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The results and are in and the Dragonborn shall be a: Male Nord, Neutral Good. Your parents were Legionnaires who taught you much about One-Handed Swordplay and Blocking. Despite your origins, you grew up focusing on being a Spellsword. In the middle of your studies, you've found yourself involved with a group. They were the Legion. For one reason or another, you left your group. You left because of Wanderlust. In your time by yourself, you've pledged yourself to the service of Gods. Your pantheon of choice was the Nine Divines. In your choice of worship, you've focused on a single patron. Your patron God is: Akatosh.

Your name is:

As a Nord, you are tall and fair-haired. You are handy with a sword and shield, with the occasional use of magic. You are not a master per so but you can hold your own in a standard engagement. As you are gripped by wanderlust, you do not really wish to stay in one place. The call to adventure will move you out so make your friends and contacts before you move. Your morals as Neutral Good means that you help people, from High Kings to beggars but you aren't exactly beholden to them. As a worshipper of the Nine, you are not exactly keen on Daedra worship so being close to anything Daedra, you are suspicious of.


A/N: Many thanks to the responses. Now, I shall get to writing the chappie.


Pope Yoda I

Most important detail: nickname is 'Drags-When-Walks.' It's due to the 72" dong, you see. His favored weapon is using it as a bludgeon. He is known for winning the allegiance of an orc tribe after a literal measuring contest. He once used it to successfully hunt a mammoth. More seriously, nice history. Hopefully the parents are still alive. Kind of tired of seeing orphan MCs. Give this man 9 siblings. The only reason he started tomb diving was to help support his family, because his parents Just. Won't. Stop.