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Byron sneezed

'He was going to catch a cold again, thought the Breton born guardsman as he stood sentinel over the main gate of the city. Despite the roaring fires that were lit around them day and night in massive braziers of orange-yellow light, not even it was enough to keep out the biting cold. It was at best, a temporary warmth. He needed something else to truly keep him warm, perhaps ale or mead at the Bannered Mare.

Oh yes mused the guard. He would definitely be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead.

He took a moment to glance around and found that only he and Gestur were stationed at the gate, standing sentry before the Great Portal to Whiterun proper. He thought for a moment to relax and lean on his spear a bit. He had been standing still for quite a while and his body yearned for movement. He too was also bored out of his skull, standing around trying to look intimidating in his armor. He briefly thought of their training and remembered to wiggle his toes. At least that would keep the blood flowing in his legs.

Ah, that was better.

"Hey, Gestur," Byron called out to his fellow sentry.

"What?"' said Gestur, turning to Byron.

"Shall we gather for ale and mead tonight?" asked Byron, imagining the sweet sweet taste of the golden liquid sending him to Aetherius.

"'Aye, I believe so,'' nodded Gestur before becoming as silent as the grave.

"Think you'll get your promotion after what happened last night?" Byron turned to ask again, grinning.

"'Blow off, Breton.'' Gestur said candidly, Said Breton scoffed, looking back to the road, and on the nightsky above. He would sigh.

"'Damn this cold,'' Byron said under his breath. ''I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly full of mead.''

''You're in Skyrim, the coldest province in the Empire. Did you expect the warmth of a Redguard beach?''

"'Well, a pity that my family decided to be Bretons instead of being Nords. At least I could have dealt with the cold better.'' Byron yawned. ''And I've been to Hammerfell. The heat there is unbearable. You'd be turning pink from how hot the place is, Gestur.''

''I have no plans of ever going to Hammerfell. My wife and child are here.'' his friend replied.

''Bah, Hammerfell is in the middle of a war right now. Not quite a good place to visit at the moment.'' Byron said dismissively. From the corner of his eye, he could see Gestur looking at him. He raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet, wondering what the Nord was thinking.

''What?'' He asked. The blonde Nord instead shook his head, looking back to the road. ''Nothing. I was just thinking about how good the pay would be becoming a mercenary and fighting the elves for the Redguards. Not that I'd be going. The pay here is good enough for my family.''

Byron nodded, chattering along ''Oh, the going rate is very good. Able bodied fighters are being offered a lot to join the fight. I saw a Redguard recruiter drumming up people to join him in the Mare. Said something how they're winning the war and people have got to join them before it is over.'' Byron paused for a second and saw the bored look under Gestur's face. Frowning slightly, he decided to switch the topic to something a bit more his companion's interest. ''Have you seen those warriors from Hammerfell? They got curved swords! Curved swords!''

To emphasize his point, he briefly rested his spear against his shoulder and gestured a curve in the air. Gesture watched him with interest.

''Why the interest in curved swords, hmm? Nord steel not good enough for you?'' asked Gestur. Byron shook his head.

"'Oh no, just surprised is all. Nord Steel is good. Good choice for slashing or stabbing. I'd like to have an Ebony weapon though,'' Byron said dreamily, imagining one such weapon in his arsenal. While the Guard had provided standard issue equipment, they did allow them to use any weapon provided they could maintain it themselves and did not burden their quartermasters too much.

'"Aye, now that there's a beautiful weapon. Like a sliver of midnight,'' nodded Gestur, approving of his choice. ''I'm surprised you would prefer blades. I thought you'd be a mage.''

Byron snorted. ''Just because I am a Breton doesn't mean I would opt for magic. Yes, most of my people have been known as spellcasters but we are also famous for our knights too.''

"Knights eh? Pfft,'' dismissed Gestur. ''The Companions can beat any one of your Knights any day. Them? They are true Nords.''

''What does that even mean, true Nords?'' the Breton asked with a raised eyebrow.

"'It means living life as an honourable warrior, to drink, feast, and fight with honor before battle takes us and sends us to Sovngarde,'' Gestur answered with the wisdom of a thousand sages.

''Well, those honurable warriors need to muzzle that dog of theirs. The howling coming from Jorrvaskr has gotten out of hand.'' Byron yawned, remembering the constant complaints from citizens about dog or near wolfish howling coming from their Hall.

Just as Gesture was about to retort, the sounds of horses hooves walking upon wood was heard. The two turned to see a party of armored men and women coming through the drawbridge of the second gate. They stood and watched as an orc, a breton like himself, and an Imperial strode forward. In the Imperial's hand was a small wooden box. It looked like something was inside it. What it was, Byron did not know.

As they went closer to the light, he and Gestur recognized them as the adventurers trying out to join Lord Balgruuf's house. Wherever they came from, it had been a harrowing one. Armor had been hit here and there and not a single one of them was without injury or bruises.

''You carry something heavy there, Imperial!'' Byron called out to the Imperial. ''What's inside?"

The Imperial looked down at him. He first turned to the box and thought of an answer before turning to Byron.

"The dawn of a new age,'' replied Cassius, patting the box with a single gauntleted hand. Byron peered into the box. There was a slight opening there and for a second, he swore he could see jagged spikes sticking out.



Today was the day, I thought to myself, as I stood from my bed and hung around the open window to look into the outside, and to the plains beyond. An orgy of emotions flowed through me as I crossed my arms and my fingers began to tap into my forearm, anxious as to the ceremony that would come much later.

Just because I knew and accepted that I was going to be a married man didn't mean I was any less nervous.

As I mentioned, I had always wanted to be married. But I had wanted to do so after I had graduated and secured myself stability. Well, that only applied for me in my previous life. Now, I was the equivalent of a Duke, with honors and wealth to my name. I no longer had to worry about financial stability for my family. So what was there to get nervous by?

Oh, there was the fact that I lived in a world where the lives of my family could easily be squashed by people and beings with absurd power levels, and that I was essentially going to share a bed with a stranger. I mean, I didn't feel exactly shy with Cecilia. She was arguably, very very pretty. She had that whole refined noblewoman vibe who is also more than capable of leading an army to ruin your ass. She was pleasant, and her body was certainly something to look at. Tight riding pants did not leave the imagination wanting.

"Nervous?'' Irileth started, her voice deliciously husky as always.

''Quite," I replied, not bothering to hide it. I turned to see Irileth withher back against a wall. "I'm getting married, Iri. This isn't something so easy to set aside.''

The dunmer took out a dagger, her fingers fiddling with the curved blade. ''You faced armies twice your size, vampires, and Dwemer automatons. And getting married is enough to bring you to your knees?''

I tore my gaze away and back into the plains beyond. ''I suppose I'm just afraid,'' I confessed, not really bothering to deny what I was feeling. ''Leading an army and raising a family is different, you know. I'm more than qualified to lead men and women into battle. But raising a family? That's....I never had training for that.''

I could hear Irileth grip onto the handle of her blade and return it into its scabbard. ''You are fortunate, my lord, that you will not be alone in your work. Lady Cecilia...she is quite willing to make your marriage work. Your father and mother are here with you, ready to assist you in what problems you might have. And I shall also help in raising whatever children you will have, my lord." Irileth spoke candidly, reminding me that I wasn't going to be alone in my marriage. I quite literally have an army of servants and my own family ready to help me. Still, there was something that worried me particularly.

What would my children be like, in the far future?

Would they be decent, good children that would continue Whiterun's prosperity or would they become nasty little shits that shouldn't be trusted with power, at all?

Even with the best education and care, my children could still end up canonically as Balgruuf's very own children, nasty spoiled little fuckers that ought to be kicked.

I took in a breath. There was only one way to know and find out, and that was first having them. As far as I know, Whiterun was firmly on my side. Irileth was loyal to me, my father and mother weren't exactly bad people and most of the ministers my father had serving him were competent.

Thank fuck I'm in Whiterun. I would lose my mind if I was in Riften.


Whiterun was abreast with activity. Ever since the Imperials had arrived, more and more guests and other dignitaries were coming in. The veritable who's who of Whiterun was bound to come, and not just in Whiterun. My parents had basically barred me from ever actually going to organize my own wedding and had allowed me to stew in boredom the entire day. Traditionally, marriages were due to happen between dawn and dusk. Why this was, I had no clue about but I wasn't going to question it. I had other things in my mind at the moment.

But the moment did arrive and it arrived in all its splendour and glory.

Banners, garlands, and decorations galore decorated the Temple of Mara. On one side, the golden horsed banner of Whiterun. On the other, the green flying banner with yellow crossed swords of Cecilia's family. The ceremony was quick and no-nonsense. I crossed the path with Cecilia, hand-in-hand, and stopped before the Priest of Mara. My bride was stunning in her style of dress. A green wedding dress in a Nibense style. Her neck was exposed and had a golden chain wrapped around her throat, with a v-line coming down her chest. Her brown hair, braided to make it look like she was wearing a crown. She did wear an actual tiara however, It was bright silver, with interlocking flowery patterns and embedded with emerald gems.

For her part, Cecilia blushed brightly, the spectacle of the event going to her. But still, we both took it in stride as we halted before the priest who nodded at the both of us.

''It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us as her children. It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all." The priest started, his voice echoing as all attended were hushed to silence. I mostly stood in awe as I realized the man was reciting, word-for-word, the marriage script from the game. ''We gather here today, under Mara's loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and hardship. Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?"

"I do, now and forever," We recited at the same time. At that, the priest smiled.

"Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. I present to the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara's divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together.'' He declared, offering the two of us two small golden bands. Gingerly, Cecilia and I put the rings onto each other's fingers. We briefly locked eyes as we did so. I had to admit, in that dress of hers and with her own beauty, Cecilia was and is an absolute bombshell of a woman.

The rings were placed and together, we turned around and with held hands, lifted them up high. I winced slightly as the Temple broke into cheers and loud hoots. We stood together for a moment, basking in their applause before I whispered to her. "Shall we?"

She nodded. And with that, we took a step forward together, walking down the aisle and into the street outside. Flanking on both sides were guardsmen from both her and my retinue. In the Whiterun line, I recognized many old veterans of mine, dressed now in shiny Whiterun garb. At their head however was irileth, the golden horse-cloak of the city draped around her neck. She stood ramrod straight, sabre in hand. Across her and for Cecilia's guards was good ol-General Tullius, standing tall in polished armor. They nodded at each other, yelling aloud for their men to present arms. There was a flash as the guardsmen all took their swords from their scabbards and held it up high for Cecilia and I to travel under. The crowds of people that dotted the streets to watch cheered even louder at that display.

Hand in hand, Cecilia and I walked down and through the swords, smiling and waving at the crowds. As we passed by Irileth, she seemed to be smiling wildly at me, happy. But as we locked eyes, there was a visible pain. I internally sighed, feeling my own heart fall a bit before turning back, returning to smiling. Unknown to me, Cecilia frowned for a second before returning to smiling and waving. Passing through the guardsmen, they then got into formation and followed after us, their armor gleaming from the torches that dotted the street. It wasn't just torches however as there also was a veritable line of guardsmen that stood by the street, all the way up into the Cloud District. We walked in stride, waving and smiling at the crowds of people who still stayed up quite late to gawk at the wedding.

I'm quite sure that by the end of this, the entire city would have a massive hangover going on.



In terms of food, her palate wasn't particularly picky. Being raised in a more martial family, it had molded into her a healthy appreciation of a nice warm meal at the end of a long day though as a noblewoman, her meals were richer compared to a normal family. She had no idea what sort of food they would be serving for the after wedding feasts but she was looking forward to it.

Ah, marriage. The ceremony was over before she knew it. A simple exchange of vows, putting on a ring and now, they were on their way back to Dragonsreach. And so, they ascended the steps up into the Cloud District, the cheering of Whiterun's populace behind them. Then, they went through the front door and Cecilia was hit with an aroma that spoke to her instincts. Her mouth began to water as the herb-infused porky smell of roasting meet filtered through her nostrils. There, she could see two massive hogs slowly rotissering over the central firepit, attended to by diligent cooks laborously turning them over and over again. It was then she had noticed that tables had been arranged in a manner that would allow their guests to simply take what food they wanted then enjoy at their leisure.

And what food there was.

Plates of scallops, baked in garlic, butter, and cheese. Golden to the look and savoury to taste. Creamy soups, smelling of onion. Bread, in various shapes and forms but nevertheless baked well, and just looking at one, Cecilia felt that it would crunch with the right amount of pressure. Shrimp and fish, encased in a golden coat of batter and with a thick sauce to dip it into for added flavour. Whole steamed salmon, decorated with green herbs and in a plate of dark brown sauce she swore was made of oysters. Then there were the desserts,  fluffy sweet dough around a creamy custard filling. Snowberry amd Jazbay crostatas, apple pie, and so many other treats she lost count.

They didn't particularly waste time with formalities. She, Balgruuf and their family ascended to the high table, the guests were ushered to their seats and the feast began in earnest. Now, Cecilia usually ate enough to fill her hunger. But the food, it simply was encouraging her to eat more. After all, it was a wedding feast and she would only be wed once to enjoy it.

Her tongue exploded in taste with the scallops, the the butter, garlic, and cheese melting in her mouth and the scallop meat was tender to chew on. The salmon was soft and the roasts? She wiped her plate clean of it, making sure to enjoy it with the sauces that were served with it. She wasn't sure if she would be a fan of Nordic cooking, considering its reputation fo being less flashy than Breton and Cyrodiilic cuisine but just because a dish wasn't flashy didn't mean it didn't taste good.

''Enjoying the food?" Balgruuf grinned, his plate showing the remains of a thoroughly enjoyed meal. Cecilia put her fork down, swallowing the food she was chewing on before nodding.

"'Quite, it is quite hearty. Honestly, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy Nordic cuisine,'' she admitted honestly.

"Right....'' Balgruuf said, eyeing the leftover scallop shells on her plate. Cecilia whislted innocently, turning to the one of the tarts she had taken and popping it into her mouth. It was nutty, fruity, and the tart's sweetness was balanced, just as how she liked it.

"Do enjoy the desserts, I''m going to go and get down for some more roast,'' Balgruuf declared, standing up. ''Any requests?''

She cleared her throat. ''Some more...scallops, husband.''

He nodded. ''As my wife commands, I obey,'' Balgruuf said, pushing his chair back and descending into the food tables where many guests still lingered, picking clean the smorgasbord while an army of servants replaced what was picked. Cecilia watched him closely, noting that Balgruuf smiled more when talking with guests of significantly lower status and looking interested when speaking with more higher statused guests.

''Ah, marriage. I remember when it was mine,'' Wealtheow sighed, leaning to Cecilia's side. ''It was loud, boisterious, and full of drunks.''

''I remember it too. Ah, the grand chandelier was such a great stand for the men,'' laughed Jarl Heorot, clearly pleased from eating so much good food.

''I didn't know Dragonsreach had a grand chandelier,'' Cecilia said in surprise.

"That was the thing, daughter. Had.'' Heorot said, before drinking.

"Is that how most Nordic marriage feasts go?' I have yet to see propety damage and an uproar in festivities.'' Cecilia asked. Wealtheow laughed, drinking from her goblet a little before speaking.

''Quite. I hear the Orcs throw wilder parties but don't take my word for it.'' Her mother-in-law waved. She turned to Cecilia, smiling. ''You look lovely in your dress, dear. Who designed it?''

Cecilia glanced down, flushing slightly. It revealed her chest but that was the point of it, wasn't it? "My mother knows people in Imperial City. A breton there tailored this, swearing that his fashion would be the standard of all Tamriel soon. It's far too revealing for my comfort. i would rather return to my riding leathers and boots soon enough.''

''Dress or riding leathers, Balgruuf never took his eyes of you, dear. Keep it up and I will have a granchild sooner than I think,'' Wealtheow  teased, earning a nervous chuckle from Cecilia.

"Children.....'' Cecilia whispered. Would they be brown haired like her or blonde like their father? She glanced up at her husband, seeing him laugh loudly as he chatted away with guests.

''Don't worry, my dear. I'll run you through with lessons in motherhood, and the birthing. You got wide enough hips so you woun't have to worry about too much pain.'' laughed Wealtheow. Cecilia flushed, deciding to busy her attention with her tarts than enduring anymore of her mother-in-laws teasing. Not a moment too soon, Balgruuf returned and to her delight, with a plate of steaming scallops. The treat was enough to activate her appetie again.

"I bear gifts, dear wife." announced Balgruuf, putting a fresh plate near her.

''I am pleased, husband,'' Cecilia declared as she massacred the scallops delicately. Balgruuf chuckled, taking his seat next to her and wolfing down on his own plate. They ate and ate, enjoying the vertiable bounty that was before them. Eventually, good things had to end and Cecilia was too full to consider even eating. But, she swore she would try and get those scallops again, when her stomach was freer. At this point, she and Balgruuf exchanged goblets. They smiled at each other, lifting up their goblets to their lips. They made sure however to drink from the side where their partners had drank, to the delight of the guests.

''A thousand blessings and long life to Whiterun!" loudly yelled a guest. Balgruuf smiled first at her before turning to him, standing up with her goblet in hand. At that, all conversation seemed to stop as all guests saw that Balgruuf wanted to speak.

''I trust that the festivities have been to your enjoyment?'' Balgruuf said aloud. A chorus of ayes and raised goblets greeted him. He laughed, first looking again at her before back to the crowd.

''I am happy that you are all pleased. Such a feast was possible, thanks to the hardwork of all of you and most importantly, my father and his officials. For their service, I propose three cheers for doing great work!'' Balgruuf spoke loudly, to the approval of the crowd. Three cheers were given, to the delight of the Jarl.

''Three cheers once more, for my wife, Cecilia, whose presence has made it possible for you all to eat up Dragonsreach's larders!'' Balgruuf yelled out, to the laughing and cheering of the crowd. At that, Balgruuf turned to her and bent down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, to the cheering of the men and the gushing of the women. Cecilia flushed at the display, The grin he had on his face told her that his displays weren't over however as he then turned back to the crowd.

''Each guest here has brought gfits for myself and my wife. I would like to ask for your patience as I first would like to offer a gift to my wife,'' the man declared, clapping his hand to someone in particular. At that, an army of servants rushed out from...somewhere and moved the tables and chairs in the middle, to the surprise and astonishment of the guests. From the looks of her mother and father in law, they weren't expecting it as well. Balgruuf sent her a wink as he then descended the high table. From the side, men and women joined him, carrying intruments.

All watched with bated breath as the bards began to set up. The first bard began to play with his lute, filling the air with a soft tune that seemed to soothe the soul. But the lute was only the beginning as another bard began to plate into her flute, setting a gentle melody that paired well with the music. Cecilia's eyes widened as she glanced as Balgruuf took a breath and sang:

'Wise men say, only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?''

Cecilia flushed harder, her eyes locking with his. She saw nothing but pure and honest sincerity in them and his voice, his voice was deep but soft and getle. The other bards sang along, their voices sweet and their instruments sweeter.

''Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be!"'

Balgruuf then held out his hand to her. For some reason, Cecilia stood up. Her legs took her to the side and before she knew it, she was looking up at Balgruuf. Emerald green eyes still locked with bright blue ones.

"Take my hand

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you!"

Their finger touched, interlocking with pronounced gentleness. Balgruuf kiseed one of her hand softly, continuing to sing.

''Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you..."

And as he finished singing and the bards slowly stopped playing, Balgruuf leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her lips. Cecilia closed her eyes, letting herself be engulfed in the warmth of his lips.

In one of the corners, a lone dunmer watched.

Her fists balled.


"I suppose you think you were clever?'' Cecilia asked, her face buried into the pillows of their now shared bed.

"Whatever do you mean?" Balgruuf asked with a smirk, sitting on a adjacent chair with his legs crossed. Cecilia rolled her eyes as she turend on her back, sat up and tossed a pillow at him. The pillow he effortlessly catched.

"The blatant humiliation of my dignity in front of the entire city. Now, they will think I'm some lovestruck maiden seduced by singing!" Cecilia growled, her face still flushed.

"And what's wrong with that!" Balgruuf asked again, his eyebrow raised.

''I'm not a lovestruck maiden seduced by singing!" Cecilia protested. Balgruuf leaned forward, still smirking. ''Ah, but you are blushing, no?" He poitned out to her colored cheeks. "Nah, still quite a lovestruck maiden to me. You were just hiding it."

"'You are utterly insufferable, Balgruuf." Cecilia mouthed under her breath as she leaned on the bed. The blonde bastard however laughed as he stood from his chair to join her. Outside, there was still cheers and revelling going on. Cecilia could already see that song being spread far and wide. Mother would be even more insufferable and her brothers would laugh at her expense.

She bit her lip as she felt his weight press next to her. Soon, his form loomed over her, the ever present smirk still there on his face. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it?'' Balgruuf asked softly. She turned to face him, her eyebrows still furrowed. "I...I did like it. I never heard a song like that though....what I didn't like was your blatant attempt at seduction! Tell me first before you try a stunt like that!"

Her eyes widened as she felt his lips kiss her forehead. He would lie down next to her, his shirt unbottoend and letting her have a view of a quite developed...chest. She blinked, eyeing it glow softly from sweat. "Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, hm?'' He grinned. "And what's wrong with me trying to seduce you? That's the point of this, isn't it?"

She would clear her throat, turning on her side to look at the fireplace roaring in the corner. ''W-well,'' she hated how her voice cracked. ''I-i'm just saying, you ought to have a bit more class to it. I'm not some simple woman, you know!"

She would shiver, feeling his hot breath on her neck. ''I know..." Balgruuf whispered. "You are not a simple woman. You are strong..one-of-a kind. Irreplaceable, Cecilia."

At that, she rounded on top of him. She would grip his wrists, holding him down. Leaning in, her back curving as she put pressure on him. "And do you really believe that?"

Balgruuf however smiled. "I told you, Cecilia. I want this to work. I want us to get along. An ordered house is a stable house. I want our children, when we have them, to grow up in a lobing and stable household. I want them to have parents that do love each other instead of strangers simply sharing a house. I want them....I want them to grow up as normal children do, before the realities of their position come to them."

Cecilia would continue looking into Balgruuf. There they were, two strangers locked in close intimacy by the will of the divines. And now, they were going to go even closer, for the future of the city. She leaned even closer to Balgruuf, her nose almost touching his. He would look back, gaze uncompromising. Slowly, she would start to straddle him, her crotch rubbing against him. "Then...let's work to bring that family, husband."

"Where do you want me to focus most?" He would whisper. She would bite her lip, still straddling him.

"Neck. Thigs....chest.'' She would reveal. Cecilia would loudly yelp, suddenly finding herself facing the ceiling and Balgruuf. Her heart pounded in her chest as the Nord stripped himself of his upper garments, revealing a finely toned and muscled body, with scars here and there. But she did not find the scars ugly, at all. Her eyes widened as she felt Balgruuf's lips against her own, gentle and comforting. She would melt into his kiss as his fingers moved to slowly strip her off her dress. Cecilia buckled under his touch, his finger tracing and exploring her body as a ship sails through calm seas.

He would pull back from her lips, trailing his lips down onto her neck, nibbling and exhaling hot breaths against her skin. She gasped, her stomach falling down as her legs rubbed against each other. His fingers were now on her chest, rubbing and pressing against her breasts . Soft sighs and moans left her. her breathing heaved as he grabbed herm squeezing softly, sending waves of pleasure through her skin. She thought that he would fondle her more but the rat bastard simply moved on to trail his hand down, making circles around her toned stomach. She would moan more, but Balgruuf simply kissed her again, intertwining his tongue with hers.

Cecilia moaned into his kiss, her body growing hotter and hotter. Sweat poured from her and from her legs, she could feel herself getting wetter. Her legs were pressed closed but Balgruuf simply moved one of her thighs aside, rubbing and pressing it with the same delicateness he had on the rest of her body. She felt his fingers reach up, running circles around her entrance, touching her close but not quite. She lifted her hips against him, her desire clear to Balgruuf but he did not heed her, simply rubbing and teasing her, and depriving her of the touch her body was yearning for.

Cecilia pulled back from the kiss, her eyes lidded, her cheeks burning red, and her mouth panting. "Touch...me...already...."Cecilia whined. She whimpered as Balgruuf bit into her neck first, before whispering into her ear. ""Beg for it, wife. Say...please,''

Her need for touch, for the release that would come from it outweighed her personal dignity and pride. And besides, they were supposed to enjoy themselves, weren't they? Cecilia thought to herself. She wasn't a wanton harlot. This was her simply doing her duty as his wife.

She would craned her neck to him, her eyes all but begging. "Please....touch me...." she whispered. Her eyes threatened to roll back into her head as the bastard finally did so, two fingers rubbing against her outer lips. She first gasped then her mouth descended into lewd moaning as he started rubbing her there, softly and gently at first, before  he picked up the pace. Their bedroom echoed with their moaning, lewd wet sounds of love making, and Cecilia gasping for breath as Balgruuf leaned down to wrap his lips around one of her teats, sucking and licking her like a hungry infant.

She felt his mouth, hotter than fire to her soft flesh. The moans he made sent her ears to the edge. His fingers were starting to pick up the pace, making her wetter and wetter. The waves that was coursing through her was now a raging tsunami, a chaotic and deep tremor of pleasure and fire. She could feel herself at the edge, and her inner soul screamed at her for release.

Then, she felt his hands against her clit.

Her soul shrieked. The inner dam was broken, and the tsunami of pleasure swept up her inner body. Cecilia screamed, a deep pleasured moan as her entrance exploded, creaming Balgruuf's fingers. The Nord would pull his mouth out from her teats, smirking as he examined her hot and panting form below him.

With half lidded eyes, she glanced up at Balgruuf, her throat dry. "Enjoyed yourself?''  Balgruuf asked her. She would weakly slam her fist against his chest.

""Well....now it's my turn.'' Balgruuf chuckled, manoeuvring himself down between her legs. Oh Divines, he was thick, Cecilia saw his length press against her entrance. Her lips found her teeth again as Balgruuf rubbed himself against her. She would look up and for a second, she swore she saw a near feral look on her husbands face. But that did not scare her one bit.

To be perfectly frank, she found it to be absolutely hot.

Now, he leaned onto her, his body looming over her own. "I'm going to breed you...now," He whispered. Her eyes widened for a moment. B-breed? Like a stallion would do to a mare?

She would swallow something in her throat. She would turn away from his face for a second, if only to allow herself some time to recover from the humiliation before turning back to him. Gently, she would wrap her arms around his neck in a hug before whispering out.

"Breed me....please,''

Her breaths died in her throat as Balgruuf did so, slowly pushing his length into her wet cunt. Her walls expanded as his cock entered her, its hardness kissing her insides in a filthy indecent connection. It took some time before he was fully inside her but once he was, Cecilia was shaking.

Then, he reared back, and pushed into her again.

Gently, Balgruuf found his pace. Wet slick sounds of passion echoed on the bed as her husband fucked her, bred her. She whined, gasped and moaned into his ears , her hug growing tighter as her pussy was ravaged by his hard cock. She breathed and purred obscenities into Balgruuf's ear, begging him to fuck her, to make her his.

"Fuck me....husband...'' She begged, as their skin and insides slapped against each other. "Breed me....make me....yours....Give...me....children..."

That was Balgruuf's cue to go harder. And he did his part.

HIs pace was harder. He smashed into her, his arms holding her down by her wrists. Her pussy was punished by his length, hitting and kissing her walls in the right places.

"F-fuck! Ah~! Ungh~!" Cecilia moaned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. She was silenced as Balgruuf wrapped her tongue with his, raping her mouth with his kiss. She moaned into him, her body getting hotter and hotter. Her back arched, her womanhood feeling close to climax. Balgruuf pulled back, his eyes wild and look feral like a beast. His cock twitched as it railed her, telling her that he too was close.

Her legs wrapped around him, locking him in place.

Their bodies were lit afire, sweat pouring from them as they bred each other like wild animals in heat. Cecilia was a whore and Balgruuf was the wild stallion breeding her, intent to make her into a mother.

Cecilia's eyes rolled into the back of her head, her control of herself lost. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth, her cheeks red-hot. Balgruuf yelled out, bellowing, as he slammed into her.

They both screamed.

Thick and hot cum poured from Balgruuf's hot length, filling up Cecilia's insides. Cecilia came as well, her womanhood spurting out her own release.

Slowly, Balgruuf pulled out his thick length from her, a trail of her wetness on his tip. Exhausted, he collapsed on her side, breathing and gasping for breath much like hers. Cecilia released him from her leg-lock and turned to face him, going to kiss him.

Their mouths and tongues intertwined, their eyes locked as they mouth-fucked. Cecilia allowed herself some time to recover before she went ontop of Balgruuf, straddling him and his cock.

Immediately, he hardened as her folds rubbed against him.

Their passion would continue on, until they both were too exhausted to move.


But as Balgruuf and Cecilia both panted and breathed to give new life, High King Istlod's breathing and panting was taking away his.

"Torygg...." croaked Istlod. Torygg looked up from red-soaked eyes, desperately holding on to his father's aged hand.

"Yes father?'' Torygg asked through his tears.

"Rule....well...." Istlod begged.

"I shall, father! I shall!" wept Torygg. Istlod afforded his son one last smile.

"Good....now...I...go...to....Sovn...garde..."' Istlod trailed before his body went deathly still. Troygg grabbed his father's hand, fresh tears coming from his eyes. The soft hand of his wife, Elisif the Fair, wrapped around his back. Torygg would slowly let go of his father's hand as he openly wept into Elisif, who knelt next to him to embrace the grieving man.

nder her hood, Sybille Stentor sighed as she took the unwelcome duty of placing her fingers on Istlod's pulse. It was all a matter of formality however as everyone in the court knew and saw it.

Surrounded by his court and by his grieving son, High King Istlod, High King of Skyrim and Jarl of Haafingar had breathed his last.

Pulling back and nodding to the steward who, with tears in his eyes, turned to the assembled court.

"The High King is dead!'' the man yelled. ''Long live Torygg. Long live the king!""

The men and women of the court, thanes, housecarls, freedmen, and nobles all, slammed their fists against their chests.

"Long live Torygg! Long live the King!"


A/N: To be continued

NOTE 1: And so, the chapter is finally completed. I can go to sleep now. 


Tony DeWitt

Honestly I just want a Balgruff/Irelith/Cecilia pairing, it breaks my heart to see Irelith like that


It is definitely in the realm of possibility. Cecilia is a fantasy Roman after all. And you know what the Romans were like.