from Devola's soup. "As close to humanity, hm?" 

The Colonel's eyes widened when Devola leaned in, crossing her arms underneath her chest. Her lips, cherry red, curled in mischief as her open cut shirt revealed much of chest. She spoke, her voice soft and innocent. "Yes, Colonel. As close to humanity as possible." 

She locked eyes with him, a emerald green that shone with hidden promise. Devola spoke again, a low pleasant whisper that kissed his ears. "Care to find out with me?"

Devola had no idea why she was doing this. Only that it felt right. Ever since she had hugged the Colonel and he had freed her and Popola from their sin, she felt so...free. Her body coursed with a new found energy and vitality she could only remember getting from drinking. Everytime she looked at the Colonel, and saw the ruggedness of his body, the stern but inwardly warm and kind look on his eyes, her wires just fizzled with energy. 

Smith on the other hand chuckled. Were he a younger man, he would take up on her offer in a heartbeat. He wasn't as quick to get to the chase compared to his younger years. His chuckle seemed to shake Devola whose cheeks reddened with shame and embarrassment. Immediately, she tried to pull back but Smith spoke to her. 

"I didn't say you could pull back, Devola," 

Devola froze as Smith smirked at her. He leaned in, his spoon hanging inside the soup he was eating. "When we are in the Mess, we eat. When we are in the field, we fight. When we are in the bedroom..." 

He leaned in, whispering to Devola. Her eyes widened as her cheeks became redder than her hair. Her throat tightened as her thighs rubbed each other uncontrollably. Smith pulled back, smiling. "Do you have lingerie?" 

She blinked. "N-no?" 

"And you'll get some for me, yes?" Smith asked sweetly. 

Devola nodded dumbly, anticipation flashing her eyes. Smith leaned back, satisfied as he took in another spoonful of soup. Smith was no longer young, yes. But that didn't mean he was stupid. His tastes simply...evolved. 

It was then, the clacking of heels got Smith out of his thoughts. Turning, 1D stood straight, saluting him in the YoRHa fashion, that being a open palm on their chest. "Sir!" 

Behind him, Devola resisted the urge to crush the table she was leaning on at the interruption. Smith on the other nodded at her, looking as fine as he was leaving the cryo pod. "What is it, Captain?" 

"The Council of Humanity will hear you, Colonel," 1D reported, quietly elating the fact that she had his full attention. 

"That took awhile," Smith commented. He figured the delay come from the fact that they were in the moon. He then glanced at his food. "A pity about the soup I am eating." 

1D took a step forward. "Sir? Don't worry, you still have time to finish your meal." 

Smith raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I thought I was calling with them?" 

The YoRHa captain shook her head. "Oh no. They are coming here. Commander White will be descending first to give this place further security." 


A/N: White's coming down babbyyyy


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