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Hello, my dudes. Apologies for the lack of updates this week. I have been struggling with a cluster migraine since Monday and it's been killing my energy to write. Like, constant stinging pain around my right eye. In recompense, I would like to put up the timeline for the fic.

Dragon War:

1. The Talos Declaration (Whiterun)
2. Auto-de-fe(Windhelm)
3. Unbound (Riften)
4. Dragon Rising(Whiterun)
5. The Way of the Voice(Solitude, High Hrothgar, The Reach)
6. A Cornered Rat(Markarth, Sky Haven Temple, Morthal)
7. Drem Yol Lok(Throat of the World)
8. Eye of Magnus(Winterhold)
9. Golden Eagle(Valenwood)
10. For the Empire(Cyrodiil)
11. Season Unending(Whiterun)
12. Dragonborn(Sovngarde)

And this is just for Skyrim. Consider it a teaser for what is ahead. Much sacrifice, battles, and horniness awaits. 



Exciting stuff ahead it seems. Hope you feel better soon.

Pope Yoda I

Feel better! I always carry ibuprofen and try to nap afterwards.