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The shuffling of paper and the occasional sip from brown mugs echoed in the room, conversation long since gone as grim-faced men read through prepared notebooks. From behind his desk, Endarion sat patiently, his face serene as his work was reviewed by three men in dark hoods.

Finally, the silence was broken as one of the men spoke up.  

"Sterilization camps? Breeding permits?" It was a questioning statement as much as something said in an angry outburst.

Kemmar was Hammerfell's principal dignitary to Skyrim. He had dark features like the rest of his Redguard kin though he was somewhat balding and his eyes were a comfortable shade of brown. He would have been clad in what would be the Moorish inspired clothing of the Redguards but as far as Skyrim was concerned, he was still having drinks at the Blue Palace with Prince Torygg and his charming young wife. Now, he was dressed head to toe in Nordic clothes and was torn between shredding the notebook in his hand or tearing apart the source of his current strees which was seated across him looking bored of the procedings.

Wiglaf had gone to Solitude and did his job, returning three days later with a trio of disguised men. The first, a member of Istlod's court, an elderly Nord named Wulfgar Firebeard. Apparently, they were known for flaming red hair but I could see none of that as the man was old. The second one was a much younger man, an Imperial. Legate Felix Castus was one of the few high-ranking officers in Castle Dour that had authority to deal with sitautions such as handling potential informants. He was lighter skinned however and his hair was cut in the short military style that the Legion favored. Like Kemmar however, he and Wulfgar were both disguised. 

"The Dominion truly are insane if they think they can do that, considering that the Empire made them bleed for five years," Legate Felix muttered, turning the pages of the notebook. "The troop numbers here are decidedly low, not enough forces to cover all of Hammerfell. If they did so, there'd be a ratio of 2 elves for every twenty Redguards. I suppose it correlates, considering that the war in Cyrodiil sucked out most of the Dominion's strength and the Battle of the Red Ring ended the Dominion's hopes of having a offensive-capable army." 

"The Thalmor are well aware of that," Endarion answered as he leaned forward. "Hence, they have decided to resort to rather unsavory tactics such as laying waste to valuable infrastructure such as storages for food and oasis's to deprive the Redguards of basic necessities as to continue the fight. Furthermore, they are waving around paper armies as to convince you and the fighting Redguards of 'Dominion invincibility." 

"So what you are saying is, the White-Gold Concordant was a massive bluff, by the Thalmor?" Wulfgar said incredulously. 

Endarion shook his head. "In a way. The Thalmor have run out of armies to toss into the continent but there are reserves whose sole purpose is to defend the Isles until their last breath. There is also our fleets which remain in great strength."

"Even if we had continued the war, the Imperial Navy doesn't have the strength either to face the Altmer fleets," mused Legate Felix. 

"Enough with the Empire and its problems, the subject matter here is my people," seethed Kemmar. Aware of the angry image he was projecting, he took a moment to calm down before continuing though his voice still was angry. "I have many questions such as the validity of this Altmer's claims. How do we know that he isn't here to mislead us?" 

"That is why we must verify the information first," Father finally spoke out. He had been content to listen until now. "These revelations must always be given a grain of doubt. If it checks, we can see to the others." 

Kemmar grunted, glancing from the Altmer then back to the notebook in his hand. "Every fiber of my being wants me to do nothing more but hang that Altmer's head on my wall but I am willing to forward these back to my kinsmen. If they make use of it then I will find it in myself to tolerate this Altmer dog." 

"You can second that sentiment with me," Wulfgar nodded. 

"And me," mouthed Legate Felix. 

"And so does Whiterun," Father and I said at the same time. 

"Charming," deadpanned Endarion. "I understand why you would be suspicious of me and rightfully so but this paranoia is needless. I am not quite your ally but the Thalmor and I aren't certainly frolicking in the fields together. Countless mer such as myself have been crowding the Empire's refugee quarters ever since the Thalmor came and we've been screaming at you all about the rising threat growing in the Summerset Isles. I highly suggest you listen to us this time," 

"Maybe if you said things plainly instead of hiding behind pointless mental gymnastics, we would have been inclined to listen, elf," Wulfgar grunted. 

"Lathenil of Sunhold was rather plain in his language and had paid for the mass publication of the Rising Threat volumes out of his own pocket yet no one listened," Endarion said with a shrug. 

"Gentlemen," I coughed out. "We are straying from the topic." 

"Agreed," Endarion said before the others. "Amusing as it is, trading barbs with these fine fellows will not remove the Thalmor from Hammerfell nor will it unseat them from my homeland." 

"I find it distasteful to agree with this mer so I shall stop on my own volition," Kemmar said with a sigh. 

"I have a question for you, Lord Endarion," Legate Felix started. The elf faced him and bid him to ask. 

"Why haven't you approached the Empire? Why head all this way to Skyrim?" the Legate asked, a hint of offense in his voice. 

"As I have told Lord Balgruuf, that would be incredibly suicidal," said Endarion. "Cyrodiil is infested with men drinking wine paid for by Dominion gold. If I showed up there, my niece and I would wake up seeing former friends wishing to kill her and I. As for why I chose Skyrim, it is far enough from the Dominion yet close enough to Cyrodiil." 

"Speaking of your niece, where is she? You'd both be well protected in Solitude. Why not head there?" Wulfgar asked. 

Endarion smiled. "My niece and I are enjoying the hospitality of Whiterun Hold. As for not heading there ourselves, Whiterun serves our purposes well enough. It is closer to Cyrodiil than Solitude and is rather, erhm, unworthy of Thalmor attention. They would not think of searching for her and I here." 

"Do not think endorsing my Hold will win you any favours than the one you already have, High Elf," Jarl Heort said darkly. 

"Of course," Endarion replied.

At that, Wulfgar and Felix leaned back against their chairs, their expressions thoughtful. 

"If Lord Endarion wishes to stay here under the protection of Whiterun, I have no issues with it though that decision would remain with my superiors." hummed Felix. 

"There's still no one to take up Generalship in Castle Dour?" I said with a raised eyebrow. 

"No, unfortunately. Cyrodiil is still dragging their feet with it," said Legate Felix. "it is no issue however as Skyrim faces no immediate threats and experience in the Markarth Incident shows that the Nords can defend themselves." 

At that, the Nords in the room swelled in pride, including me. 

"The Nords aren't the only ones who can do that," Kemmar added, the expression on his face showing he was insulted. 

"And the Redguards as well, forgive me," apologized Legate Felix. Kemmar on the other hand rolled his eyes. Felix said nothing, clearly aware that the Empire had left the Redguards out to rot by accepting the White-Gold Concordant. The Redguards had sent Legions to assist Cyrodiil when she was under threat from the Thalmor despite the Dominion invading Hammerfell. And the Empire responded to this show of loyalty by agreeing to the Concordant and ceded territory to the Dominion. While the Empire had been all but funneling men, weapons, and funds to the Redguards via intermediaries, it still did not make the sting of the White-Gold Concordant any less. 

"Anyway," awkwardly coughed Wulfgar. "If the intention is to close the distance between Cyrodiil and Skyrim then Solitude will agree to it." 

Endarion hummed, looking quite pleased with the proceedings so far. "If all goes well, it will be the sign that like-minded mer will take that the Empire and the world of men still has yet some fight in them."

Heads snapped to the Altmer. Taking this as a moment to explain himself, the Altmer continued. "I am not the only one who is quite concerned with the bad weather forming in the Isles you know. There are others like me, good and talented mer, who have seen the corruption of our society brought upon by the Thalmor. Use the knowledge I have gifted to you well and they will be convinced that the Empire still has teeth against the Thalmor."

Father raised an eyebrow. "So what? Shall I expect hordes of Altmer exiles cropping up in my hold, High Elf?"

To that, Endarion shook his head. "You need not worry, my lord. They have their ways of vanishing. I expect the Empire will make contact with them soon, provided the information I gave will bloody the Thalmor."

"You're rather enthusiastic in breaking the noses of your own people," observed Wulfgar.

Endarion sighed. "As I have mentioned to Lord Balgruuf, they are no longer my people. They have ceased to be ever since they agreed to don the black-and-gold robes of that insane cult. I can only listen to 'Spread your Wings, Auroran Golden Eagle' so many time before I transform into a stark, staring, raving, schizophrenic."

"And what do you want after all this?" Legate Felix asked, his eyes running up and down to take a measure of the mer.

"The destruction of the Dominion, the overthrow of the Thalmor," Endarion said seriously, looking directly into Felix. "If only you knew what those monsters plan..."

"That's something we can all agree on," I spoke up after silence had fallen in the room. "The question is, now what?"

"I shall pass along this Altmer dog's whispers to my people. If it is as valuable as he claims, I shall refrain from entertaining thoughts of beheading him and hanging him as an ornament," Kemmar spoke up, revulsion coursing through his very body as he eyed Endarion. The High Elf merely smiled at him, infuriating Kemmar even more.

"I will return to the Blue Palace and inform the High King about this development. It would be best that measures would be introduced to root out Thalmor agents operating in Skyrim," mused Wulfgar. Legate Felix echoed the elderly man's sentiments.

"I agree with Wulfgar here. The Empire will be made aware of Endarion's offers and we will act accordingly," said Felix. Endarion perked up.

"A wise course of action, but I urge you to be cautious," Endarion added. "Do it discretely for if overt actions are taken, the Thalmor will take it that the Empire has realized certain members of its government aren't exactly acting to the best of its interests."

Legate Felix fixed the High Elf with a stare. "And who are these individuals?"

"Eager are you? Worry not, for I shall supply their names but as good Jarl Heorot has said, don't you wish to verify my claims? I could be some foul Thalmor agent that is seeking to mislead you pitiful men," said Endarion, his voice thick with sarcasm and contempt. Felix's expression towards him was murderous.

"Anyway," I coughed again to get them back on topic. "Let us see our work done. If you have further questions for Lord Endarion, ask away."

The men exhausted themselves of their questions and so, went off for their separate ways. The gist of it was simple. Kemmar would pass along the notebooks concerning the Redguards to his people while Felix and Wulfgar would return to Solitude. Before Kemmar left though, I approached him just as he was leaving the room.

"Lord Kemmar," I called out to him. "Would you mind if we would chat for awhile?"

I intended to speak to the man for a potential trading relationship as well as other things, of a more familial nature.

The Redguard halted, turning to me. I held my tongue a bit as I saw how exhausted the guy looked. I figured it was for the fact that he just saw the potential plans the Thalmor intended to visit upon Hammerfell. If I had seen the plots aimed at Whiterun or my old country for example, and read in detail what they intended, I too would be feeling a bit sick and plenty of pissed.

"I don't mind," said Kemmar, rubbing his head a bit. "You'll be far better conversation than that Altmer jackal. How you put up with him, I will never know."

I smiled. "You get used to it. Altmer are arrogant pricks but they don't tend to be so hot when you have them at lance-point."

Kemmar laughed, a harsh sound considering how dusty his voice was. "That is quite right. You are called Elfsbane for that same reason, correct?"

"Aye. I have plenty of stories to tell, if you would care to hear them," I offered. Kemmar cleared his throat, his laughter having strained him.

"I would be delighted to hear them, Lord Balgruuf. However, let us finish our business first then, we can discuss the proper way of beheading Altmer battlemages," said Kemmar.

Well, if he wanted to do that, I had no objection. Leading the way, we walked over to my office and strode in. I offered the Redguard wine but he refused as he was going to travel pretty soon.

"What do you wish to discuss, Lord Balgruuf?" Kemmar began, adopting a more business-like manner. Irileth, as ever, silently slinked into the shadows, watching us.

I figured how to approach this, deciding to be diplomatic about it or just get to the point seeing as Kemmar was pretty tired. I opted to be direct.

"Trade makes the world move. A trading relationship between Whiterun and the cities of Hammerfell will be mutually beneficial for the both of us. Lord Kemmar, I wish for such to happen," I started. Kemmar listened then spoke.

"I do not object to such a thing but you do realize that with my people struggling against the Thalmor, we are not in a position to pursue domestic affairs as keenly compared to before?" Kemmar pointed out.

"I am aware," I said, imagining the battlefields in Hammerfell, of how the great Alik'r Desert was hosting battling masses of gold-skinned Mer against the scions of Yokuda. "Hence my offer to you, my lord."

"Tell me of your offer then," nodded Kemmar, leaning back on his chair to listen.

"The Thalmor masters of The Summerset Isles have made it apparent that they do not wish to just be the overseers of the Dominion, but also to be the masters of Tamriel. They tried and failed to do so at Cyrodiil and thus, are now attempting to do so in your homeland," I began, reciting a half-remembered speech of one of humanity's greatest leaders in a planet, far away from me now.

"And we will not let them," growled Kemmar, a frown on his lips.

"In view of this overt threat, it is undeniable fact that Whiterun, and the Empire, should not prepare for a return to peace but for the eventual return of war. However, the White-Gold Concordant is preventing both the Empire and the Dominion from actually clubbing each other but that does not mean hostility between us is gone entirely. I have no doubt that a shadow war will begin while our leaders smile and shake hands," I said, with a little bit of disgust. I have to look like an honor-duty Nord who wishes for a good hammering after all. "This time however, the Empire will strike the first blow and Whiterun shall be the one that delivers it."

"And how do you intend to do that?" Kemmar asked, interested. I smiled.

"By arming those who wish to stand against the Thalmor, my lord," I explained. "Whiterun will commit itself to be the Arsenal of Liberty, for yours, and mine. Every Altmer that falls to a Redguard blade is also defending the rest of Tamriel. With new methods of production, Whiterun will have an excess of arms and armor available for use. Spears, swords, shields, helmets, everything and anything that a warrior might need, we have available for you."

"And what would be the price for this assistance?" Kemmar asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "We have little gold as it were, thanks to the war."

"Oh no, Whiterun is not looking for gold, my lord, we have plenty of it already," I said, surprising the Redguard. "For now, Whiterun wishes to be the first among equals in terms of goods from Hammerfell in Skyrim and a reduction of tariffs of goods coming from Whiterun."

With Hammerfell out of the Empire, the Redguards having seceded after Titus Mede essentially sold them out, there would no doubt be interruptions in terms of trade. The normal routes in sea and land either battlegrounds or territory controlled by the Dominion. By shouldering the distribution of produced goods from Hammerfell, we could essentially be the ones responsible for selling Redguard goods, luxury or otherwise to the rest of Skyrim or potentially, beyond. Technically, we are already doing that considering Whiterun is the nexus of trade for most of Skyrim. Might as well make it official.

"So, Whiterun wishes for rugs, pearls and coffee in exchange for spears and shields?" Kemmar mused. "I have no doubt it would be profitable controlling how the goods of my people are distributed to the rest of Tamriel but why should we do such a thing when we have other customers, such as the Empire's Trading Companies?"

I leaned back, my smile never leaving my face. "To answer your question, the Empire and its trading companies would be preoccupied with rebuilding, the Dominion having been meticulous in dismantling everything the Empire had. It will take quite some time for them to facilitate the transport of goods, among other things. Skyrim on the other hand has been relatively intact in terms of infrastructure and is thus, much more suited to handle trade while Cyrodiil rebuilds. And besides, if you find more issues with my offer, I'm still quite willing to negotiate, if you wish it." I ended with my offer.

Kemmar rubbed his chin. "You are perhaps aware that most of Hammerfell is currently under Dominion occupation, save for a few cities. Trade will most likely resume when the Dominion is driven out."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Whiterun can wait and besides, this is a Lend Lease and a a matter of national security. More can be done when the situation stabilizes and the Empire gets back on its feet."

The Redguard emissary looked at me. "You place a large amount of faith in the Empire."

"I do," I nodded, open honesty in my voice. Being an unabashed Romanoboo aside, the Empire has had its ups and downs but it has certainly kept Tamriel stable for most of its existence. If it fractured, I wasn't keen on having another Interregnum on my hands, not while I still lived. Furthermore, the Empire was the work of Tiber Septim or Talos. I wasn't really paying much attention but there were claims that the Empire was what also powered the Ninth Divine or some shit. Political and Economic reasons aside, if the Empire was what kept Talos being the godly being that he was, I was going to fight to keep it up.

"And why do you?" Kemmar asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. I decided to give him my honest opinion.

"Because while the Empire is certainly not perfect, it has been good to the provinces under its wing ever since Tiber Septim established it many ages ago. It has brought benefits to us all; political, economic, military and many other things. Not mentioning the sentimental value it has to me and my people,"

"I pray then, for your sake, that your faith and loyalty is rewarded, unlike my people," Kemmar sighed, bitterness in his voice. "We have fought long and hard. We even sent our own Legions to assist Cyrodiil in the south when she needed them. And instead of rushing North to help kick the elves out, that damned bastard Emperor signed the White-Gold Concordant!" 

"The Empire hasn't totally abandoned you nor your people, my lord," I pointed out. "Legion veterans, both Redguard and not, are fighting alongside your people. Even my own brother has left his wife and newborn babe to make sure that Tamriel remains a world of men, not mer. And plus, I believe that is part of gambit by Titus Mede,"

Incredulity came on his face. "A gambit?"

I nodded. "The Dominion postured and sabre-rattled, threatening to unleash its armies on Cyrodiil once more if the Empire would not sign the White-Gold Concordant. Cyrodiil at that time was utterly devastated by Dominion occupation and the Emperor had no way of knowing if the elves were speaking the truth and so, he decided to sign it but in doing so, made a gamble. If Hammerfell had fallen to the Dominion then their supposed shadow strength claims could be verified. If not, then it would show that the Dominion was bull-shitting the entire way. Without access to intel of the Dominion, that was perhaps the best way to gauge their strength."

Judging by the look on Kemmar's face, he wasn't buying it. With that, I pressed on. "The Emperor...Titus Mede the Second, he rather specializes in appearing weak only to turn the tables around. You are perhaps aware of the Battle of the Red Ring?"

He nodded slowly. "I am. The Imperial Legion had slowly surrounded the Imperial City then decimated the Dominion's forces."

"When the Dominion first approached Cyrodiil, Titus Mede made the gamble to abandon the city to wait for the other legions to arrive instead of letting the Altmer besiege the capital. He let the Elves have their way with the capital city, knowing that it would distract them and think the Empire as beaten. Meanwhile, three different legions had arrived from the Empire's provinces and with those, he marched forward with them to reclaim the capital. The Battle of the Red Ring, it went all according to his design," I regaled, recalling the theories that people had put forwarded in forums . If Titus Mede was a Roman Emperor then he was most definitely Emperor Cladius. Both men appeared weak and non-threatening, the former crafting the identity of a stuttering moron while the latter appeared as an average non-decisive man erstwhile proving themselves with their actions.

"What is the point of all this, Lord Balgruuf? To make your Emperor look better?" Kemmar asked, accusation in his voice.

"In a way," I said nonchalantly. "I would have you think about it and not take my word for it. Observe the plans within plans. As I said, the Emperor specializes in appearing weak then striking back. Look to how he acts instead of what he says and decrees."

"I will think about it, then," muttered Kemmar. "I do admit his victory at the Red Ring was brilliant."

We later continued on in our discussion, ending with Kemmar promising to forward Whiterun's offer to the rest of his people. We stood from our seats, shook hands, and he left. Silence filled my office, save for the flickering of the fireplace. I sat back on my chair, sighing. "You can come out now, Iri,"

And with that, my nightblade came out of the shadows, her red eyes glowing in the dark. It gave her a rather ominous image, what with them glowing and her neutral expression. I imagine many of her targets saw the same thing before they were slaughtered by her sabre.

"Trade deals with Hammerfell? My lord is getting ambitious," she remarked, crossing her arms.

I leaned back, folding my hands on my desk. "The power of Whiterun comes from its ability not to assemble its cavalry but on its central location as Skyrim's trade nexus. We are the most important artery in the lifeblood of Skyrim's economy and I intend to make that even more official. However, we will not stop there. With our new methods, Whiterun itself will not just be a trade nexus but a manufacturing one as well."  

My eyes darted upwards, and met Irileths' own. "There is something that we must talk about, Iri."

The Dunmer sucked in a breath, her body went still. Then, she sighed. "Is it about your marriage, Balgruuf?"

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat but I forced it down. 'For Whiterun', I whispered to myself.  

"Aye. Father was correct that I must produce an heir, and soon. It would calm his anxiety, the Court itself would breathe a sigh of relief. I am the firstborn after all and I must do my duty," I began, each word that left my mouth feeling like a thousand pin-pricks coursing through my body. "And as such, we cannot continue with what we have."

Irileth stood silently but I could see her fists tightening. For a moment, she stood motionless as she closed her eyes to take in a another breath of air. She exhaled, slowly. "We...I...I knew what I was getting into. You told me that we could not have more, that we can only have something that was temporary and fleeting. I cannot blame you nor be angry at you for that,"

My heart fell down my stomach as my nightblade opened her eyes and I saw the fresh tears trickling down her cheek. "But why...why does it hurt so much?"

I quickly stood up from my seat, rounded my desk and wrapped my hands around the crying elf. My chest felt wet as Irileth dug her face on it, sobbing quietly. I reached up a free hand and stroked her fine red hair. I said nothing, letting the both of us comfort one another in one final embrace.

Irileth and I had only been together for months at least yet I knew her for years. Would it have been better if we became lovers during the war and I had married her there? No, it would have been proper. I was her commanding officer after all. She had been a subordinate, a friend, a comrade in arms, and in Skyrim, a lover. Watching each other's backs, fighting together, and mutual attraction bought us closer together.

And now, we were going to stop that.

It was tempting to just march into the court, tell them to fuck off, and proclaim Irileth and I as official lovers but I could not afford to be selfish. I had a responsibility to my father and mother, a responsibility to my House, to Whiterun. I was going to play the long and tough road of politics and I knew I needed not just a capable partner but also someone who could bring something to the table for the benefit of Whiterun.

Irileth was all manner of competent but she was a woman with a rough past and I do not think my future subjects would stomach the idea of a former Morag Tong assassin as the lady of Whiterun nor as the High Queen of Skyrim.

I blinked as Irileth then pulled back, a free hand wiping away the tears on her face. Gone was the teary-eyed Dunmer from earlier, now a stoic face remained.

"I am not going to complain about the unfairness of life, I am not some love-sick maiden that is going to crumble simply because I did not get what I wanted. I am a nightblade, the silent death that greets your enemies in the dark," she proclaimed.

"My enemies?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

She nodded. "I've a debt to you, my lord. You saved my life and in your road to power, there will be many threats that would take yours. You will need protection and there is no one else suited for the job than me. I demand that you make me your housecarl."

I hesitated. "Even if we cannot be together anymore?"

The stoic façade she was putting up cracked slightly and the hurt she felt flickered in her eyes but she forced it down. Shaking her head, she continued to speak. "I've sworn myself to you, my life-debt is only considered paid once you deem it so. Unless...you have no further need of me?"

I quickly silenced her fears as I stood straighter. "You will continue to serve loyally and faithfully?"

She followed afterwards, her chin held high. "Loyally and faithfully, my lord."

"Then I take you as my housecarl, to serve me until I release you or death take you," I rumbled, my voice echoing in the room. The fireplace seemed to burn brighter, as if it approved of my decision.   


In the deep and dank darkness of Dragonsreach's underbelly was a room, aged and forgotten. There was a great wooden door that seemed to be ravaged by time yet looked just as strong as the day it was constructed. Inside of it was a medium-sized room that held nothing but a table, long and of light brown color.

It was bare like the room save for a single item of interest. A long blade. It was made of a dark metal and curved like an Akaviri sword. It had long been abandoned, cobwebs decorating it.

Then, it glowed. A pale and baleful red glow as it spoke directly into the mind of a black-haired Nord woman atop a horse saddle.

"Come to me...Now," it whispered. "It is..time"

Freydis bid her horse to stop, her eyes slowly turning lidded.

"Let your will be done, Dark Mistress," she whispered.


A/N: A little preview to the next chapter. This is yet unfinished as I will have to add more later on. 

EDIT 1: Here's the next addition to this chapter. Next addition will include Baltafarian discussing with his parents about who he wants to marry. 

EDIT 2: Have added more stuff for the chapter. Will continue writing more today or tomorrow.

Also my friends, heads up. As college is coming back, I might have little time to write. But worry not, I will maintain a good uploading schedule. 

EDIT 3: And so, this chapter is finished.

Basically, Mephala found herself blue-balled when Irileth and Balgruuf decided to end their relationship. Mephala has tried to influence both Balgruuf and Irileth into a way that would cascade into both of them either murdering each other or someone else but since they've decided not to, she's been rejected to see a murder. And so, she's decided to go back to her original target to go and do the funni. After all, Mephala must have her do and no mortal will escape from that.

So, what do you guys think?



This is a good time for Balgruuf to make inroads with the Hammerfell representative. While he can count on Whiterun, Windhelm, and probably Falkreath and Markath as well, there's still five other holds that will probably vote for Torygg instead. Getting a good relationship with the Redguard might sway some of the more neutral holds during the Moot.


Can’t wait for the next chapter.