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Cassius Aquillon

The cool air of Whiterun Plains swept below from the high peaks and onto the lowlands below. Cassius breathed in the healthy air as the outline of the grand city came into view. It only took him a week but he was finally here, at Whiterun. He leaned down to give his horse a pat, whispering. "Come now, Imperator. We are near the city. You'll be able to rest soon."

His horse, a black stallion, snorted in acknowledgement and soon enough, the pair made their way for the city gates. It was a busy day, Cassius noted, as he saw traffic on the stone roads. Wagons full of families and their possessions, no doubt wishing to take residence in Whiterun. There too were roving patrols of guardsmen, clad in brown and yellow armor sporting thick yellowcloaks with a horse head for a symbol. Then, there too were other wagons but laden with goods. Rugs, pots full of wine or oil. Fur cloaks and hats. Perfumes and other such baubles. Dainty eyed merchants rode on the wagons with imposing bodyguards clad in steel armor went alongside them, their purpose clear to see.

Then there were the drifters, like him. Unlike the other adventurers or zealous pilgrim that seeked to visit the Temple of Kynareth in the city, he was here for a different purpose.

A fresh start.

He was drinking his sorrows away in a lonely tavern when a crier came in and made that announcement, Balgruuf of Whiterun was looking for Housecarls and those who had the strength and will were invited to Whiterun for a tournament. The winners would be thusly counted into the man's household guard.

Cassius had nothing holding him back from trying out. He had skills, he could at least use them instead of letting them rot.

He made a promise after all.

And he was going to keep it.

Soon, he arrived at the city stables that was outside the town and left Imperator there, after paying the fee for his care of course. The stablelad assured him that there was no need to fear of horse-theft as the stables was guarded pretty well. Cassius had no problem with that, seeing the guardsmen posted nearby or roving around in groups. Even then, he had no fear of Imperator actually being stolen since the horse wasn't exactly keen on other people anyway.

"I will leave you here briefly," he told the temperamental beast as it warily eyed the stablelads coming close to him. "They are here to take care of you while I am gone. Don't try to kill them will you?"

Heads swiftly snapped to him in concern. The horse once more snorted. Satisfied, Cassius left the stables and went up to ascend into Whiterun proper. The paths up, Cassius noted, was very defensible. The entrance to Whiterun was marked by different gatehouses, each becoming thicker the more one went into the city. He had no doubt that this was a very safe city that had little to worry about external attack. He had to tone down his musings however as he came into view of the final gate where guards and other men stood. Said men wore brown wool tunics with yellow-cloaks over them. Officials and toll-collectors, Cassius realized as he observed them receiving coin. He waited patiently for the line to march up and soon, it was his turn.

"Name?" the toll collector asked. Cassius then saw another man behind him with stacks of paper.

"Cassius Aquillon," he answered as he fiddled to reach for Septims in his puch.


"To prove myself worthy of becoming Lord Balgruuf's housecarl," he answered honestly. The collectors shared a look with one another before  shrugging their shoulders.

"You're the 13th man with the same purpose," remarked one of them as he scribbled down on his paper. Cassius wasn't surprised. Whiterun was a big Hold and to be a housecarl to its next Jarl was not only incredibly prestigious, it could also prove to be very profitable.

"Duration of stay?" the other toll-collector asked, clearly more work-minded than the other one.

Cassius thought of it before so it really wasn't an issue. "I am here until the tournament ends. I may intend to linger for another day or two before I leave for a different Hold. At most, a week."

The toll-collector nodded, dutifully scribbling down until he finally looked up to meet Cassius. "If you intend to stay longer, approach the Customs Office and declare your intent. If you stay longer and do not inform the Customs Office, you will be fined. Stay even longer than that and you will be questioned by the guardsmen. Do you understand?"

Cassius nodded.

"Alright. That will be fifty Septims," said the toll-collector. That was a surprisingly low amount, Cassius noted as he gave the appropriate coin to the collector. Many cities had much higher tolls to enter them. With the amount paid, he was briefly searched by one of the guards who bid him enter the city. He didn't really carry much that warranted attention though. Armor, his sword and shield, and a travelling bad filled with his other possessions. Money, he carried moderate amounts with him for day to day needs. If he needed more, he'd just go and do some odd jobs or visit the bank to withdraw from his account. He'd have to visit it soon, though. He could feel his coin purse becoming lighter.

With that in mind, he strolled into Whiterun proper and the full scale of the city dawned on him. For once, it was absolutely noisy. Merchants, hawkers, tradesmen all calling over each other to drum up trade. And trade, as in the work, was to be found aplenty. There were multitudes of shops offering services from the mundane to the specialized. He passed by a shop that sold books, the Sword and Pen, he saw its name. Then, there was crofters, blacksmiths, and fletchers. Then there those shops that offered 'services' and as he passed by them, Cassius could breathe in the scents coming in from semi-closed windows. He shook his head at the sight. Such acts felt far better when he hadn't paid someone to do it with him. At least, he was sure that he and his partners were doing it because they wanted to, not because he gave someone Septims to fake moan his name.

He left the more busy district behind him, ascending the steps to the second level of Whiterun. Cassius quickly grasped that the city was divided into three main districts as the more he went up, the quieter and more serene it became. The new district he was in now was definitely where most residents actually lived. It also looked like where its more silent services were being conducted. There was grand tree with bright pink flowers blooming in the wind as men and women gathered around it, praying. Cassius's experience quickly told him that they were supplicants of Kynareth and the nearby building was also a Temple of Kynareth. Though his patron was Akatosh, he still respected Kynareth as one of the Divines and dipped his head a little to pay his respects. He turned to the right. He passed by it, smiling at the tree before something else took his attention. There was another large crowd but they weren't supplicants to Kynareth but to a statue, a statue bearing the likeness of a banned god.

"Tiber Septim was once man, aye, but thanks to his unending determination, he became more than that!" a preacher loudly proclaimed. "He became an Emperor! A ruler! Take his example, my friends. That is the message that Tiber Septim tells us today! Do not falter, do not surrender, endure until you achieve the glory in your life! That is the ultimate example of manhood that all should follow! Long live Tiber Septim and may his memory inspire us forever!"

The supplicants, wide-eyed and zealous, rose their heads and arms in praise. "LONG LIVE TIBER SEPTIM!"

And with that, they finished what they were doing and left to continue on in their day. Some however stayed behind to gaze up at the statue. The preacher, what else he could be, was moving aloft to finish cleaning the statue but then, he saw Cassius watching the ceremony with curiosity. And so, he approached Cassius and offered him a friendly smile. "Welcome, brother. Have you come to hear about Tiber Septim, the first ruler of the Empire?"

Cassius shook his head, his mind telling him that he had business to attend to. "Oh no, I was only watching. I thought worship of Talos was banned, thanks to the Concordant."

The preacher's eyes darkened for a moment before the friendly look came back. "This is not Talos, my friend. This is Tiber Septim or rather, how we Nords see him as. He was from Skyrim after all and in Skyrim, we venerate our honored ancestors. I and the rest may not be his actual kin but he and us are Nords."

"I see..." Cassius noted. Admittedly, he and the rest were not exactly pleased to hear of the Concordant and its stipulations. While he was no Nord, he venerated the Divines and to have the damned Elves ban one of the Divines was bloody sacrilege. But it was the only way to end the war. It was either that or annihilation.

Cassius could only hope that the sacrifice was worth it.

He left the preacher behind and continued on his road, towards the high Keep that dominated the clouds. Dragonsreach truly was massive, its towers seemingly kissing the sky and its stones thick enough to withstand anything that Tamriel had to throw at it. He had heard that the keep itself was built to withstand dragon attack and it certainly looked like it could take on a dragon, the truth of it though he did not know. Fascinating as it was, he was not here to sightsee but to start a new chapter in his life.


The castle guards saw him approach and one of them held out his spear and said, "What is your purpose here, Imperial?" There was a certain steel in his tone, to be expected of guards protecting such an important place.

"For the tournament," said Cassius, "I wish to join Lord Balgruuf's ranks as a housecarl."

The guard listened then drew back his spear. "Alright. Get in and wait in the Great Hall. Don't wander around though, that's going to get you into trouble."

Cassius thanked the man as the doors to Dragonsreach was opened and inside he went. The first thing that hit him was the lack of offending smells to the senses. Oh, as much as Whiterun was filled with delights, it was still a city of a thousands and that brought with it many offending smells to the nose. Dragonsreach on the other hand had no such nasal atrocities and in fact smelt of roasting spices. He walked in and ascended some steps that lead towards a greater chamber where people had gathered. On the far end of it and below the skull of a dragon was a dais, there was a throne and on it sat an elderly Nord clad in a bright yellow and brown robe. He seemed to be the Jarl, Cassius noted, as he saw the golden crown with red and blue jewels on his head. He also saw the council of the Jarl all standing at his side but Cassius paid no head to them, instead looking at the tall and hale Nord standing at attention right at the Jarl's side.

That must be Balgruuf, Cassius thought to himself. He had heard stories of the Elfsbane, a fine raider that made the Dominion supply lines fear the sound of horses. He personally had not met the man, he was off in a different front during the war but his exploits were well circulated. And he was going to serve such a man as his Housecarl. A part of him felt undeniable excitement at the proposition but a voice told him to simmer it down. There were those that deserved this position, better men than him.

No, spoke another voice. You made a vow.

And a vow, he was going to keep.

His thoughts were silenced when the banging of drums echoed in the Great Hall. The murmurs and conversation died down as the drumming stopped. Clearing his throat, Balgruuf stepped up and all eyes in the room turned on him, Cassius included.

"Welcome," Balgruuf greeted them. His voice was much like most Nords, a certain heavy accent in his speech. "I see now before me warriors who have arrived from close and distant lands. Make no doubt, you are all fine warriors in your own right."

An appreciative mood came over the crowd, pleased at the praise. "However, those that I shall accept into my household must prove more than that. I cannot take in all of you, only a few of you. A few that have proven themselves the best through rigorous trials. I must warn you, these trials shall be dangerous and we cannot entirely guarantee your safety. But for those that succeed, you will have a reward that will last you. Lands, wealth, glory. So tell me, do you have what it takes?"

Loud enthusiastic ayes echoed in the Great Hall. From where he stood, Balgruuf grinned. "Then tomorrow morning, assemble at the Proving Grounds. It is a flat space just outside the city, you will not miss it."

The trials themselves did not really start until the next morning and so, the warriors that had gathered at Dragonsreach left for their night accommodations. Cassius found lodging at a tavern depicting a maned horse and tried to sleep. It took some time, the beds weren't exactly the most comfortable, but sleep managed to claim him.

He dreamt of blood and fire.

He dreamt of a forest, stained red and the trees surrounding them alit. He dreamt of a voice grunting in pain, and urging him to run.

He awoke in a flash, sweat around him and his lungs gasping for breath. Cassius willed himself to calm, his fingers grasping for the Akatosh pendant around his neck. Holding it seemed to calm him faster and eventually, his breathing returned to normal. Another day, another nightmare. No matter where he went, they came to him easily. No prayer, no plea, nothing could stop the corruption of his dreams. He breathed in and sighed. One way or another, he was going to have to confront his demons himself. But not now though, he had trials to win.

After a hearty breakfast, Cassius left Whiterun to assemble at the place they had been directed to. It was not hard to miss. An open field had been cleared with fenceposts surrounding it. On one side was a shaded platform with a throne and some other chairs. A field for the trials no doubt, Cassius saw. As it was still early in the morning, only a few people were actually there. Finding an appropriate place to linger, Cassius leaned on post and decided to wait until the ceremony actually started.
Cassius had expected for some peace and quiet when he felt a pair of feet approach him. He turned and found two pairs of eyes looking at him.

"You look Legion," the orc stated, eyeing him down. Cassius in turned eyed the orc back and curiously took note of the orc's right hand, or rather, the lack of it. Instead of a hand, it was a metal limb shaped like one. The orc's companion elbowed him on the shoulder. "You can say it in a less threatening way, you know," his companion chastised. Cassius looked to her, a Breton, he identified. She had short blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"I am," Cassius decided to answer their question. "Have the two of you served as well?"

"We did!" the woman said proudly. "I was stationed in the Imperial City while numpty here was with the-"

"7th Legion," the orc answered before the woman. She pouted but turned her attention back to him. "How about you?" she questioned.

For a moment, he hesitated. "I served with the Emperor," he finally said. The Orc and Breton gave him a look. "Were you important?" the Breton asked. Cassius shook his head. "No, nothing to be praised about. I was a lowly soldier."

"I have a feeling that I don't believe you," the Breton said wryly. "Come on, tell us!"

This time, it was the Orc's turn to nudge at her. "Leave the man's past be, and focus."

"Aw, you're no fun," the woman pouted at the orc once more. Clearing her throat, she turned back to him. "So, numpty and I are thinking of gathering up the Legion veterans trying out so that we can have a better chance of winning against the others. Even if some of our ranks fail to get in, we will at least have a legion representative at Balgruuf's side," she proposed. "So, what do you think? You want in?"

Cassius thought about their proposal for a moment. No doubt, they would make quite a formidable block. With their skills, organization, and discipline, their chances in getting their positions would be easier. As far as he saw, there was no downsides to their proposal. The only concern that he had however was the Orc and Breton themselves. Could he trust them?

He would have to see if they were trustworthy first, however. "I'll think about it," Cassius replied. The Orc made no reaction but the Breton visibly shrugged. "Your choice. When you change your mind, go approach Gotz or me, the finest battlemage in the entire Legion, Mira."

Cassius raised an eyebrow at the self-praise. "I'll see to that," The pair said their goodbyes and left, no doubt looking for other Legion veterans. It had occurred to Cassius that Whiterun itself was awash with them. Some of the drills and maneuvers the guards were doing looked familiar and their officers looked soldierly as well. A part of him laughed at the irony of it. Going so far to escape reminders of his past yet in the city that he wanted a fresh start in, it was awash with it.

But then again, he had no control of outside events, only his reaction to it. He was going to endure it, as much as he could. Eventually, more and more people started to file in. Not just the aspirants but also crowds of on-lookers who wished to see the events unfold as well as merchants sensing a place to drum up trade. Already, a few were setting up stalls and were inviting people to glance at their wares. A hush fell in the crowd though as a horn was blown. Heads turned as the Balgruuf and his entourage arrived. Murmurs broke out in the crowd as the Jarling took a seat on the throne. Cassius wasn't exactly adept at politics but he could feel that this was some sort of declaration to the public by sitting on that throne. He had grasped that the Jarl himself was old and Cassius heard that the man himself had already announced that he was going to be stepping down soon. Balgruuf sitting on it was the confirmation that he was due to replace him.

The warriors gathered inside the prepared field while the on-lookers and  merchants gathered out of it, their attention placed on the man seated high above them. With a nod, a Dunmer with fiery red hair stepped forward.

"Today, you will all be tested according to your skills. There are many of you but only few shall be chosen. If you think you have the skill, step forward," she proclaimed.

They all did, with a single step.

"Then let the trials begin!" roared Balgruuf.

Minutes later, Cassius found himself steeling his breath, his eyes fixed on the opponent right in front of him. He tightened his grip on his shield, practices hands already used to the weight of it. His foe on the other hand seemed to struggle with it, unused to the warrior's trade. Cassius took pity on the boy, deciding to be quick about it than humiliating him any further.

He dashed forward and used his greater weight against his foe. The boy lost his balance and let out a yelp. Cassius acted swiftly and brought his weapon down, a wooden sword, and knocked the boy out cold.

The trials had gone on for quite a while. To be frank, it was what he expected from the Nords. Having an open and public show of their martial skills and valor. They were at first divided into teams of equal numbers and were pitted against each other in rounds. As time went on, the teams dwindled in number much to the delight of the on-looking crowds. But if one expected to depend on the strength of the teams, they were mistaken. As the fights progressed, they were shuffled around. Cassius saw it as an attempt to keep them on their feet to not let their own skills go complacent but allow them to work together when the situation called for it.

His thoughts were led astray when he felt a tug at his side. "Excellent work, Grumpy!" cheered Mira, a dark brown hood over her now that they were actually in the middle of battle. "You've shown the boy what gives!"

"If you think knocking out a lad who has barely seen enough winters gives me pleasure, you are wrong." said Cassius as the unconscious lad was dragged away to the far stands where healers were present. "And I have a name, it is Cassius." he told her.

"Ooooo, we are on a first name basis now?" the Breton cooed at him. He rolled his eyes, his hand reaching for the waterskin on his belt. He brought it to his lips and a relief rolled through him as the cool water calmed his parched throat. Fighting was a thirsty business after all.

Speaking of fighting, they had just finished the round they were in. And soon, the next team would be rotated. Cassius turned one eye to look at the podium and saw Balgruuf busy conversing with the Dunmer, no doubt discussing the performance of the participants so far. Cassius considered himself a decent fighter at best but he had hoped that his performance was good enough. He hadn't been knocked out after all.

He finished drinking and returned his waterskin back to his belt. Turning back to Mira, he found the girl had also just finished drinking water and despite the hood on her, he could see the fatigue in her eyes. "Have you even slept last night?" he asked. The woman blinked, startled as she faced him. The tiredness vanished however, a certain coyness coming to her eyes. "Aw, is grumpy concerned about me now?"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't you have an orc to annoy? Where is Gotz?"

"Right here," rumbled the orc as he came from behind them. Mira and Cassius turned to see the orc approach. Compared to the both of them, he hadn't had anything major done to him other than a few bruises. He had for the occasion decided to forgo his armor, deciding to go bare naked on the top and expose his muscled form for the world to see. Mira whistled in appreciation. "Now that is what I like to see," she leered.

"Where's your armor?" Cassius asked. The orc made a non-commiting noise. "I don't need it. The Nords want a show, I'm giving them one. Besides, I stand out more with all of you lot wearing your armor."

And true enough, Cassius glanced at the crowd and found not a few women giving unchaste glances at the orc. For a moment, Cassius considered in following the orc's example as it was true it was garnering him attention. But it wasn't the right kind of attention. He glanced back to Mira to see what her position was but found the girl fiddling with the straps of her clothes. "What in Oblivion are you doing?" asked Cassius.

"Taking my top off," Mira replied nonchalantly, as if she was being asked what the weather was like or if the sky was blue.

"You're a fool," Cassius shook his head. Mira put on an offended look.

"Excuse you? You are the fool here, Cassius. In this contest, it is important to stand out to the judge," explained Mira in a strategizing tone as she fiddled with her straps. "And, this will distract my enemies as we battle. As their eyes look downward, I will send them skyward."

Cassius turned to Gotz for an explanation but the Orc was busy fiddling with his iron hand. Seeing no help from the orc, he turned back to the breton. And there she was, bare skin exposed. Thankfully however, she had something covering up her...breasts. It dawned on Cassius that he had made a mistake as he saw the coy look on Mira. "Oh? My my, is Grumpy perhaps, interested?"

Deciding that trading barbs with the woman was a waste of time, he waved her off. "Let's see how long you keep that up with the Skyrim cold biting you," he said as he marched off, a horn blowing to get their attention. He and the remaining participants knew what it was and they automatically went to their places. Once more, they changed their teams and Cassius found himself shoulder to shoulder with new faces. The acknowledged each other briefly, some Cassius was already acquainted with thanks to earlier rounds. Then, another horn was rung, signaling a new melee.  

Their new opponents Cassius saw was a fighter, a barbarian, an archer, and a knight much like him. He decided to pick on the Knight as his new team went to contest their foes. The Knight closed in on him, his intent clear as day. There was no distinguishable features on him save for one eye that did not move and a short staff he held as a spear. Cassius settled on calling him Lazy Eye. They rounded on each other, shields raised and weapons at the ready, waiting for the other one to make his move.

Cassius did it first, a probing attack to gauge his opponents strength. His opponent easily blocked it, his round shield at the ready. Cassius held his own close as Lazy Eye plunged his staff forward and struck at him. The Imperial frowned at the strength of the attack but it was nothing he hadn't faced before. He cut at Lazy Eye, forcing him on the defense. The man's advantage was his staff and by taking away his reach, all Cassius had to do was whittle him down until an opening could be made.

Lazy Eye wasn't a fool however and knew what Cassius was planning. He first dug his heels against the dirt to stabilize himself and as the Imperial was about to cut at him, he thrust his staff forward to strike at the man's sword-arm. Cassius realized his mistake when he saw Lazy Eye dig his heels and attack. Reflexes borne out of war saved him as he brought his shield up and intercepted the attack.

The air left his lungs as Lazy Eye pressed forward and thrust his shield against Cassius's chest. He nearly bit his tongue as his chest recoiled. Cassius stumbled back, Lazy Eye capitalizing on his advantage. On the defensive now, Cassius forced back the the growl of frustration in him as Lazy Eye swung at him freely. He only had to be patient and wait for an opening.

That opening came when Lazy Eye gave given in to his attacks, opting to use his staff as a club than as a spear. This was the moment he waited for and with a great cry, he dug his shield down on Lazy Eye's foot, copying what the man had done to him earlier. Lazy Eye screamed but it was cut short as Cassius swung his shield upward, smashing against the man's jaw. Cassius then sliced at the man's helm, sending him stumbling.

Before he could recover, Cassius dealt the finishing blow. He sliced at him once more, at his helm, knocking him cold. Lazy Eye crumpled onto the dirt, the mud slowly staining with blood.


Eventually, the teams had been whittled into thirteen fighters. Him, some other people he hadn't conversed yet and those two from earlier, Mira and Gotz. He would come to learn later that the Breton mage had fully used her features to her advantage. Cassius had no idea if what she did was allowed but the Nords seemed to not mind.

"You have all fought well," Balgruuf's voice echoed in the tent. Cassius stood at attention, his eyes set on the man in front of them. The remaining fighters were all gathered into one large tent behind the field and there, they found tables filled with food and drink. Wooden goblets stood ready to be filled either by mead or ale, provided for from stills available to be used. There were loaves of fine smelling bread, thick and freshly baked, with hints of sesame sprinkled on them. Then there were the usual cheeses, goat or eidar. Meats accompanied them, cuts of ham or sausage links steamed and waiting to be eaten. But the one that caught most of his attention was the roasted beef that enamored his senses with the spice and herbs used on it. Cassius sword that he could see a trickle of gravy rolling down from the beef, onto the onions and potatoes below it. They all glanced at the food then back to Balgruuf who smiled. "Enjoy the bounty, as is your reward."

And so, they all descended onto it for they were all hungry and tired. Some had been fighting on empty stomachs as they were all eager to try their luck. Cassius helped himself to the feast as well though he took cake to not let his appetite overrule his manners. As he ate, he noticed that Balgruuf and his dunmer took no bites. They simply watched them all eat.

When they all had finished relishing their meals, the air of satisfaction was palpable.

"I trust you all enjoyed the bounty?" Balgruuf asked, amused. A chorus of aye's erupted from the fighters, goblets shaking as they were raised high. "Tis but a taste of the rewards you will all get in my service. Keep doing well and you will have more than just food. You will get lands to administer and if you hold it well, it shall be yours. Wealth unimaginable, and of course, honor and glory," he regaled.

The fighters all listened attentively, their stomachs filled to the brim with fine and hearty food. They all loved what they were hearing, that was what they all wanted here after all.

"In the field which you fought, you have proved your skill in front of all Whiterun. However, your trials only have just begun," Balgruuf shifted suddenly, his voice low. From his side, the dunmer fiddled with something inside her armor and brought out a rolled scroll. Balgruuf accepted it from the Dunmer and held it out high for all to see.

"This here in my hand is a map that will instruct you on your next trial," announced the Jarling as he strode to the closest man to him and handed it. The confused Nord accepted it and with a nod from Balgruuf, opened it.

"What do you see inside?" Balgruuf asked.

"A map...of a tomb?" the Nord said aloud. Balgruuf nodded.

"Aye," he confirmed. "This is a map of Korvanjund, the hidden tomb of King Borgas, the last of Ysgramor's line. We can confirm it that he wears the Jagged Crown. For your next trial, I want you all to head into the tomb and retrieve it."

Silence descended in the tent. Cassius didn't need to be a Nord to understand that ancient Nordic tombs were incredibly dangerous. Draugr, the undead remains of Nordic warriors, and other terrible things that dwelled in the deep and dark places of the world.

"I must warn you that this is dangerous," Balgruuf continued. "There will be Draugr and other enemies that dwell in the dark. But, I have utmost confidence that you will all succeed. You are all warriors, fighters and when you come back, you will come back as Housecarls, special men and women bearing my colors and my name. This will be but the first of a long line of glories and victories that you will all achieve. Yes, I have set a great trial but there will be great rewards. The difficult the task, the sweeter the fruits you shall all taste. If you wish to back out, stay seated and you will not be dishonored nor will your exit be begrudged. But if you wish to continue, then stand where I see you and rise a legend." Balgruuf stopped and stared into the eyes of everyone in the tent.

"So, what will it be?"

For a moment, there was silence as each fighter looked and glanced at one another, unspoken questions being answered. But Cassius? He was here to serve, and serve he would do. He did not need to doubt for he knew his answer.

And without pause, he stood. Balgruuf turned to him, a smile on his face. A chair creaked as Mira stood next, then Gotz who stood tall, his arms crossed. Shortly afterwards, more and more chairs creaked as fighters stood to their full height.

Not a single one of them was left seated.


A/N: I did not like the other instance of this chapter so I went back and revised it. This is going to be a long one so sit back and relax. Apologies for the silence in the previous week. I took a break from writing since I had other worries to deal with. Now, I am back though so expect more things from me.

I will be writing on a schedule now, with long and quality updates to be done either every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ya'll deserve nothing but quality and I will write to ensure ya'll have nothing but quality.


EDIT: Finally, I finished it.

In this chapter, Cassius, Mira, and Gotz will be the frontrunners representing the rest of the housecarls. Oh, and Balgruuf is finally making moves that will pave the path to High Kingship. It's a bit early to say this but I assure you, when the Moot comes, Jarl Ballin will be dropping in his candidacy for the throne with the Jagged Crown. How it will happen?


Ya'll shall see, hueheuheehueh.

So, what do ya'll think?


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