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Irileth hitched her breath.

It was supposed to be a simple handing over of papers to Baglruuf. Helga couldn't be found and the overworked clerk clearly had places to be. Out of solidarity with the man, she volunteered to take the papers to Balgruuf herself. She needed it after all. She had been standing outside his office door for hours and even if she had the patience of a trained assassin, she still got bored sometimes. Giving over the papers was just the distraction she needed to stretch her legs a bit, as well as see her secret lover.

Balgruuf had other ideas however. As soon as she closed the door and deposited the papers, she found warm lips wrapping around hers before being pushed to lie down on his desk. Her cheeks warmed on her face and her lips exhaled steam as Balgruuf spread open her legs and knelt between them, softly kissing up her thighs.

"Balgruuf! N-no!" she protested but Balgruuf only ignored her, wet lips inching ever so closer to her pussy. She gasped as her lover squeezed her , toned after a lifetime of exercise and a lifestyle of constant moving and sneaking. Irileth's body was fit and hourglass shaped, greyskinned as all Dunmer were. Her voice sultry and ever so dripping with promise moaned and whimpered as Balgruuf exhaled against her pussy. through her panties. She shivered as the steam hit her despite the thin cloth that protected her. Her eyes widened then as Balgruuf wrapped his mouth around her clit, sucking her. Her hand went up to cover her mouth to stop the moans leaving her but Balgruuf stopped her, a firm hand holding her in place. Fire rushed up her spine and body, her chest felt heavy and constricted inside her clothes. But it was not a bad feeling. If anything...it just pleasured her more.

Blagruuf's mouth went off her clit with a pop, his face and cheeks were rose, his breathing misty. Still, she struggled.

"B-Balgruuf....w-we have to get back to w-ork," Irileth stammered, hating how she sounded so frail. She tried to sit up but Balgruuf simply leaned down and pushed his lips to hers, holding her in place. "Mmpn..." she moans, her own tongue reaching out for his amorously, her hips bucking up at Balgruuf. They maintained it for a few minutes, their tongues and kisses growing in passion before Balgruuf decided to pull back, smirking.

"Back to work, eh?" He teased, wiping away the saliva from his lips. Irileth breathed out, furrowing her brow.

"You bent me on the table like-ah!" She yelped as she felt a firm and hot finger caressing her vulva through soaking panties. Her cheeks greyed to tis fullest as she glared defiantly at Balgruuf who rubbed against the fabric.

"You...bastard!" she heaved, some manner of shame filling her. There she was with her legs spread over her Lord's desk. What was she, a whore to play with? Such thoughts left her mind however as Blaguurf rubbed her outer lips gently, sending waves of pleasure up her spine. Her legs squirmed in place as Balgruuf kept up his work, the man leaning in to whisper against her ear.

"We can get back to work...or," Irileth gasped, as he set the fabric apart and directly touched her. "We can continue. What do you say?" Balgruuf asked with a smirk.

"You really /are/ a bastard!" Irileth hissed through grey cheeks. She squirmed under his touch.

"Not an answer..." Balgruuf teased.

Biting her lips, Irileth turned to the door then back at Balgruuf. Her heart pounded in her chest, her body felt hotter than Red Mountain, her clothes were chains to her skin. Quivering, she opened her legs some more, muttering. "...make it quick..."

The girn never left Balgruuf's face. "I did not hear you," he said, smiling.

Her brows furrowed some more, indignation rising in her belly. This little shit! She leaned up, wrapping her hands around Balgruuf's neck. She glared deep into his eyes, snarling. "Make it quick." 

Irileth's breaths hitched as Balgruuf lifted up his tunic and out popped his cock, hard and at the ready. She gulped as she leaned back slightly to make her posture a bit more comfortable for herself as Balgruuf set his cock against her vulva. Her face was aflame and pleasure, sweet delicious pleasure waved up her spine as the Balgruuf rubbed himself against her wet folds. She glanced up, her eyes misty, as Balgruuf stopped teasing her and poked at her entrance. She bit her lip, anticipation building up in her belly.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Balgruuf thrust. "Ooh~~" Irileth moaned as her inner walls kissed the familiar length of her master, so very hard and thick, and only getting harder inside of her. It did not take long for Balgruuf to pick up the pace, his cock fucking her. The sickly sweet smell of sex filled the room as Balgruuf's hips kissed Irileth's. His hands trailed down her figure, wrapping at her hips as he pulled her close to him, pounding away at her womanhood. Irileth leaned close to him, her arms around Balgruuf as she moaned into his ear, her voice sultry and low. 

"Ugh....Ah....Balgruuf...." Irileth whimpered, her mewls and cries music to Balgruuf's ear. The burning lust inside of him burned so much more brightly, Irileth's moans embers that stoked the flame. He pushed her down against his desk, pounding her away at the wood and paper there. Irileth only replied by locking her legs around him. "Fuck me...Fuck me...." Irileth begged Balgruuf, biting and licking at his neck with a steaming wet tongue. Balgruuf only acquiesced, picking up the pace and slamming into her some more. 

This was the pace Irileth enjoyed the most. She loved it when her partners bred her. She got absolutely wild when they would just bend her over and use her with the regard a child has for a toy. As a nightblade assassin, she had long since been used to the feeling of control over her victims, the thrill she got as she stared down at her targets and they looked at her with pleading eyes. To have the situation reversed and in the most intimate setting just made Irileth so wild and filthy inside. 

Irileth mewled and moaned wantonly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as Balgruuf bred her. She released one hand from her embrace of Balgruuf to reach down to her clit, masturbating her most sensitive spot. The waves of pleasure that went up her body was nearly enough to make her cum. She...blinked when the fullness in her body suddenly left her. Before she could register anything, she was turned over. 

"W-what?" Irileth blurted before she squeaked as Balgruuf slapped her ass. Grabbing a hold at the end of the table, Irileth glared up at Balgruuf. But the Nordic lord simply spread open her cheeks and thrust himself in. 

"Oh...sweet...divines," Irileth breathed out, her legs buckling under her as Balgruuf returned to fucking her, his thick cock scraping and kissing every inch of her insides. Her ass jiggled as Balgruuf slapped into her, firm hands wrapped around her hips. Irileth moaned out as he reached up, pulling her red hair back. 

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Irileth moaned wildly as Balgruuf picked up his pace, using her pussy with reckless abandon. Oh Divines...it felt so fucking goood......

"I'm close..." Balgruuf growled into her ear. Her eyes widened in a panic as she turned her gaze back to Balgruuf, the thick fullness of his cock twitching ever so dangerously and deliciously inside of her. 

"I'll get pregnant!" Irileth protested. Despite her protests, a part of her...did not mind at all. Balgruuf's answer was to wrap her lips with his, pushing his tongue inside of her mouth. Irileth moaned into him, her tongue tasting his. He pulled back, growling into her ear. "I want you to be," he whispered. 

The shock in her eyes told Balgruuf everything...as well as the tightening of her pussy. 

"Make me pregnant....Sire your children into my womb," she begged quietly, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. Balgruuf needed no other pleading. He picked up the pace, fucking into her from behind with the wanton lust of a animal in heat. Irileth was hotter than fire now, burning with her own lust and pouring fluids, swear and otherwise, onto Balgruuf's desk. She was close too. so so very very very close...

Her nails dug into the wood of the desk. She felt Baglruuf's hands around her hips tighten. 

"HNNNNNGH!" Irileth screamed, as both her and Balgruuf came. Balgruuf groaned as he spluttered deep inside of her, filling her and her womb with thick seed. The two lovers greedily gasped for air as they went through the wave of orgasm. Irileth whimpered as Balgruuf pulled himself out of her crotch. Her gasps for air were steam as her legs shuddered where she stood, seed spilling from her pussy. 

Irileth stabilized her breathing as she turned, finding Balgruuf looking at her with a tired but satisfied smirk. Growling, she walked to him and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on his lips. They stayed in union for a good minute, before Irileth pulled herself away. 

"I expect an Amulet of Mara, husband," Irileth said, as she cleaned herself up. It was then something came into her vision, a necklace with the image of the Divine of Hearth and marriage hanging from Balgruuf's hand. She looked up at him, and found kind blue eyes glimmering as he looked at her. 

"What am I, if not prepared?" Balgruuf chuckled.


A/N: What could have been....

They would have been so cute together. 


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